INDEX Seraglio Gardens, Constantinople, 75» 82 Shakespeare, 240, 316, 401 Shechem, Samaria, 96, 103 Shellabauger, Judge, 115 Shepheard's Hotel, in Sherman, General, 185 Sherman, Life of, proves unprofit- able, 203 Sherry, Miss Margaret, trained nurse, 383 Ships: Ajax, 9; America, 32; Ben- nlngton, 250; Comet, 24, 29; Greek, 74; Hornet, 25, 28, 30; Minnehaha, 37, 41; Quaker City, 6i; Smyrniote, 23, 24; San Francisco, 41; Warramoo, 249, 262 Silver, 30 pieces, 101 Simon, the tanner, 101 "/&?/," viii Sketches, collected, 55 Smith, Roswell, 174 Smyrna Bay, 83 Smyrniotey ship, 23, 24 Smythe, Carlyle, 298, 30x3 Snowstorm, California, 8 Solomon, 100, 106 Solomon's Temple, ico, 101 South Africa, 292 Spain, Tarifa, 63, 113 Spencer family, 24 Sphinx, in, 112, 113 Staminato, 143 Standard Oil Co., 238 Stanley, 210 Statistics, 14 Steamboat, 5 Stedman, Edmund Clarence, Li- brary of American Literature, 233 Stevens, Thad., 114 Stewart, Consul, 154 Stewart, Senator, 114 Stockton, 18 Stoddard, Chas. Warren, 230 Stoker, Dick, 7 Stomach Club, viii Stormfield (Capt.), Fisitto Heaven, ^ vi, 33,168 Storms at Sea, 26, 32, 44, 52, 62 Stories: The Californian's Tale, 7; Jumping Frog, 7, 55 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 191 Stromboli sighted, 70 Suffrage, universal, 10, 28 Sumatra, Dutch settlement, 286 Sunday Closing Law, 258 Sweden, Queen Christina, 339 Swiss thoroughness, 331 Switzerland, 331 Swordfish, 31 Sydney, Commercial Banking Co., 251 Syria, 84, 86 Szczepanik's designing machine, patents on, 357 Tabor, Mount, 102 Tangier, 63 Tarifa, town in Spain, 63 Taj Mahal, 279, 300 Taylor, Bayard, death of, 147 Taylor, Fort, Key West. 49 Television, prediction of, 193 Tempest at sea, 26, 32 Temples: Acropolis, 72; Hercules, 73; Minerva, 72 Tennessee, 9 Terra del r uego, 43 Territorial Enterprise, Virginia Newspaper, 5, 9 Theme, i $30,000 Bequest, The, 336 Thomas of Md., 115 Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas, 151 Tiberius, 92, 93 Tilden, 130 Toahi, 18 Todtleben, General of Sebastopol, 81 Tomb, St. Agnes, 101 Tomb, Virgin Mary, 101 Towhead, infant island, 161 Tramp Abroad, A, 133, 150 Transvaal, South African Re- public, 294 Trappist monastery, 292 Trenton, Flagship, 154 Tribune, letters, 113 Trinity College, 26 Troy, 73 412