NOTEBOOK ish law.1 Here Jacob (and I believe Abraham, Isaac, Joseph etc.) lived, and here Joshua gave the people his dying injunctions. Camped at 7 P.M. at an Arab village Lubia (Libonia of the Bible) tents behind. Slept on the ground in front of an Arab house. Lice, fleas, horses, jackasses, chickens and, worse than all, Arabs for company all night. Sept. 22. Broke camp at 2.30 A.M. and passed the Severance party in the foot of the valley—lights burning in their tents. After daylight passed somewhere in the neighborhood of Shiloh, where the Ark of Covenant rested 300 years— Ark taken to battle and lost—Eli fell and broke his neck. Jerusalem Loafed all the afternoon at the Mediterranean Hotel. We entered by the Damascus Gate, part of which is very old and part was repaired by the Crusaders. Sept. 23. Visited the Mosque of Omar. Footprint of Abraham, I suppose when he was going to sacrifice Isaac. Great rock of Abraham's sacrifice (au- thentic). Down below is a place where Mohammed shoved rock up with his head. The rock is suspended between Heaven and earth. Hole in middle which leads down to Moham- medan Hell. Souls stand there and Mohammed lifts them up by the hair of the head, so they leave a scalplock—if they lose it they will go to Hell sure. 1