NOTEBOOK In the "Girder. Region" they never had a drought; the grass is green &-d fat the year rcur.d. The grass :s vast clearing — covered, stretch after stretch, with prone and charred great trees and vast roots — little frame cot- tages c*— anc. paintisss, sp ringed accut tne distances,, a. so a sprinkling cf neat, ne;v-painted ones. Settlement was re- tarded by Maori hostilities, but peace has reigned for years* no\v, and trie tovernmsnt Baucis nsvs oeen turcwn Plenty dogs attend rny lectures. They have had a r.ght only cnce, at Omoru. At Xapier, sign up, "Dc js rcsitiveiy forbidden in the dress circle/' Tacit permission to nil ur the rest cf the house. ""Who fell in defense cf law and order against fanatic- ism and barbarism." i.e. — Patriotism. This ;s the mcst ccmica; mcnurnent in the whole earth. Try :c imagine the humorless deeps of stupidity of the idiot who com- posed that inscription — and the dullness cf the people who dcn?t see the satire. Small earthquake this morning. Not enough to shake down the church bell. In Rome along at first you are full of regrets that Michael Angelo died; but by and by you only regret that you didn't see him do it. It is often the case that a man who can't tell a He thinks that he is the best judge of one. We are all inconsistent. We are offended and resent it when people do not respect us; and yet no man, deep 261