MARK TWAIN those vast bodies of heathen—never can in the very na- ture of things. In all history, go back as far as you will no nation has ever changed its religion by persuasion, but only by compulsion—by a king's command. Kings can't do that now and so the missionary business is played out. Traitors to religion are of the same stuff as other traitors, the poorest material in the camp. And this is India! Tropical, beautiful, and just alive with villages. One everlasting stretch of naked men and boys plowing the field, but not a woman or a girl—not one! Come, let us introduce Austrian, Bavarian and French civilization, and Christianity, right away. "Where every prospect pleases and only man is vile." That described India and it also describes the average Christian. Feb. 21. Left for Lucknow about I PJM. Hot as the nation. The flat plains the color of pale dust, and the dust flying. Tiffin at two at Janpur City. No doubt all these old native grayheads remember the mutiny. Sunday, 23d. Drove with Major and Mrs. Aylmer (i6th Lancers) and Capt. and Mrs. Dallas, in the regimental drag over the whole of Colin Campbell's march, and also out to the Imam Bara. Was dined by the United Service in the ancient and elegant Chutter Munzil Palace (umbrella palace)—very large—it is the Club's Sumptuous Home. In my speech quoted what Walcott said lately in the Senate about England. Major Aylmer's native orderly, in uniform, brought the invitation, riding on a picturesquely dressed camel—a stately sight. 278