NOTEBOOK the priests conspired against Christ, and where Judas went to receive his 30 pieces of silver—and sat under the tree whereon he hanged himself. To the south was the Plain of Ephraim and the Hill. Proceeded to the Garden of Gethsemane with its Gar- den of Flowers and 8 holy olive trees. Outside saw little lane where Judas betrayed Christ and, just above, the rock on which the disciples slept. Turned up to the left, passed St. Agnes' and Virgin Mary's tombs and ascended to top of Mount of Olives, by road which David ascended when Absalom drove him out and members of the house of Saul threw stones at him. By convent where Catholics say Jesus ascended to Heaven. To the southwest saw another hill between Olivet and Bethany where Bible says he ascended. Sept. 28. Went all through the Holy Sepulcher again. Saw the rock faces in a wall on Via Dolorosa that cried "Hosanna" when Jesus passed. Visited the Fountain of Hezekiah where David saw the mother of Solomon bathing. Went to the Pool of Bethesda again for water. Got a branch from the Cedar of Lebanon planted by Godfrey de Bouillon, first King of Jerusalem, about 1085 to 1099. Went out by the Damascus Gate, and 3 P.M. left for Ramleh—reached there at 8 P.M. or 9. Tall, handsome Crusaders' Tower. This is the Valley of Ajalon where the moon stood still. Next morning, Sept. 30, rode 3 hours in a gallop to Joppa—where timbers for Solomon's Temple were landed. Jonah sailed from here on his mission. Visited house of Simon the Tanner where Peter had the vision of unclean beasts. Napoleon took this place once. October ist, 1867. Sailed for Egypt. 101