MARK TWAIN He went to Washington, ostensibly as Secre- tary to Senator Stewart, really to write Wash- ington letters for New York papers. His next notebook begins: Fame is a vapor; popularity an accident; the only earthly certainty is oblivion. Didn't drink much on that ship—was like Congress— prohibit it save in committee rooms—carry it in demi- johns and carry it out in demagogues. Acquainted with General Grant—said I was glad to see him—he said I had the advantage of him. Brief Impressions of Washington, Senators and Congressmen Washburn of 111.—gray, unshaved, fleshy a little. Fernando Wood—iron-gray hair—white moustache. Jas. Brooks—gray and spectacles. Woodward (Dem.) of Pa.—bald, specs, unshaved. Eldridge of Wis.—leading and malignant copperhead. Alison of Iowa—sack-coat, light-blue pants—looks like a village law student—plays for handsome looks—30— hands in pockets—excessively ordinary-looking man— large flat foot—light handsome brown hair—youngest- looking member—essentially ornamental—stands around where women can see him. John Buckland (0.)—large bald, never says anything —clothes ungainly on his shapeless body. Thad. Stevens—very deep eyes, sunken unshaven 114