NOTEBOOK English officer stepped in and the Moors chased him out and upstreet, with shoes. Clock in mosque out of order. No Moroccan clock- mender so they engaged a Portuguese. They said: "You know we permit donkeys when building to enter —we let the Portuguese take off his shoes and go in and come out as a donkey." Moorish women cover their faces with their coarse white robes—to cover their inhuman damned ugliness, no doubt. Emperor doesn't know how many wives he has— thinks it is 500. Many of the blacks are slaves to the Moors:—when they can read first chapter of Koran, can no longer be slaves;—would have been well to adopt educational test for nigger vote in America. Relation of master with female slave frees her. Hercules is the representative of a real character;— that man landed at Cadiz with his lion skin on his shoulders and big club in his hand and founded it— came here and conquered Anitus—king of this country, who lived also at the Garden of Hesperides, 70 miles down coast from here—Hercules met and killed him in these streets. These were savages who lived in little huts and ate only the natural fruits of the land. Canaanites came here when driven out by Joshua and set up a pillar on which they inscribed: We are the Canaanites, driven out of the Holy Land by the Jewish robber Joshua This inscription was seen by Roman historians within 2000 years, in these streets. 65