NOTEBOOK Barney is slow and not sure. Mousa is quick, and not sure. Barney was to put a glass of water on my stage table. He seemed to understand perfectly after I had ex- plained, behind the scenes, four times and pointed to the stage. What he finally did was to put a vast empty glass en the stage and a full one behind the scenes. Big concerns have a little one-horse conveyance for each clerk. Nobody walks in the hot months, Feb. 14, 4:30 P.M. Left Calcutta for Darjeeling in the official car of Mr. Barclay, Chief of Traffic. Till dark through rich vegetation. Rush, coco and bamboo. Feb. 15. Sound sleep all night. Up early refreshed. Put on double suit of flannels—bright and frosty. What a pushing spray of delicate greenery a bunch of bamboo is!! Everybody is plowing—and numerous—these villages. They are but 300 yards apart. There are dozens of them in sight all the time. In effect this is one mighty city made up of villages—a city of hundreds of miles long and broad and contains a population of from 200 to 300" millions. The biggest city I was ever in. India the Marvelous! WTiat a garden Bengal is! Heard in the smoking-room on ship that most self-complaisant of all poems—"Green- land's Icy Mountains"—"They call us to deliver their land from error's chains." The call was never made. When that hymn was written there were 1,200,000,000 of deeply religious heathen in the globe and 12,000,000 Christians—i.e. genuine, ardent Christians. It was this tail that was proposing to wag that dog. It has not wagged it. In forty million years it will not wag it. It has never made the faintest impression, missionarying, upon