MARK TWAIN bling the spoils etc. are like the wolf who looked in at the door and saw the shepherds eating mutton, and said: "Oh, certainly—it's all right as long as it's you—but there'd be hell to pay if I was to do that." Adam was the author of sin, and I wish he had taken out an international copyright on it. For international copyright could have won, then. But when there came to be two men, it was too late, because there was one to oppose it, and experience shows that that fellow would have had the most influence. The old man said: "When I think of the suffering which I see around me, and how it wrings my heart; and then remember what a drop in the ocean this is, compared with the measureless Atlantics of misery which God has to see every day, my resentment is roused against those thoughtless people who are so glib to glorify God, yet never have a word of pity for him." 128