MARK TWAIN added later: "and we did not know that it was to be her last."] By all accounts England is the home of pious cant; and cant of a most harmful sort. Gen. Sir William------told me that more than half the hospital contents all over India is syphilis; bad, very bad cases; these fine hearty young fellows come out here to defend England and Eng- land makes no provision for their natural passion—in- famously betrays them to their destruction, knowing her treachery, but afraid to go in the face of cant. Then those 70,000 young men go home and marry fresh young Eng- lish girls and transmit a heritage of disease to their chil- dren and grandchildren. Clean women subject to rigid inspection ought to be kept for these soldiers. Any other course is treachery to the soldiers. This B. L Company had a dead python landed once. A year later this ship brought one to Calcutta 200. Our Captain was instructed to see for himself that this one was alive before he accepted it. The man, a half-caste, said, yes he was alive; and opened the door of the box and gave the snake a punch with an old umbrella and asked him to show up. The snake snatched the umbrella and made a rush, and showed up on deck—forty feet long and as big as a barrel* Everybody went aloft, but the half-caste said: "There's no harm in him, he just had a feed that will last him two years; come a couple of you and take him by the tail and help me steer him into the box." Which they did without trouble. For six hours now it has been impossible to realize that this is India and the Hoogli (river). No, every few miles we see a great white columned European house standing in front of the vast levels, with a forest away back—La. planter? And the thatched groups of native houses have 280