NOTEBOOK The Church here rests under the usual charge—an ob- structor and fighter of progress; until progress arrives, then she takes the credit. Whatever the Church damns is saved; whatever it op- poses prospers—like anti-slavery and evolution. Some of the commonest English words are not in use with us—such as 'ousemaid, 'ospital, 'otel, 'istorian. The several principles and mechanisms involved in the construction of an ant are as follows—that is a good ant, an ant that is made right: First, the antennae—so called because they are part of the ant. Butterflies have antennae, too, but that's a plagiarism. Next, the legs, six in number —one on each corner, and two in the middle. They are not all needed for general business—some are to get home on when the others have been chewed off; ants are always chewing each other's legs off, in arranging details con- nected with politics and theology. 313