MARK TWAIN would regard self-praise as unbecoming the dignity of His position. He would not have the spirit of vengeance in His heart* then it could not issue from His lips. There would not be any hell—except the one we live in from the cradle to the grave. There would not be any heaven—of the kind described in the world's Bibles. He would spend some of His eternities in trying to for- give Himself for making man unhappy when He could have made him happy with the same effort and He would spend the rest of them in studying astronomy. Cradock, Monday, June 29. Stopped off here for a day, yesterday evening, ten hours from Grahamstown, Vic- toria Hotel, in a side of the vast bare dust-blown square. Clouds of dust blowing along the powerful wind, like snow in New England on a raw March morning. Very nice and neat and comfortable hotel. Negro women can't understand English. Negro boy was ordered to bring fire and wood and build his fire. And sure enough he did bring fire on a shovel, a thing I had not seen before since I was a boy. Kimberley, July I. Went to the great crater, original Kimberley diamond mine, with Mr. Robeson, assistant en- gineer to Gardiner Williams; also to the great hoisting works of the DeBeers Consolidated Co. also to the dia- mond office and saw the day's take, £10,000 worth; also to the compound with him and Mr. Dallas and saw the natives dance. Thursday July 2. Went with Mr. and Mrs. Robeson to the No. 2 washout and saw the concentrators—each one treats 300 carloads a day and the result is three carloads of slush and stuff which goes to the pulsator and the three 302