NOTEBOOK of the brave" moves his old friends to reveal his secret to me, a stranger. He could not resist from investing in doubtful enterprises. The next entry supports this. Jan. 9, 1902. 200 shares stock in the Booklovers Library —half to Jean and half to Clara. —Will arrive presently. Wednesday June 4. Columbia, Mo. University de- gree LL.D. He made the trip to Hannibal and to Columbia, for the degree, but this is his only note of it. For a fuller account see "Mark Twain—a Biography," Chapter CCXXI. Thursday Aug. 2. Dined at the deEste Villa, York Har- bor, Maine, guest of John Cadwalader of Philadelphia. An incident related. Chief Justice John Marshall died in Phila. in 1835, aged 80. Meeting of Bar asked for one dollar from each lawyer in America, for a monument. Dollars came in fast at first, then interest perished, with $900 collected. The trustee invested it in safe securities; reinvesting when they fell in; always investing the little dabs of interest. He died in 1880, and Mr. Cadwalader was executor of the old law- yer's will. Among a carefully kept mass of ancient papers he found everything connected with the matter (now long ago forgotten). He was able to put his hand at once upon every dollar. The $900 had grown to $45000. No one knew of this secret. At the next important meet- ing of the Bar Mr. C. rose to reveal it, but Mr. Daugherty rose at the same time. In deference to his great fame and character Mr. C. yielded the floor. D. said—C£Mr. Chair- man, there is no monument to the greatest legal light, etc., while there are monuments to inconsequential men. Before another word is uttered here we must remove this stain. 375