NOTEBOOK Friday, June 27. Sat up all night, playing dominoes in the smoking-room with the purser, and saw the sun rise—woke up Dan and the Doctor and called everybody to see it. Don't feel very bright. Sailing along through the Straits with Africa (bold, sand-spotted hills) and Spain, a good deal like it, on either hand, 13 miles apart. Water green, not blue—splendid morning, spring like. Passed close to the little heavily walled town of Tarifa, Spain; houses with pink'-tiled roofs. Those who read The Innocents Abroad will remember the character the Oracle who was always overflowing with doubtful information. We come to a note here that identifies his origin. Dr. Andrews at breakfast said: "Which side was the pillars of Hercules on?" "Both." "Some think different—Gibbon does. (The old fool had been smelling in a guide-book, and was trying to play it for old information that had been festering in his brain.) He said: "I suppose them old ancients really believed the Goddess Hercules lived there some time or other." Tangier Going through Spain or not going through Spain? What is the time to Paris? Sixty hours? Can we visit the Al- hambra, Seville, Valladolid and 50 other places? Damned glad when I knew it was too late and we couldn't go. Now as to Tangier there should be no pulling and haul- ing—we will go, I shall answer no questions and not listen to any damn fears, surmizes or anything else. Buying gloves of the seductive Spanish wench in the main street who said / knew how to put a glove on and few did—when I was tearing the worthless thing to pieces 63