NOTEBOOK nous center of intelligence—a place where the last possi- bilities of attainment in all the sciences are to be had for the seeking. Berlin is a wonderful city for that sort of opportunity. They teach everything here. I don't believe there is anything in the whole earth that you can't learn in Berlin except the German language. It is a desperate language. They think it is the language of concentration. They hitch a cattle train of words together, and vestibule it, and because there isn't a break in it from one end to the other, they think that is concentration, and they call it so. An officer gave me this word the other day, got it out of a naval handbook—"Untersecretariatsapplicant." I wrote a chapter on this language 13 years ago, and tried my level best to improve it and simplify it for these people—and this is the result—it merely concentrates the alphabet with a shovel. It hurts me to know that that chapter is not in any of their textbooks and they don't use it in the Universities. If I could get an Imperial decree it would help the reform along. But the fact is they ought to adopt our language. It is so simple and easy, whereas (here follows a long involved German sentence). But never mind about that, you are here to learn—you are here to perfect yourself in your great calling. And that is the thing to do. A half-educated physician is not valuable. He thinks he can cure every- thing. This note was evidently part of an address to medical students. We hate the critic and think him brutally and mali- ciously unjust, but he could retort with overwhelming truth: "You will feel just as I do about your book if you will take it up and read it ten years hence." Move from Kornerstrasse to Hotel Royal, Unter den 219