NOTEBOOK Making the fire. In England they lean the poker up acainst the grate so that the end of it stands over the ccal—it makes the fire burn. You can make the fire warm up at either end or in the middle by placing the poker accordingly. After we had noticed this standing poker every morn- ing for a week when we entered the breakfast parlor, our curiosity finally prompted us to inquire. What a funny muddle the Powers (sceptered burglars) are in today, with the Sultan massacring Armenians like pies and the "Concert of the Powers" to act. (Because Russia holds all the cards.) Don?t try to pronounce an English name till some na- tive shows you how. K'koobry, etc. The common Welch name, Bzjxxllwcp, is pronounced Jackson. Chelsea, Oct. '96. In London it takes five weeks to find a house (furnished) that will suit both your convenience and your means. Five more to find a cook—not many are advertised, even in the Morning Post, where it is said they mainly go to be thought high class; and it takes the former occupant nine weeks to persuade the postmaster to respect his new address. We already had maids or maybe it would have taken eleven weeks to get them. Got a good man the first day to do odd jobs—carry up coal, black boots, scour knives, etc. He is the authorized mes- senger of the block and has to show a good character before the police authorities will appoint him. More hugging and kissing by boys and girls and young men and maids in the streets at night and parks by day! And no chaffing them by anybody. I met a couple to- night, aged 17 and 14, a dozen times, around the garden. They ought to have done the blushing, but I presently 305