NOTEBOOK take considerable credit to himself for it. However, in Ward's office he took credit to himself for granting $2,000,000 to North, the inventor of the Justifier, when (as he said) he hadn't need to grant him a cent unless he chose; whereas, as / understand it, North took legal steps against him before he yielded. Clemens never seems to have been openly violent with Paige. Once he wrote; Paige and I always meet on effusively affectionate terms, and yet he knows, perfectly well, that if I had him in a steel trap I would shut out all human succor and watch that trap, until he died. May 13. Saturday. Room 268 (?) Kaiser Wilhelm II. Cast off at 10:15 A.M.; discharged pilot at 12:30. Only half a trip of passengers. Wednesday, May 24. Sailing along the Balearic Islands, this forenoon. Due at Genoa tomorrow night. A perfectly smooth voyage, but unspeakably tedious. I am older by ten years than I was when I left New York. The fact is, the voyage is too smooth. It was not the smooth voyage that had aged him; it was the gnawing uncertainty of his busi- ness future. The publishing firm, now conducted by a Mr. Hall, had undertaken to issue a large set of books entitled Library of American Litera- ture, edited by Edmund Clarence Stedman and to be sold by subscription. Agents were already taking orders for it, but money for its manu- facture was required faster than could be pro- vided for by the initial payments received from subscribers. Large sums of money were needed and the notes at the bank were growing, 233