NOTEBOOK Hare Mr. Mirk Twain— where Is :I-.s =i!id!s -r.-rls: cf the you going to ha-v? Lr/t it curi:c; h.yv £:>.!•: ilvr-y^ fcllr.vs the £sg: For instance, I tike s csckt:::! wherever I go. That dossr/: suit the British ccr.;tif-::cn. In these Gonnan forests where the British ccnftltuticn was r^rs.:, reer, according tc T«c::us, was popular. Here's luck to The Gu+r£:n -n£ ccnfu=icr, to teetctal:s2i.?9 Palrnerston Xcrth. Lectured there, Dec. 2. C-b Hotel. Memorable Hotel. Stunning Queen cf Sheba style c: barmaid, always answered the bell and then get up en her dignity and said — lighting fires, brushing clothes, beets, etc., was the chambermaid's business. Would she please tell the chambermaid: Xo answer. Exit. Why dc you answer the bell: Sign up saying landlord will not held himself responsible for baggage. Xo keys tc the door. Drunken loafers making noise downstairs. Said he had keys, but didn't knew they was going to be wanted and it would take a long time to sort them cut; hadn't any labels or numbers en them. Elderly and not very handsome woman said she'd given up her room if she'd known people was so particular. She wasn't afraid to sleep without a key. Got a key at last — midnight. Early in the morning baby began — pleasantly— didn't mind baby — then the piano, tin kettle, played by either the cat or a partially untrained artist — certainly the most extraordinary music — straight average of three right nctes to four wrong ones, but played with eager zeal and glad- ness — old, old tunes of 40 years ago, such as I heard at Timoru — and considering it was the cat — for it must have been the cat — it was really a marvelous performance. It convinces me that a cat is more intelligent than people believe, and can be taught any crime, 259