MARK TWAIN Do not offer a compliment and ask a favor at the same time. A compliment that is charged for is not valuable. The man who is a pessimist before 48 knows too much* if he is an optimist after it, he knows too little. On the whole it is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them. The human race consists of the dangerously insane and such as are not. The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is that you really want to say. Cheiro's prophecy fulfilled End of 1902 My cash income from my books for 1902 was $60,000 (both publishers). Cash from all sources something over #100,000. Jan. i, 1903. Saw Livy again. Am to see her five min- utes every day if she continues to improve. Feb. 2, 1903. 33d wedding anniversary. I was allowed to see Livy five minutes this morning in honor of the day. She makes but little progress toward recovery; still there is certainly some—we are sure. The time in St. Louis, in '53, age 17^ that I took the shy pretty girl from up country to Ben de Bar's theater, and had on new 6's when my number was 7, and slipped them off and couldn't get them on again, and walked 380