MARK TWAIN mento that year—he made prayer and G. spoke while they were cutting down trees to build the town—only half a dozen houses then. He preached first sermon ever preached in Stockton—"Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." A man cleared out his bar for him— only 2 houses there. One of them Weber's—balance tents. A Mrs. McFarlanc tells him some marvelous things of her residence in the Islands: Mrs. McFarlane: "Volcanoes on Toahi—30 miles from the house—eruption began slowly at dusk—at 4 A.M. was shooting rocks and lava 400 ft. high which would then descend in a grand shower of fire to the earth— crater overflowed and molten waves and billows went boiling and surging down mountain side, just for the world like the sea—stream from l/±- to mile-and-a-half wide and hundreds of feet deep, perhaps. Over cattle- houses and across streams to the sea 63 miles distant (7 years ago) ran into sea 3 miles and boiled the fish for 20 miles around—vessels found scores of boiled fish 20 miles out—natives cooked their food there. Every evening for 7 weeks sat on the veranda half the night, gazing upon the splendid spectacle—the wonderful pyrotechnic display. The house windows were always of a bloody hue. Read newspapers every night by no other light than was af- forded by this mighty torch, 30 miles away. Crowds of visitors came from the other islands." Present King is penetrating—sound judgment—dignity —accomplished—has good sense and courage and decision —became acquainted with business by long acquaintance- ship as Minister of Interior. Prince Bill is very able man and accomplished gentleman—they have always been a wonderful family and the ablest in the land. Sea Island cotton picked every day in the year—stalks cut off every Jan.—no frost—sure crop, worth #i a pound 18