MARK TWAIN’S NOTEBOOK PREPARED FOR PUBLICATION WITH COMMENTS BY ALBERT BIGELOW PAINE HARPER <2!?* BROTHERS PUBLISHERS NEW YORK AND LONDON MCMXXXV MARK TWAIN’S NOTHliOOK Copyright, X93S> by The Mark Twain Company Printed in the United States of Amor tea All rights in this hook are reserved. No part of the book may bo reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. For information address Harper & Brothers SBCONI) K I) I T f C) N t K CONTENTS Page Foreword ix Chapter I. The River and the Mines i II. The Sandwich Islands 9 III. Honolulu 15 IV. Honolulu to San Francisco 24 V. A Grim Voyage to New York 32 VI. Beginning a Literary Epoch 55 VII. Athens, Constantinople, Ephesus 69 VIII. Syria and the Holy Land 83 IX. Supplementary Holy Land Notes 102 X. Egypt and Home iii XI. Notes, San Francisco to New York 118 XII. A Trip to Bermuda 123 XIII. Notes, Literary and Otherwise 129 XIV. Notes for a New Book 133 XV. America Again 158 XVI. Mississippi River, 1882 161 XVII. Notes, 1883 167 XVIII. The Grant Book 174 XIX. Turbulent Years 187 XX. Writing “The Yankee” 195 XXI. European Residence 215 v CONTENTS Chapter XXII. The Way to the Coast XXIII. Australia and New Zealand XXIV. Ceylon and India XXV. Leaving India XXVI. In South Africa XXVII. England XXVIII. Susy XXIX. London Days XXX. On the Continent XXXI. In Vienna XXXII. England Again XXXIII. Back in America XXXIV. Italy Again XXXV. Closing Years Index Page 244 354 269 282 292 304 3'4 330 339 37 ' 374 3«3 39 1 403 ILLUSTRATIONS Mark Twain Dictating, 1906; 21 Fifth Avenue, New York Frontispiece Notebook Invented by Mark Twain Facing page 98 Examples of Mark Twain’s Notebook Entries “ “ 256 Specimen Page of Mark Twain’s Notes “ “ 257 Vll FOREWORD A SUPERSTITION, nursed and nourished by a number of persons—most of them too young to have known Mark Twain, too perverse to accept the simple and the obvious, is that because of restrictions laid upon him by his wife, by W. D. Howells, and later by those to whose care he trusted his manuscripts, he has not been permit¬ ted to have his say. Now this is a good way from the truth. Mark Twain had his say; as much as any author could have it, thirty, forty, fifty years ago. When restricted at all it was chiefly through his own expressed wish to observe the conven¬ tions and convictions of that more orthodox, more timid and delicate (possibly more immaculate), day. It is true, as I have elsewhere freely set down, that Howells, and especially Mrs. Clemens, usually “edited” his manuscripts, and it is also true that the manuscripts profited, and never, I believe, suffered through their sug¬ gestions. His own taste was unreliable—as unreliable as that of any genius: he was likely to mistake cheap banali¬ ties for choice bits of humor, llis advisers prevailed upon him to eliminate, on occasion, and knowing this, a sus¬ picious minority, hankering for revelations, call for Mark Twain, unsuppressed, unexpurgated, unedited. The re¬ sult of such a procedure would be rather dismal: the eliminations would disturb nobody’s refined sensibilities: they would do worse: they would sadden, disenchant, and bore the reader. Some of those that got by his editors might better have been spared. Mark Twain never wrote for publication anything sa¬ lacious or suggestive or bordering on the indecent. He ix FOREWORD never wrote anything suggestive at all. What he said was straight from the shoulder. He had been a printer, a pilot, a California miner. He had fed on strong meat, lie had a robust imagination and a better command of Anglo-Saxon English than any other man of his time, but when he u let himself go,” as he did two or three times, it was for strictly private consumption. The now famous “1601” was written for the amusement of no other person than the Reverend Joseph Twichcll, of Hartford. Twichell sent it to John Hay, who had it put in type and a few copies struck off. Other editions followed. Mark 'Twain's statement that he once submitted it to an editor was one of his jokes. He had not the least desire lo present publicly anything of the sort. He had a kind of chivalry which prevented his offering to the readers of another family that which he would not wish offered to his own, A speech which he delivered to the Stomach Club in Paris, another of his excursions into the fojbidden land, was never put into type and is not likely to be. A few squibs and verses complete the tale of his tiam.gressions, if that is the word. The manuscripts printed by Mark Twain after his wife's death —What Is Man and Captain Storm field's Visit to Heaven —were neither very important nor veiy offending to the orthodox mind, though they could have been, say, twenty-five years earlier. The Mwterhms Stranger , published by Mark Twain's literary executors— his daughter and the writer of these lines.was not com¬ pleted in Mrs. Clemens' lifetime. That she would have recognized its great literary value is certain, but it con¬ tained the sort of thing which in an earlier day she had found objectionable. A good while ago I wrote a biography of Made 'Twain, In that book I drew briefly here and there upon the set of journals, diaries, or commonplace books which through a period of nearly fifty years he had kept ami, what is x FOREWORD still more remarkable, preserved. These little books are now offered in full. A man in his diary, if anywhere, can have his say. He is talking to himself—his thought and his language are strictly his own. Some of the things that Mark Twain set down in that privacy were hardly suited to the unadorned cheek of polite society in that purer pre-war day. Now all is changed. How tolerant the world has grown in a few years. A spade is no longer just a garden implement: the utterance that twenty years ago was regarded as too highly seasoned for the “general” has become its daily nourriture. In his journal, Mark Twain recorded in random phrase and fashion whatever seemed to him worth noting. Those expecting the salacious are likely to be disappointed. Those hoping for furtive indecencies are certain to be. As already suggested, Mark Twain was nothing if not frank, and he was a master of Anglo-Saxon word and phrase. He had little taste for the refinements of suggestion. In the pages that follow he pauses here and there to free his mind: politics, religion, the divine right of kings, person¬ alities, he has something to say of these. He is not always consistent—only the dull-minded are that—inconsistency being one of the chief attributes of gods. He doesn’t al¬ ways agree with the world as he finds it—its conventions and its faiths—he doesn’t always agree with himself. Tragedy, comedy, heresy—his notebooks make up the record. The entries, whatever their interest, or lack of it —are as he left them, and they bring us about as near as we shall ever get to this remarkable man, easily the most remarkable of his time. Albert Bigelow Paine xi CHAPTER I The River and the Mines In one of the final chapters of The Innocents Abroad, Mark Twain tells of a diary he once began with the new year: “When I was a boy and a confiding and a willing prey to those impossible schemes of reform which well- meaning old maids and grandmothers set for the feet of unwary youths at that season of the year. . . . Please ac¬ cept an extract:” Monday —Got up, washed, went to bed. Tuesday —Got up, washed, went to bed. The diary continued this line through the week or at least until Friday, then skipped to the next Friday, and finally to the Friday of the following month. It seems to have been abandoned then. He was discouraged, he says. “Startling events appeared to be too rare, in my career, to render a diary necessary. I still reflect with pride, however, that even at that early age I washed when I got up. That journal finished me. I never had the nerve to keep one since.” That final statement is true so far as any formal and regular diary is concerned. Mark Twain never kept a con¬ sistent, orderly journal. He was not as prosaic as that. But he was always making notes, capturing the moment —the occurrence, the theme, the purpose, the fancy that flitted through his mind: whatever came and went, if he could get hold of a notebook and pencil quickly enough, he fixed it to his page; when he couldn’t he forgot, and I MARK TWAIN was profane. It is a long record, for it covers, intermit¬ tently, about forty years. The only thing uniform about it is the form—the books he kept it in. There are between thirty and forty of them, filled with his neat, beautiful writing, smooth and graceful in the beginning, becoming angular and uncertain with age. Except for the two little black-bound river logs all are nearly of the same size and style—books to fit the pocket—buff-leather-covered dur¬ ing the early years—limp morocco later, evidently made to order, with a projecting ear or flange on each leaf, to be tom off when used, so that he might always, and quickly, find his place. This was his own idea, and my recollection is that it was patented—he was always pat¬ enting things. Sometimes he lost a notebook, but for the most part he preserved them. One wonders how he man¬ aged it—he had a gift for mislaying his belongings. 1 In writing Mark Twain—A Biography I made some use of the little river notebooks, and quoted from his own record the circumstance that led to their purchase. These things are too important, however, to be ignored here. 1 He never really lost more than two or three of them. Two were left by mistake at the Hotel Metropole, in Vienna, and turned up nineteen years later, in a New York auction-room. Charles T. Lark, attorney for the S. L. Clemens estate, saw the announcement, and obtained a catalogue of the sale. In it the statement was made that the books had been left behind when Mark Twain gave up his apartment at the Metropole, in 1898. Visiting the auction-room, Mr, Lark was shown the notebooks, with the information that a private bid of fifteen thousand dollars had been received for one of them. He also learned that the books were now claimed by a butler on a Long Island estate, nephew of the former Metropole proprietor. Mr. Lark promptly filed a claim for the two books, as property of the S. L. Clemens estate and got out a writ of replevin for them. They were seized by the sheriff just before the sale started. There followed a good deal of parleying back and forth, the nephew’s lawyer finally agreeing to compromise on payment to his client of one thousand dollars, to which Mr. Lark assented, thus obtaining the precious notebooks for their rightful owners. 2 NOTEBOOK Those little books led the long procession that would follow. He had engaged himself to learn piloting—to familiarize himself with twelve hundred miles of the Mississippi River, “cub” of the great Horace Bixby. In Life on the Mississippi he writes: “I entered upon the small enter¬ prise of learning 12 or 13 hundred miles of the great Mississippi River with the easy confidence of my time of life. If I had really known what I was about to require of my faculties I should not have had the courage to begin. I supposed that all a pilot had to do was to keep his boat in the river and I did not consider that that could be much of a trick, since it was so wide.” A day or two later the easy confidence was all gone. Bixby, asking him to repeat some of the instruction we had furnished him, found that he could remember none of it. His head was a mere jumble of “points” and “bends” and “bars” and “crossings.” “My boy,” said Mr. Bixby, “you must get a little memorandum-book and every time I tell you a thing, put it down, right away. There’s only one way to be a pilot and that is to get this entire river by heart. You have to know it just like A B C.” He probably bought the little memorandum-book at the next landing-place where such things were to be had —at Cairo, most likely, for there his first entry appears to have been made. He began with great diligence and en¬ thusiasm. The first three or four pages are crowded with confused entries, microscopic lead-pencil abbreviations, today all but illegible. Later his enthusiasm waned, or he recognized the futility of such a confusion. He systema¬ tized his entries under blue pencil headings, and wrote more legibly: Delta to head 62 [small pencil sketch of steamboat with the word “Bar,” and picture of same]. Coming up, when all the Bar is covered there is % less 2 in chute of 3 MARK TWAIN Montezuma. Shape Bar till head of towhead & main point open—then hold open to right of high trees on towhead till get close enough to go up shore of towhead. Channel out past head of towhead. Outside of Montezuma—use 6 or 8 feet more water. Shape Bar till high timber on tow head gets nearly even with low willows do. do. then hold a little open on right of low willow—run ’em close if you want to, but come out ioo yards when you get nearly to head of T. H. It means nothing definite to us—it meant little enough to him, a day after he had written it. Yet he had to store that lesson and thousands more like it safely away in his head and keep them there. That a man of Mark Twain’s tem¬ perament and easy-going nature should have persisted through all the months required to con¬ quer that great, mysterious, eternally changing river is one of the wonders of human achieve¬ ment. The next book bears date of i860—four years later, when he had been for more than two years a full-fledged pilot, with all the intricate knowl¬ edge which that fact connotes assembled in or¬ derly arrangement in his unaccountable mind. It is not a lesson that he gives us now, but a record of fact—the story of a day or a night. Of a night he writes: 4 to 6 feet bank on point below foot of Buck. Could have run Buck Island to tow head. Night—didn’t. 4 & 5 ft. bank up shore opp. Dark Corner. Had less 3 in foot of Cat I, tow-head. . . . Hove lead at head of 55—no bottom—ran no channel in 4 NOTEBOOK it. 8 ft. bank on point opp. Densford’s—or rather up shore at head of timber. ... Fall’s City came up behind us. Ran Bayou Goule—no lead. Had 3 fathoms in Glasscock’s—ran no channel— ran Diamond chute. When any water at all in lower chute, below Diamond good. All of which has but little interest today, but when one remembers the scene amid which these cryptographic memoranda were made, the rush¬ ing black river, the blind channels behind islands, often half choked with logs and un¬ certain of passage (yet one must chance them) the lonely pilot-house with its single watcher on whom the fate of the steamboat with its cargo of human lives and merchandise depended, there is a kind of tense fascination in the brief, terse, entries. Mark Twain left the river a year after that last entry was made, and after a brief, unbrilliant war experience found himself in Virginia City, Nevada, a reporter on the Territorial Enter¬ prise , the paper owned by Joseph T. Goodman. Probably it was here that he formed the habit of keeping regular notebooks, though the first to be preserved does not begin until the end of 1864, when he had followed his Virginia City experience with some months of newspaper work in San Francisco, and following some complica¬ tions there, had retired to the remoteness of James Gillis’s cabin on Jackass Hill near Tuttle- town, California. This was at the end of the year, and on New-Year’s night he makes this entry. New Year’s nieht i86<;, at Vallecito, magnificent lunar 5 MARK TWAIN rainbow—first appearing at 8 P. M.—moon at first quar¬ ter—very light drizzling rain. It was about this time that he went to Angel’s Camp, to follow pocket mining. It was not cold in January, but it rained a great deal which made mining difficult. The hotel at Angel’s Camp was not much more inviting. The food was unsatis¬ factory. Beans and coffee only for breakfast and dinner every day at the French Restaurant at Angels—bad, weak coffee. J. [Jim Gillis] told waiter he must have made a mistake—he asked for “cafe ”—this was day-before-yes¬ terday’s dish-water. Narrow escape, Jan. 25, 1865. Dark rainy night— walked to extreme edge of a cut in solid rock 30 ft. deep and while standing upon the verge for half a dozen sec¬ onds, meditating whether to proceed or not, heard a stream of water falling into the cut, and then my eyes becoming more accustomed to the darkness saw that if the last step taken had been a handbreadth longer I must have plunged into it. January 23, 1865, Angels. Rainy, stormy, beans and dish-water, for breakfast at the Frenchman’s; dish-water and beans for dinner, and both articles warmed over for supper. 24th. Rained all day—meals as before. 25th. Same as above. 26th. Rain, beans and dish-water—beefsteak for a change—no use, couldn’t bite it. 27th. Same old diet—same old weather—went out to the “pocket” claim, had to rush back. 28th. Rain and wind all day and all night. Chili-beans and dish-water three times today as usual and some kind of “slum” which the Frenchman called “hash.” Hash be damned! 6 NOTEBOOK 29th. The old, old thing. We shall have to stand the weather, but as J. says we won't stand the dish-water and beans any longer, by God. 30th. Jan.—moved to the new hotel, just opened—good fare and coffee that a Christian may drink without jeop¬ ardizing his eternal soul. Dick Stoker came over today from Tuttletown, Tuolumne Co. It was just at this time at Angel’s Camp that Mark Twain heard the story of the jumping frog and missed a big pocket of gold. The pocket mentioned the 27th. This incident has been re¬ lated elsewhere 1 but the memorandum which became the basis of the frog story belongs here. Coleman with his jumping frog—bet a stranger $50.— Stranger had no frog and C. got him one:—In the mean¬ time stranger filled C’s frog full of shot and he couldn’t jump. The stranger’s frog won. Across this pencil note he added later, in ink: Wrote this story for Artemus [Ward]—his idiot pub¬ lisher Carleton, gave it to Clapp’s Saturday Press. There is also in this book a memorandum of a story written many years later, “The Cali¬ fornian’s Tale.” The note reads: Baden, crazy, asking after his wife who had been dead 13 years—first knowledge of his being deranged. Feb. 3. Dined at the Frenchman’s in order to let Dick see how he does things. Had “Hell-fire” soup and the old regular beans and dish-water. The Frenchman has 4 kinds of soup which he furnishes to customers only on great occasions. They are popularly known among the boarders as “Hell-fire,” “General Debility,” “Insanity” 1 Mark Twain—A Biography, pp. 272-273. 7 MARK TWAIN and “Sudden Death,” but it is not possible to describe them. . . , , , , Feb. 6. Man in San Francisco jumped lot and built house on it; propped on low pins. Hogs used to congre¬ gate under it and grunt all night. Man bored holes in the floor and his wife poured hot water through—hogs strug¬ gling to get out hauled the house down the hill on their backs and the lot was rejumped by its proper owner early in the morning. Feb. 25, 1865. Left Angels with Jim and Dick and walked over the mountain to Jack-ass in a snowstorm, the first I ever saw in California. The view from the moun¬ tain tops was beautiful. 8 CHAPTER-II The Sandwich Islands It was about this time that a new passenger steamer, the Ajax, built for the San Francisco- Sandwich Island trade, made its initial trip. Mark Twain was invited to go, as guest of the line, but, because of the daily letter which he contributed to his old paper, the Enterprise , of Virginia City, declined. By the time the Ajax was ready to sail again lie had arranged to go on it, as special correspondent for the Union , of Sacramento, “to ransack the islands, the cata¬ racts and volcanoes completely, and write twenty or thirty letters,” as he joyously announced in a letter to his mother, then in St. Louis. He began a new notebook and wrote in it: From San Francisco to the Hawaiian Islands per Steamer Ajax, Nov. 7th 1866. At sea, Mar. 9, Just read letters from home which should have been read before leaving San Francisco. Accounts of oil on the Tenn. land, and that brother of mine [Orion Clemens] with his eternal cant about law and religion getting ready, in his slow stupid way, to go to Excelsior instead of the States; he sent me some prayers as usual. Mar. 10. We are making about 200 miles a day. Got some sail on, yesterday morning, for first time, and in afternoon crowded everything on. Sea gulls chase, but no catch. 9 MARK TWAIN Three or four of the seasick passengers came to lunch at noon and several of the ladies are able to dress and sit up. Capt. reports 325 miles made in past 24 hours. Found an old acquaintance today; never been any¬ where yet that I didn’t find an acquaintance. Nearly everybody out to breakfast this morning; there’s not more than half dozen sick now. He began to pick up some information con¬ cerning the Islands. S. Islanders never intended to work. Worse ofl* now with all the religions than ever before. Dying off fast. First white landed there was a curse to them. Whalers like Kanakas better than any other sailors— temperate, strong, faithful, peaceable and orderly. King always refused to sign constitution—lie altered one clause of it from universal suffrage to property quali¬ fication, and when they tried to force him and threatened the straits would run blood he bade them good morning, and conference was ended. House of Nobles appointed by King, and Lower House elective. Under universal suffrage missionaries used to vote their flocks for certain man and then sit at home and control him. One member (missionary’s son) said out loud in open House he controlled n votes (a majority) in the House. King not married, well educated and a gentleman. Has a father and sister living, and will appoint successor. Country will eventually pass into hands of foreigners, probably French. nth. Fine day, good N.E. breeze. Fore spencer—fore topsail—fore to’-gallant sail—lower stu’nsail and fore-top stun’sail—jib and flying jib—main spencer—gaff top-sail —all canvas set. But it was just at this point that he lost his 10 NOTEBOOK notebook. We know that this is so, for he began another, setting down whatever he could re¬ member of the vanished record. It requires no gift to imagine him clawing over his stateroom, looking for the missing memoranda, swearing fervently meanwhile—settling down at last to a grim acceptance of his loss, scowling and fuming as with more or less success he recalled his orig¬ inal entries. A memory of the weather and sea¬ sickness was about all that remained. Very likely he suspected that his notes had been appropri¬ ated, for in the new book he writes on the inner cover, in a bold defiant hand MARK TWAIN. 12th. Monday. Very rough and rainy all forenoon— foresail shredded last night. Rough weather on this route 7 to 8 months of year— Spring, Fall and Winter—Other 4 months beautiful weather. Grown white men and women, handsome and well edu¬ cated born in Hawaii. Lauai has Mormon establishment—claim 5000 converts —King won’t let them practice polygamy, though. Missionary denominations are four—American, Epis¬ copalian, Catholic and Mormon. He was a long way from the islands, yet, but was in daily association with a passenger named Brown, who made his home there. There is no mention in the diary of “the Old Admiral” a retired whaleman—a “roaring terrific combina¬ tion of wind and lightning and thunder,” de¬ scribed in the Sandwich Island chapters of Roughing It, so we may assume that he was a figment of Mark Twain’s rough and ready—his roughest and readiest—imagination, but in the quiet passenger “Williams,” who routed the Ad- 11 MARK TWAIN miral in argument, destroyed him with his own guns, it is easy to recognize Brown. We can imagine him sitting with Brown through long afternoons, smoking and drowsily talking, looking out over stretches of sea that be¬ come more inviting and mysterious as the storms of the northern latitudes are left behind. The captain and others would join them, no doubt. Mark Twain was a name already well known along the Pacific slope, and known or not, his personality was a magnet that never failed to attract company. As the notes continue it is easy to see that he was falling in love with Hawaii a good while before he reached it. Hawaiians indolent and no tenacity of life—no vitality. On the least possible excuse will lie down and die. Tremendous solitudes of the Pacific—a lonely sea— no land in sight for io days, and never a solitary ship in sight. He seems to have begun to make maxims about this time, a habit that would grow on him in later years. Never refuse to do a kindness unless the act would work great injury to yourself, and never refuse to take a drink—under any circumstances. Rise early. It is the early bird that catches the worm. Don’t be fooled by this absurd saw; I once knew a man who tried it. He got up at sunrise and a horse bit him. But the rough weather was not all gone. March 12, Monday. Roughest night of the voyage, last night—ship rolled heavily. Still rougher this morning till 11 o’clock when course was altered to west, which eased 12 NOTEBOOK her up considerably. Settee fetched away at breakfast and precipitated four heavy men on their backs. Next day old travelers were telling yarns of the force of the water, one or two of which he sets down. Then adds, on his own account. Water taken in moderation cannot hurt anybody. Mar. 13, Tuesday. Very rough again all night—had head winds and had to take in all sails—made poor run -.-weather fine this morning, but still head winds and there being not a rag of canvas on to steady the ship she rolls disagreeably, though the sea is not rough. 14th,- Wednesday. Good weather. I have suffered from something like mumps for past 2 days. 15th, Thursday. Dress by the latitude and longitude —Capt. and chief eng. came out in full summer rig today because by the sextant we are in lat. 26 though the weather doesn’t justify. 15th, Thursday. Mumps—mumps—mumps—it was so decided today—a damned disease that children have. I suppose I am to take a new disease to the Islands and depopulate them, as all white men have done, heretofore. In Honolulu you can treat a Kanaka as much as you please, but he cannot treat you. No one is allowed to sell liquor to the natives and an infraction of this law is visited with a heavy penalty. It is evaded by using back doors, as is the custom in civilized countries. It is not lawful to hire out a horse or vehicle on Sun¬ day —all such preparations must be made the day before. This and the liquor law show where Hawaii’s system of laws originated (with missionaries) and how firm they hold and how powerful a supremacy these people have gained by their 46 years of breeding and training voters, and clannish law-makers, among their own ever increas¬ ing descendants. 16th March, Friday. They say we shall be in sight of 13 MARK TWAIN land tomorrow, at noon. Good weather and a smooth sea for the past two days. Dennis the hog was killed yester¬ day and served up for breakfast this morning. The water begins to taste of the casks. Brown’s boots are all one-sided with bracing to the lurching of the ship, and his nose is skinned. Thinks he will have cause of action against the company yet. Pas¬ sengers all venir pour me voir. 160 miles from Honolulu at noon. He steadily picks up statistics about the Island which would be useful in his articles later; also some political and social phases of the life there. King strongly favors English, on account of attention shown him in England and the reverse shown him in the U. S. (Virginia planter said wouldn’t sit at table with a nigger) and favors all foreigners much more than Ameri¬ cans—so, Americans are at a discount in Honolulu, and possess small influence—on which account, and to curry favor, no foreigner will buy anything of an American which he can get of an Englishman. All money in hands of foreigners circulates among foreigners, pretty exclu¬ sively, and on the other hand Americans who have any spirit retaliate by dealing with Americans, pretty exclu¬ sively. The American Hotel is kept by a Dutchman. Ten Americans there to one foreigner, but the influence plays the devil, nevertheless. All English men-of-war foster this partiality of the King by flattering him and showing him royal honors and attention. 14 CHAPTER III Honolulu Arrived at noon Sunday—fired gun—19 days and 6 hrs. out—Could have got in last night, just after dark. Channel very narrow but straight—well buoyed—not wide enough for 2 ships at once—hardly. Custom House boat came off with flag. McIntyre, pilot, old burly, gray-headed scout. King sat in 2-horse buggy alone on wharf—big whisk¬ ers—old leather complexion—broad gold band on plug hat—band of gold around lapels of coat. No —King’s driver—speculation wrong. Crowd 4 or 500. Sunday’s stillness—natives sitting in shade of houses on the ground. People here smoke Manila cigars and drink everything. Long street, darkest in the world, down to the Esplanade —width 3 buggies abreast—couldn’t get out of it, and so found my way. Found Rev. Mr. Rising there. [An old San Francisco friend.] Hotels gouge Californians—charge sailing passengers $8 a week for board, but steamer passengers ten. Charley Richards keeps a tremendous spider and two lizards for pets. I would like to sleep with him if he .would get a couple of snakes or so. Honolulu hospitality. Richards said: “Come in—sit down—take off your coat and boots—take a drink. Here is a pass-key to the liquor and cigar cupboard—put it in *5 MARK TWAIN your pocket—” 2 doors to his house—stand wide open night and day from Jan. till Jan.—no locks on them— march in whenever you feel like it—take as many drinks and cigars as you want and make yourself at home. 13 letters in Hawaiian alphabet—each a distinct sound —3 vowels together sometimes, but each an independent sound—no trouble to learn to pronounce. Have a large lexicon and a small phrase book. King sitting on barrel on wharf fishing. King showed Asa Nudd greater attention than he ever showed foreign civilian before—in return for his hospi¬ tality in California. Couldn’t understand the bear-skin mats on floors— whalers bring them. French got possession of the Society [Islands] and more recently the Marquesas, by means of Romish clergy. They sent priests here—King said his people had been rescued from idolatry—wouldn’t have any more of it— sent them away. Man-of-war brought another priest, dis¬ guised as merchant—found out—ordered away—ships threatened to burn the town—allowed to remain under protest—ship brought back the banished priests from Mexico—one is now bishop here and lives in palace. We all know how France would regard treaty if she could once get possession. Mark Twain immediately fell in love with Hawaii and remained in love with it his life long. It becomes evident in his notes. “No careworn or eager, anxious faces in the land of happy contentment—God, what a contrast with Cali¬ fornia and Washoe. Everybody walks at a moderate gait but, to speak strictly, they mostly ride. “O, islands there are on the face of the deep, Where the leaves never fade and the skies never weep.” NOTEBOOK In Roughing It he says: In place of the grand mud-colored brown fronts of San Fran¬ cisco, I saw dwellings built of straw, adobes, and cream-colored pebble-and-shell-conglomerated coral, cut into oblong blocks and laid in cement; also a great number of neat white cottages, with green window-shutters; in place of front yards like billiard- tables with iron fences around them, I saw these homes sur¬ rounded by ample yards, thickly clad with green grass, and shaded by tall trees, through whose dense foliage the sun could scarcely penetrate; in place of the customary geranium, calla lily, &c., languishing in dust and general debility, I saw luxurious banks and thickets of flowers, as fresh as a meadow after a rain, glowing with the richest dyes; ... in place of the Golden City’s skirting sandhills and placid bay, I saw on the one side a framework of tall precipitous mountains close at hand, clad in refreshing green, and cleft by deep, cool chasm-like valleys; and in front the grand sweep of the ocean: a brilliant, transparent green near the shore, bound and bordered by a long white line of foamy spray dashing along the reef, and farther out the dead blue water of the deep sea, flecked with white-caps, and in the far horizon a single lonely sail—a mere accent mark to empha¬ size a slumberous calm and a solitude that were without sound or limit. When the sunk sank down—the one intruder from other realms and persistent in suggestions of them—it was tranced luxury to sit in the perfumed air and forget that there was any world but these enchanted islands. Went home with Mr. Damon, to his cool, vine-shaded home —you bet. This house and chapel where he preaches were built by Seamen’s Friends Society of New York 1833—Rev. John Diell here till ’40—died of consumption on way home, off Cape Horn, ’41. Damon arrived Fall of ’42, been here ever since, except visit home, of a year, and to California in ’49. He and Gwynn made their debut in California at the same time and both officiated at 4th of July in Sacra- 17 MARK TWAIN mento that year—he made prayer and G. spoke while they were cutting down trees to build the town—only half a dozen houses then. He preached first sermon ever preached in Stockton—“Whatsoever a man sowctli that shall he also reap.” A man cleared out his bar for him— only 2 houses there. One of them Weber's—balance tents. A Mrs. McFarlanc tells him some marvelous things of her residence in the Islands: Mrs. McFarlanc: “Volcanoes on Toahi—30 miles from the house—eruption began slowly at dusk—at 4 A.M. was shooting rocks and lava 400 ft. high which would then descend in a grand shower of fire to the earth— crater overflowed and molten waves and billows went boiling and surging down mountain side, just for the world like the sea—stream from l />- to mile-and-a-half wide and hundreds of feet deep, perhaps. Over cattle- houses and across streams to the sea 63 miles distant (7 years ago) ran into sea 3 miles and boiled the fish for 20 miles around—vessels found scores of boiled fish 20 miles out—natives cooked their food there. Every evening for 7 weeks sat on the veranda half the night, gazing upon the splendid spectacle—the wonderful pyrotechnic display. The house windows were always of a bloody hue. Read newspapers every night by no other light than was af¬ forded by this mighty torch, 30 miles away. Crowds of visitors came from the other islands.” Present King is penetrating—sound judgment—dignity —accomplished—has good sense and courage and decision —became acquainted with business by long acquaintance¬ ship as Minister of Interior. Prince Bill is very able man and accomplished gentleman—they have always been a wonderful family and the ablest in the land. Sea Island cotton picked every day in the year—stalks cut off every Jan.—no frost—sure crop, worth #1 a pound 18 NOTEBOOK n Liverpool or Havre—worth any price—adulterate silk £oods with it. 1000 acres this land in bend of head of this sland worth $2 to $20 an acre. Raised 30000 lbs. last fear—will raise 50000 this. All that is needed is labor— ndustry—natives won’t pick it every day—lazy and shift- ess. Girls here have good home faces. Found the purser looking at naked women fishing, :hrough spyglass. He became too busy, apparently, to make elaborate notes; 1 or 2 lines was the best he could do. Just a word, or a line, trusting to God and his memory when the time came to write about it. Boys and girls in swimming. Eating raw fish and poi. Hoola hoola dance. Heated term. $65 income entitles to vote. Old battleground. The Salt Lake. Fish ponds. Coral reefs. Another old battleground. It is a modernistic poem. Evidences of remote antiquity. Fondness for tobacco but not whiskey—laws against it. Church law against smoking. And Sharon waves in silent praise Her sacred groves of palms. Wailing for the sick. Hawaii a half-way house on the Pacific highway. Natives pay to get their poetry printed. 19 MARK TWAIN Heated term but there arc few flics in my room or hotel. Mosquitoes. 2 kinds—day and night. Have to take out a license (#10) to have the Hula Hula dance performed, and then if the girls dress for it in the usual manner—that is, with no clothing worth men¬ tioning—it must be conducted in strict privacy. A larkspur planted alongside any shrub here will pro¬ tect the same from the prevailing blight. The King ought to be grateful to the missionaries be¬ cause during all the years that the English and French were making trouble and creating complications and try¬ ing to get an excuse to seize the islands the wise councils of these men saved ICamchamehas II, III, and perhaps V from making any false step. Mrs. McFarlane thought I was drunk because I talked so long. No word to express gratitude—can but lamely express virtue of any kind—prolific in epithets to express every degree of and shade of vice and crime. No word to ex¬ press farewell or good-bye. Wail for joy and for sorrow with the same noise. Wash clothes well, but beat them all to pieces. Takes one a good while to cramp and crowd and screw and diminish himself down to a conception of the small¬ ness of this island—this kingdom. One rides 6 or 8 miles in any direction and here is the ocean bursting upon his view—seems as if he never will get the damned island trimmed down as small as it really is. Soft voice of native girls—liquid, free, joyous laughter. Kanakas will have horses and saddles and the women will fornicate—two strong characteristics of this people. He seems to have been attacked by the general indolence of the islands, a condition which they call there the “boo-hoo” fever. He defines it: 20 NOTEBOOK Boohoo—feebleness, lassitude, indifference, no appe¬ tite, slight nausea, head and neck-ache, achy all over. [It sounds like malaria.] Kammy’s bones hidden at his own request to keep them from making fish hooks of them—a superstition that hooks made of bones of a great chief would concentrate the fish. Singing of natives very rich and soft—has no sound of S in it. Well enough for old folks to rise early, because they have done so many mean things all their lives they can’t sleep anyhow. No native beggars. More missionaries and more row made about saving these 60000 people than would take to convert hell itself. Americans have given religious freedom, education, written language and Bible—England and France have given insults. Here he finds the lost notebook and starts in anew. July 3, 1866. Saw star tonight on which counted 12 distinct and flaming points—very large star—shone with such a pure, rich, diamond lustre—lustrous on a field of dead solid black—no stars very close—where I sat saw no other. Moonlight here is fine but nowhere so fine as Washoe. All stars shine pure and bright here. July 4, 1866, Honolulu. Went to ball 8:30 P.M.— danced till 12:30—went home with M.C.—stopped at Gen. Van Valkenbergh’s room and talked with him and Mr. Burlingame, Col. Rumsey and Ed. Burlingame, until 3 A.M. That is to say, Anson Burlingame, Minister to China, General Van Valkenburg, Minister to 21 MARK TWAIN Japan, Colonel Rumsey, attache and Edward L. Burlingame, later for many years editor of Scrib¬ ner’s Magazine , then a charming boy of eighteen. Anson Burlingame definitely influenced Mark Twain’s future. His example, and his advice to associate with persons of superior intellect were timed to the exact moment when they would do the most good. But the story of all this has been told elsewhere. 1 Brown calls his horse Halcakala—extinct volcano, be¬ cause if ever been any fire in him all gone out before he came across him. If a man ask thee to go with him a mile, go with him, Twain—(Honolulu joke by Kd. Burlingame). Which entry refers to a morning when young Burlingame called and proposed a walk. When Mark Twain objected the young man declared there was a Scriptural command covering the case. Clemens answered that if he could quote one he’d obey it, which the other promptly did, as above. This joke, often attributed to other sources, had its origin here. D’n Kanakas ride along with you—walk when you walk, gallop when you gallop—trot when you trot— never say a word—perfect shadows. If you cut a shark in two you die—a man who was to fish on shares had to cut a shark in 2—said that 20 years ago he would have been afraid—would have died—now believes in “hoola” doctrine. Still he got a little sick, and all the natives came and said: It’s because you cut the shark? At last he said it was , and died. “Honolulu, July 18, ’66. I got my passport from the Royal damned Hawaiian collector of customs and paid a 1 Mark Twain—a Biography , chapter LIIT, pp. 2#5-288. 22 NOTEBOOK dollar for it, and tomorrow we sail for America in good ship Smyrniote ; we love it, Master,—and I have got a devilish saddle boil to sit on for the first 2 weeks at sea.” The Smyrniote was a sailing-vessel altogether at the mercy of the winds. M. T. had been in the Islands exactly four months, an experience that all his life he loved to remember and hoped to repeat. All small villages are gossipy, but Honolulu heads them a little. They let me off comparatively easy, though I don’t thank them for it because it argues that I wasn’t worth the trouble of blackguarding. They only accused me of murder, arson, highway robbery and some other little eccentricities, but I knew nothing of it till the day I started. The missionary (I should say preacher) feature of insincerity and hypocrisy makes the atmosphere of the place. A woman who keeps a dog won’t do, as a general thing. 2 3 CHAPTER IV Honolulu to San Francisco Honolulu, July 19, 1866; the Comet, with Howard and Mrs. Spencer and Nellie and Katie on board, left at 2 P.M. with a great firing of cannon and went to wind¬ ward (unusual)—we left peaceably in the Smyrniote at 4:30 P.M. (Comet out of sight) and went in same direc¬ tion. Now we shall see who beats to San Francisco. Made no miles up to noon of Friday 20th, but were then only 10 miles from Oahu, having gone dear around the island. On 21st made 179 miles. Tuesday, July 24, had calm several times. Are we never to make any longitude, the Trades arc weakening—it is time we struck the China winds about midnight—say in lat. 36. Wednesday, 25th, 3 P.M. We are abreast of San Fran¬ cisco, but 1700 miles at sea. When will the wind change. 25th July, lat. 29 N. I was genuinely glad this evening to welcome the first twilight I have seen in 6 years. No twilight in the Islands, California or Washoe. Minister to ship captain who is complaining of desert¬ ing sailors: “Don’t swear captain, that won’t mend the matter.” Captain: “Brother Damon, it’s all very well for you to say, don’t swear, and it’s all right too—I don’t say anything against it—-but don’t you know that if you should ship a crew of sailors for Heaven and were to stop at Hell 2)4 hrs. for provisions, some damned son-of-a- gun would run away.” 24 NOTEBOOK Friday, 27. “Caught 2 goneys.—They are all the same size—they measure 7 ft- 1 in. from tip to tip of wings— They made a wooden clog fast to one and let him go— a pitiful advantage for ‘Godlike’ man to take of a helpless bird. The bird looked reproachfully upon them with his great human eyes while they did him this wrong.” Across the years one’s heart aches for that tortured bird. King of S. I. is a heathen—an old sorceress has him under her thumb—picks out the fish he may eat—tells him in what house he may sleep, etc., accompanies him in all his excursions. He was educated in a Christian school but has never submitted himself to Christianity— discovered his predilection for heathenism in youth. The next entry refers to the great marine dis¬ aster, the burning of the ship Hornet “on the line” early in May of that year. Fifteen sur¬ vivors in an open boat had managed to reach Hawaii, and Mark Twain, ill at the moment, with the assistance of Anson Burlingame and party, had interviewed them, written his report carrying the first news of the disaster to the out¬ side world—there being in that day no cable. It was a great news-beat. Later he turned it into an article “Forty-three Days in an Open Boat” for Harper’s Magazine . Rewritten, it appears to¬ day in his collected works under the title of “My Debut as a Literary Person.” In a single voyage they grew old—in a mariner’s stormy experience. In this little voyage of 7 months of these 2 fresh young college students, were crowded the sorrows, the bitter hardships and the thrilling adventures of a whole long lifetime before the mast. 25 MARK TWAIN Samuel Ferguson is about 28, a graduate of Trinity College, Hartford. B. Henry is 18—a student of same col¬ lege—Capt. says the boys were good grit—Henry's under¬ lip never quivered but once and that was when he was told that there was hardly the shadow of a chance for their rescue, and then the feeling he showed was chiefly at the thought that he was never to sec his college mates any more. Think of this prayer uttered in an open boat, before uncovered famishing men, in the midst of the Pacific Ocean and in the midst of the sea lashed to fury by the anger of a storm: “ 0 , most powerful and glorious Lord God, at whose command the winds blow and lift up the waves of the sea and who stillest the rage thereof; we thy creatures, but miserable sinners, do in this hour of our great dis¬ tress cry unto Thee for help. Save, Lord, or we perish.” 5 o’clock, evening before they made land, most mag¬ nificent rainbow they ever saw, and spanned the widest space. Capt. sang out “Saved! there is the bow of prom¬ ise, boys!” When such a thing is seen at sea it is nearly always accompanied by the signs of coming squalls and tempests, but in this instance the sky was marvelously clear and entirely free from such signs. Conversation between the carpenters of Noah’s Ark, laughing at him for an old visionary. While most men have a manner of speaking peculiar to themselves no arbitrary system of punctuation can apply. Every man should know best how to punctuate his own manuscript. Monday, July 30. This is the fifth day of dead, almost motionless, calm—a man can walk a crack on the deck the ship lies so still. I enjoy it and believe all hands do, 26 NOTEBOOK except the baby. I write 2 hrs. a day and loaf the balance. At this rate it will take me a good while to finish Fergu¬ son’s log. I don’t think much of Hawaiian royalty. Years ago when the late King and the present King were only Princes—youths—they traveled in U. S. with the premier of the kingdom, Dr. Judd, an American. On one occa¬ sion, on board a southern steamer they did not go in to dinner as soon as the bell rang, and then there was no room for them. They were offended. The captain, however, as soon as he knew their national character, had a table set in a private room for himself and the three and entertained them in a manner befitting their high rank. That is Dr. Judd’s story, and no doubt the true one. Other accounts say they went in to dinner, but observing their black faces, and uninformed of their rank, the steward enforced the rule of the boat excluding colored persons from the cabin table. They were naturally incensed and all that could afterwards be done failed to wipe from their minds the memory of the affront. Yet, at its worst, it was one which was offered to them as un¬ known and merely private individuals, and being entirely unofficial could not affect them as Princes or their coun¬ try through them, and should have been so received and so valued. The men only were insulted, not the Princes, and thus their country was no more insulted than if the affront had been offered to the commonest Kanaka in the realm. The King has never forgotten or forgiven that trifling stab at his little vanity. But Great Britain officially seized the Islands in 1843, abused, humiliated and insulted their King, K. Ill in a bullying and overbearing manner. Threatened the de¬ struction of the little helpless capital town when it was utterly at the mercy of his heavy guns; and finally forced 27 MARK TWAIN the acceptance of terms of so degrading a nature that in the hearts of the spirited people the memory of them would rankle till the end of time. K. V has been caressed and flattered by British men-of-warsmen and so he has forgiven that deadly insult and fawns upon the nation that gave it. So also with his dear friends the French, who treated his ancestor K. Ill like a dog—who, through their ad¬ miral, marched gallantly upon his thoroughly harmless and entirely ornamental fort, and, unresisted, demolished it and spiked its guns—and then made the poor King sign an agreement the nature of which may best be expressed by saying that through it, metaphorically, the French nation spit in the face of Hawaii. But dusky Queen Emma had been flattered and feted at the French court and lo, K. V is mollified and the atro¬ cious acts of the admiral arc forgotten. This is Hawaiian royalty. Missionaries have made honest men out of the nation of thieves; instituted marriage; created homes; lifted woman to same rights and privileges enjoyed elsewhere; abolished infanticide; abolished intemperance; diminished licentiousness; given equal laws, whereby chiefs power of life and death over his subjects is taken away; in a great measure abolished idolatry; have well educated the people. Capt. says sailors (of the Hornet) like great stupid children hadn’t been an hour ashore till they were growling about the grub and smuggling great slabs of pork through natives to add to their rations of tea and biscuit. One man nearly killed himself first day, eating fruit—came near dying that night. Cox sat beside Capt. on shore and was eating a cocoanut—Capt. confiscated it and threw it away—Cox thought it hard treatment of a poor devil who had been starving 43 days. 28 NOTEBOOK Sparkling and Bright Floating away like a fountain spray O’er the snow-white bloom of a maiden, The smoke-wreaths rise to the scarlet skies With blissful fragrance laden. Then smoke away till golden ray Lights o’er the dawn of the morrow For a cheerful cigar like a shield will bar The heart from care and sorrow. Aug. 3. The calm continues—magnificent weather. Men all turned boys. Play boyish games on the poop and quarter-deck. Lay small object on fife-rail of mainmast— shut one eye, walk 3 steps and strike at it with forefinger. Lay small object on deck, walk 7 steps blindfold and try to find it. Kneel, elbows against knees, hands extended along deck—place object against ends of fingers then clasp hands behind back and try to pick it up with teeth, and rise up from knees. Sunday, Aug. 5, 1866. Everybody cheerful—at day¬ light saw the Comet on our lee—it is pleasant in this tremendous solitude to have company. Aug. 13. San Francisco. Home again. No not home again—in prison again and all the wide sense of freedom gone. The city seems so cramped and so dreary with toil and care and business anxiety. God help me, I wish I were at sea again. D’n it—when you go to sea, take some cans of con¬ densed milk with you. I never was cheerfully and cordially received but at 3 or 4 places on the Islands. I think they must have heard of me before—and yet in nearly every case I was treated with such kind and considerate politeness that I seldom 29 MARK TWAIN had cause to feel uncomfortable. Most Americans who have lived any considerable time there all seem to have lost whatever of impulsiveness, frank openness and warmth of feeling they may have possessed before, and become calculating, suspicious, reserved, cold and dis¬ tant. They have cased themselves in a shell—don’t be¬ lieve they would welcome anybody and if by chance they are betrayed into coming out of it and displaying their old-time vivacity and naturalness for an hour they will draw into it again as soon as they cool down. There is little sociability and genuine friendship existing among the families of foreigners living in the Islands, though there is some show of it by way of keeping up appear¬ ances. One would expect the opposite from a class shut out as they are from the rest of the world. They live within themselves—within their shell and are not, if I may be allowed to suggest it—not happy. I thought differently, at first. I thought they were the happiest people 1 had ever seen. They do look serene and contented, but they are not. Their hearts arc not dead, but far away—at home. They think often of home, and this absence of man’s life—essence—his feelings, his affections, his in¬ terests has much to do with their seeming so indifferent and reserved, no doubt. A man never reaches that dizzy height of wisdom when he can no longer be led by the nose. Hornet’s Sailors These boys have been mourned as dead for nearly 4 months. Think of the thrill of the first telegram to that home circle—“Crew and passengers of Hornet arrived safe.” Capt. knew for days that murderous discontent was brewing, by the distraught air of some of the men, and 30 NOTEBOOK he stayed on guard. Slept no more—kept his hatchet hid and close at hand. Notes on Henry Ferguson’s Log From day after the ship burnt till the 12th he put simply the (to him) eloquent word “doldrums.” The storms during the first fortnight he called the awfulest wind squalls, the most terrific thunder and blind¬ ing lightning he ever saw, and black as ink in absence of lightning—caused to steer in all directions—Rained 5 times as hard as in the States. Saw waterspout on 17th. Thinks it might be a pleasant sight from a ship—Mentions the star mistaken for ship’s light. From the Log “Distressed by swordfish cavorting around the boat for some time. Immense one—Passed some seaweed and something that looked like trunk of old tree, but no birds —beginning to be afraid Islands not there. Today it was said to the Capt., and in the hearing of all, that some of the men would not shrink, when a man was dead, from using the flesh, though they would not kill. Horrible! God give us all full use of our reason and spare us from such things! . . 3i CHAPTER V A Grim Voyage to Ncto York Mark Twain found himself more at sea in San Francisco than during those ocean days of drifting calm. He was uncertain which way to turn. His literary ventures were neither satis¬ factory nor profitable. A lecture on the islands which his friends urged him to deliver was much more successful and he toured the coast with it that winter. With considerable ready money in hand, he decided now to return home-after an absence of five and a half years. In the back of his head was a plan for a trip around the world, including a visit to Anson Burlingame, who had invited him to Peking. He would begin his travels by sailing for New York, via the Isthmus of Nicaragua. He bought a new notebook which he labeled: From San Francisco to New York by way of San Juan and Grey Town-Isthmus. Sailed from San Francisco in Opposition steamer America, Capt. Wakcman, at noon 15th Dec. 1866. Pleasant sunny day, hills brightly clad with green grass and shrubbery. Runaway match—boarded by irate father and bogus policeman—Repulsed by passengers—Love victorious. First night a tempest—-the greatest seen on this coast for many years—though occupying an outside berth on upper deck it yet did not seem so rough to us as it did 32 NOTEBOOK to those below and we remained in bed all night, while the other passengers realizing the great danger all got up and dressed. The ship was down too much by the head, and just doggedly fought the seas, instead of climbing over them. Nearly everybody seasick. Happily I escaped—Had something worse—lay in bed and received passengers’ reports. A sea that broke over the ship about midnight carried away 20 ft. of the bulwarks forward. The forward cabin was drenched with water and the steerage fairly flooded— a case of claret floated into a stateroom in the forward cabin. The water must have been 6 in. deep if a case of claret float, or wash, at all. A man’s boots were washed to farther end of the room. Various things were afloat. They prepared the boats for emergency. Old ship captain of 28 years’ experience said he had never seen the equal of this storm. He instructed a friend to stay by him till all but the ship’s officers were adrift and he and they would make a raft —“Curst the boats in such a sea and such a lot of passengers.” Men were pray¬ ing all about the cabin on their knees. Brown went to one and said: “What’s the matter?” and he said: “ 0 , don’t talk to me. Oh my I” Passenger said he had served 14 years at sea, but considered his time had come now, but added: “If anybody can save her it’s old Wakeman.” 1 I perceive by these things that we might have gone to the bottom unaware that we were in danger—why the Ajax cut up worse in a dead calm. Sunday 16th. This is a long, long night. I occupy lower berth and read and smoke by ship’s lantern, borrowed from the steward. I won the middle berth, but gave it 1 Captain Ned Wakeman, later to figure in Roughing It as ^“Cap¬ tain Ned Oakley,” and as “Captain Stormfield” in the Visit to Heaven. Capt. Wakeman also appears as Capt. Hurricane Jones, in “Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion.” 33 MARK TWAIN to Smith because he is seasick and we have piled our wines, books and small traps in the upper one. I don’t know what time it is—my watch is run down— I think it is 7 bells in the 3rd watch but I am not certain, the wind may have blown away one tap of the bell— we hear it very faintly away up here, anyway. Thursday 20th. At noon, 5 days out from San Fran¬ cisco abreast a high stretch of land at foot of Magdalena Bay. Capt. came and said: “Come out here” (we had just got into warm weather and covered the whole after part of the vessel with awnings, making it extremely cool and shady). “I want to show you something”—Took the marine glass—Whalcship at anchor under the bluffs— one listed and hoisting vast mass of blubber aboard. Capt. said: “Now tonight they’ll try it out on deck and it will look like a whole ship on fire. The first time 1 ever saw it was in ’50s—I came along here just after dark—saw a ship on fire, apparently—I didn’t know the country— didn’t dare to go in there with the ship, so I sent a boat crew and said, Tull for your lives, d’n you, and tell the captain I’ll lay here for a week and send him all the assistance I can and then carry his people to San Fran¬ cisco.’ Well, wc laid to, and waited and waited—all the passengers on deck and anxious for boat to come back and report,—but 10 o’clock no boat,—11 o’clock no boat— passengers began to get tired and sidle off to bed ,—12 o’clock no boat—every passenger gave up and went below except one old woman, she stuck it out and never took her eyes off the fire. “By and by, at 12:30, back the boat come, and I and the old woman crowded to the lee rail to see and hear it all—couldn’t see any extra men. The officer of the boat stepped on deck and lifted his hat and says: The captain of the ship sends great gratification—great obligations and thanks you for your trouble and good intention, but 34 NOTEBOOK he ain’t in trouble, but quite the reverse—is full of oil and ready to up anchor tomorrow and is giving his crew a big blow-out on deck and is illuminating. Sends his good wishes for success, and hopes you will accept this boat¬ load of A-i sea turtles.’ The old woman leaned over the rail and shaded her eyes from the lantern, and she saw them varmints flapping their flippers about in the boat and she says ‘For the land’s sake, I sot here and sot here all this blessed night calculating to see a whole boatload of sorrowful roasted corpses and now it ain’t nothin’ after all but a lot of nasty turtles.’ ” 22nd December midnight. Smooth sea—or rather just rippled with a pleasant breeze—perfectly fair wind_ yards squared—splendid full moon—ship riding along placidly in full view of Mexican shore—all in bed but me—night is magnificent—temperature, too, soft—balmy, delicious. From the next entry it is clear that Captain Ned Wakeman was beginning to take shape in Mark Twain’s imagination as literary material. I’d rather travel with that old portly, hearty, jolly, boisterous, good-natured sailor, Capt. Ned Wakeman, than with any other man I ever came across. He never drinks and never plays cards; he never swears except in the privacy of his own quarters, with a friend or so, and then his feats of fancy blasphemy are calculated to fill the hearer with awe and admiration. His yams—just as I got that far Capt. W. came in, sweating and puffing, for we are off the far southern coast of Mexico and the weather is a little sultry, and he said: “Speaking of rats, once in Honolulu me and old Josephus—he was a Jew, and got rich as Croesus in San F. afterwards—we were going home as passengers from the S. I. in a brand-new brig on her 3rd voyage—and our 35 MARK TWAIN trunks were down below. He went with me—laid over one vessel to do it—because he warn't no sailor and he liked to be with a man that was—and the brig was sliding out between the buoys and her head-line was paying out ashore. There was a wood-pile right where the line was made fast to the pier, and up come the damndest biggest rat—as big as an ordinary cat he was—and darted out on that line and cantered for the shore—and up came another—and another—and another—and away they galloped over that hawser—each one treading on t’othcr’s tail till they were so thick that you couldn't sec a thread of the cable, and there was a procession of 'em 200 yards long over the levee like a streak of ants—and the Kanakas, some throwing sticks from that wood-pile and chunks of lava and coral at 'em and knocking 'em endways and every which way. But do you s’posc it made any difference to them rats? Not a particle—not a particle, bless your soul—they never let up till the last rat was ashore out of that brand-new beautiful brig. I called a Kanaka with his boat, and he hove alongside and shinned up a rope and says I: ‘Do you see that trunk down there?' ‘Ai.' ‘Clatter it ashore as quick as Cod'll let you.’ “Josephus, the Jew, says: ‘What are you doing, Cap¬ tain?' and I says: ‘Doing? Why I'm a-taking my trunk ashore, that's what I’m a-doing!' “‘Taking your trunk ashore? Why bless us what is that for?' “‘What is it for?’ says I—‘Do you see them rats? Do you notice them rats a-leaving this ship? She's doomed, Sir—she’s doomed! Burnt brandy wouldn't save her, Sir! She'll never finish this voyage. She’ll never be heard of again, Sir.’ “Josephus says: ‘Boy, take that other trunk ashore too.’ “And don’t you know, Sir, that brig sailed out of Honolulu without a rat aboard and was never seen again by mortal man, Sir. We went in an old tub, so 36 NOTEBOOK rotten that you had to walk easy on the main deck to keep from going through—so crazy that in our berths when there was sea on, the timbers over our heads worked backwards and forwards n inches in their sockets—just like an old basket, Sir—and the rats were as big as grey¬ hounds and as lean, Sir, and they bit the buttons off of our overcoats and there were so many of them that in a gale once they all scampered to the starboard side when we were going about and put her down the wrong way, so that she’d come monstrous near foundering! But she went through safe, I tell you, because she had rats aboard.” Christmas Eve—9 P.M. Myself, the Captain and King- man out forward. Capt. said—“Don’t like the looks of that point, with the mist outside of it.” Quartermaster, touching his cap: “The child is dead, Sir.” [Had been sick 2 days] “What are your orders?” Capt.: “Tell Ben to send the Dr. for the Parson to speak to the grandmother, and the Mate to speak to the young mother—bury at sea at daylight.” It was the first death of that tragic journey. On the San Juan River In that day eastern-bound passengers landed, crossed the Nicaragua Isthmus by river, lake, and overland, to Grey Town, to take the Atlan¬ tic-bound steamer. The next entry is made on the river steamer. While gazing up a little narrow avenue, carpeted with greenest grass and walled with the thickest growth of bright ferns and quaint broad-leaved trees whose verdant sprays sprang upward and outward like the curving sprays of a fountain—an avenue that is fit for the royal road to Fairyland that is closed with a gate of trellised vines 37 MARK TWAIN stretching their charming maze of festoons bright with their beautiful blossoms, some scoundrel interrupts with: “You’d oughter gone ashore, there where we wooded— bananner trees till you couldn’t rest—leaves 7 ft. long and V/2 ft. wide, and natives doing something or other with coffee trees—what is it—and what were they doing it for?” I got up and left. San Juan Bay—Neat little semicircle shut in by wooded hills. Fine breeze. Must remain this afternoon and leave early in A.M. on account of cholera—brought by San¬ tiago—300 soldiers and several hundred passengers— 26 deaths among former and 9 of latter and 40 of natives —all in past II days—all subsided now. Dec. 28. Left San Juan in carriages—native drivers armed with long knives—native soldiers barefooted, with muskets. Threatened war between 2 candidates for Presi¬ dency of Republic of Nicaragua—case of a contested elec¬ tion—present President going to hold his posish and whip both parties. Long procession of horsemen and hacks—beautiful road and cool, rainy atmosphere. All on lookout for wild monkeys. Orange, banana, aguardiente, coffee, hot corn, carved cups—stands, pretty native women, ruffles around bot¬ tom of dress. Snake cactus clasping trees. Calabash trees. One hack broke down. Threatened bloodshed between passengers and drivers. Beautiful breezy lake—2 circus tent mountains—cloud- 38 NOTEBOOK capped—wooded densely to summits, save where lava passed—One 4200 ft.—other 5400 ft. look higher_very- beautiful with their solid crown of clouds and rising abruptly from water—coffee, cattle, tobacco, corn_all sorts of ranches on them—raise everything with no trouble—splendid temperature. Changed boats and started down lovely San Juan River, at 4 A.M. saluting old Fort San Carlos with 3 whistles—Bank full—spots of grass—trees like cypress_ blossoming trees—trees so festooned with vines that they look like vine-clad towers of ancient fortresses—great tree-ferns and tall graceful clumps of bamboo—all man¬ ner of trees and bushes and all so woven together with a charming lacework of vines that a monkey can’t climb through. On first San Juan River steamer man at companion- way said: “None but first cabin allowed up here—you first cabin?” with a most offensive emphasis—and let a whole sluice of steerage pass unchallenged—quite a compliment to my personal appearance. On the second river boat challenged me faithfully and passed the other first cabin unchallenged. Mark Twain had been ranked as a “dresser” on the River, but apparently did not consider it worth while to array himself for travel. Town of Castillo where we walked 300 yards and changed boats below rapids—old romantic doby castle of a fort on top of steep grass dome, 200 ft. high—14 houses under hill and dense vine-clad foliage appearing beyond. Native thatched houses—coffee, eggs, bread, cigars, and 39 MARK TWAIN fruit for sale—delicious—ioc buys pretty much anything and in great quantity. Californians can’t understand how io or 25c can buy a sumptuous lunch of coffee, eggs and bread. Vine-festooned terrace concealed hills like a web— couldn’t believe they were hills, except that upper trees towered too high to be on the bank level. Dark grottos, fairy harbors—tunnels, temples— columns, pillars, towers, pilasters, terraces, pyramids, mounds, domes, walls in endless confusion of vine-work— no shape, no architecture, unimitated—and all so webbed together with vines that short distances within arc only gained by glimpses—monkeys here and there—birds warbling—gorgeous-plumaged birds on the wing—para¬ dise itself—the imperial realm of beauty, nothing to wish for to make it perfect. The changing vistas of the river—corners and points folding backward, retreating and unveiling new wonders beyond, of towering walls of verdure, gleaming cataracts of vines—wonderful waterfalls of glittering leaves as deftly overlapping each other as the scales of a fish— a vast green wall—solid a moment, then as we advance changing and opening into Gothic windows, colonnades— all manner of quaint and charming shapes (damn the blackguard with the damaged plug hat on who is looking over my shoulder as I make these notes on the boiler deck). “Mrs. Grundy” (all in brown) damned old meddling, moralizing fool—said I was no better than I ought to be. “The choir sang the damnedest, oldest, vilest songs, such as ‘Marching through Georgia,’ ‘When Johnnie comes Marching Home,’ ‘Old Dog Tray,’ ‘Just before the Battle Mother,’ etc. When they sang hymns they did well and 40 NOTEBOOK made good music but damn their other efforts—and be¬ sides they never invited me to sing, anyhow.” Many great lazy alligators on bank, sleeping in the su n—bright-plumaged parrots flying above the trees— birds with gay plumage and great hooked villainous bills such as we see in the menagerie—long-legged, long¬ necked birds that rise awkwardly from the edge of the jungle, crook their necks like an S, shove their long bills forward and throw their long legs out behind like a steer¬ ing oar when they are flying—and monkeys capering among the trees—these are the signs of the tropics. At first everybody apologized for coming this way and said it must be done merely to see the country and get it off his mind—a sort of compulsory sense of duty—never should come this way again, of course—but now on the San Juan River with all this enchantment around us and after coming over what we have passed through and de¬ cided that it has been nothing but a comfortable, cheerful, satisfactory, pleasure trip, we all begin to confess that if we were already through our business in the States and ready to return we should be uncommonly apt to come this way after all. New Year’s Eve 1866. Slept on the floor and hammocks at Woodyard first night out from Castillo. Started at 2 A.M. and got to Grey Town at daylight. Found vessel San Francisco there—took them all day to transfer bag¬ gage and to remove the 2 sets of steerage passengers. Kingman told them in joke uptown our steerage and sec¬ ond cabin had small-pox and they anchored ’em out. Much crowded all night and wouldn’t let any come ashore during day. We stayed aboard most of the day, anchored out and slept uptown—had to come to boat at 6 A.M. At 7 Capt. Merrey sent us in surf boats in rainstorm— our' boat had to go to the Nicaragua and finish her com- 41 MARK TWAIN plcmcnt with second-cabin passengers—a dozen—and came near being swamped by them. 'look 3 hrs. to dis¬ embark the New York passengers and then we got un¬ der way. Everlasting curses on the man who invented the villainous little lamp they put in a man’s stateroom on shipboard. That is as honest a prayer as I ever uttered. Jan. 2. All right now on this ship, got plenty of ice and ice-water, no more melting here in the tropics. That infernal monkey is having a perfect carnival all to himself. Smith and Kingman gave him a good square drink of brandy and now he feds it—one moment he is in the quarter boat abreast my room and the next he is at the top-gallant crosstrees and scampering wildly from rope to rope, capering out on the yards like a lunatic— the dizzy height, the blowing of the gale and the plunging of the ship have no terrors for him. A sailor seared the monkey awhile ago and he jumped from the top-gallant yard arm and caught a back stay or something away down 20 or 30 ft,, below. The next note is brief, but ominous: Jan. 2, 1867. Two cases of cholera reported in the steerage today. Kingman's report of small-pox kept the steerage from getting ashore at Grey Town, and now I don’t more than half believe his report that there are 2 cases yellow fever (cholera!) belowdecks. Got captain’s permission to have a safety lantern in my room. 4 P.M. Jan. 2. The surgeon of the ship has just re¬ ported to the captain in my hearing that 2 of the cases are “mighty bad” and the third “awful bad.” 42 NOTEBOOK This is neither cholera nor yellow fever, I suspect— these men have been eating green tropical fruit and wash¬ ing it down with villainous aguardiente. A ship is precisely a little village where gossips abound and where every man’s business is his neighbor’s. The prospect of going into quarantine for 30 days is worrying the passengers like everything. 7 P.M. Neither of the sick men quite dead yet—the ship has stopped her wheels. Passengers growl less this trip than any I ever saw, but they will growl some on all trips, no matter how favorable everything is. Custom-house list must be made up by purser, who makes it up according to his own notion, thus: “Miss Smith, 45, milliner, Ireland (and she young and wealthy) Mark Twain, barkeeper,—Terra del Fucgo.” One of the sick men is bad. This calls for Rev. Fackler again (10 P.M.). It was cholera of a malignant type. The man was buried overboard at a little past 10 P.M. Jan. 2, Midnight, another patient at the point of death. They are filling him up with brandy. 2 bells—the man is dead. 4 bells—he is cast over¬ board—expedition is the word in these crowded steerages. Jan. 3. Our tropic drink: lb. of sugar, 1lbs. of ice, r doz. limes, 1 lemon, 1 orange, half a bottle of brandy. Put in a ^-gallon ice pitcher and fill up with water. Jan. 3, 9:30 P.M. Astonished to hear 3 bells—been sitting here reading so long I never thought of its mean¬ ing anything else than half past one—went to get ship MARK TWAIN time—find it is only 3 bells in the first watch. It is so stormy tonight that most of the passengers have gone to bed seasick, long ago. We are to be off the coast of Cuba tomorrow, they say—I cannot believe it. Folded his hands after his stormy life and slept in screncst repose under the peaceful sighing of the summer wind among the grasses over his grave. A captain who came aboard at Grey Town, where in 3 years he had worn out his constitution and destroyed his health, lingered until 10 this morning and then died and was shoved overboard half an hour afterward, sewed up in a blanket with 6 lbs. of iron. He leaves a wife at Rochester, N. Y. This makes the 4th death on shipboard since we left San Francisco. Mrs. Grundy seems to be still on his mind. He even composes some poetry about her: She talkcth scandal all day long With false malicious tongue. She’d blast the brightest character That ever poet sung. Jan. 5. We are to put in at Key West, Florida, today for coal, for ballast—so they say—but rather for medi¬ cines, perhaps—the physic locker is about pumped dry. 7 cases sickness yesterday—didn’t amount to anything. Col. Kinney pretty sick all night with cholera or cholera morbus. Shape is said to be dying of cholera, this morning. There are half a dozen on the sick list today. The cussed fools let the diarrhea run 2 or 3 days, and then 44 NOTEBOOK getting scared they run to the surgeon and hope to be cured. And they lie like blazes—swear they have just been taken and the doctor of course knows better. He asked a patient the other day if he had any money to get some brandy with—said no—the ship had to furnish it—when the man died they found a 20-dollar piece in his pocket. Shape has been walking the deck in stocking feet get¬ ting wet—exposing himself—is going to die. The disease has gotten into the second cabin at last and one case in first cabin. Tint consternation is so great that several arc going to get off at Key West, if cpiaran- tine regulations permit it, and go North, overland. The captain visits every corner of the ship daily lo sec that it is kept in a state of perfect cleanliness. Jan. S, continued. 10 A.M. The Episcopal clergyman, Rev. Mr. Fackler is taken— bad dianhea and gtiping. All hands looking anxiously forward to the cool weather we shall strike, 24 hrs. hence, and diive away the sickness. Shape dead—fifth death- Shape, barber, only sick about 12 hrs., usually ate rations for 4. Rev. Fackler has made himself sick with sorrow for the poor fellows that died. 12:30 P.M. The minister has got a fit, convulsion of some kind—so they are burying poor Shape without, bene¬ fit of clergy. They don’t wait many minutes after breath is out of the body. There is no use in discussing it.I really believe the ship is out of medicines—we have a good surgeon but nothing to work with. Just heard the captain say: “Purser, pm up an im- 45 MARK TWAIN mouse sign that all can read: no charge for medical at¬ tendance whatever—put it so all can read it.” I told the captain this morning that the fear of doc¬ tor’s bills was one chief reason why the steerage passen¬ gers were concealing their illness till the last moment. Jan, 5, 2 P.M. As the boys come to my room, one after another (I am abed), I observe a marked change in their demeanor during the last half hour—they report that the minister, only sick an hour, or maybe two, is already very low—that a hospital has been fitted up in the steerage and he has been removed thither. Verily the ship is fast becoming a floating hospital her¬ self—not an hour passes but brings its fresh sensation, its new disaster—its melancholy tidings. When I think of poor Shape and the preacher, both so well when I saw them yesterday evening, 1 realize that I myself may be dead tomorrow. Since the last two hours all laughter, all levity, has ceased in the ship—a settled gloom is upon the faces of the passengers. Jan. 5, 4 P.M. The unfortunate minister is dying—he has bidden us all good-bye and now lies barely breathing. His name is Rev. J. ( 5 . Faekler, and he was on his way to the States to get his wife and family. The passengers are fearfully exercised, and well they may be, poor devils, for we are about to see our fifth death in five days, and the sixth of the voyage. The surgeon, a most excellent young man, a Mason and a first-rate physician and one of considerable practice, has done all he could to allay their fear by telling them he has all the medicines he wants, that the disease is only a virulent sort of diarrhea, cholera morbus, etc. Discovering that he was a Mason, I took him aside and asked him a plain statement for myself alone , and told 46 NOTEBOOK him I thought I was man enough to stand the truth, in its worst form. He then said the disease was cholera and of the most virulent type—that he had done all a man could do, but he had no medicines to work with—that he shipped the first time this trip and found the locker empty, and no time to make a requisition for more medicines. To add to the gloom of the situation there occurred now a break-down in the engine-room. Jan. 5> 5 P.M. That bolt-head broke day before yes¬ terday and we lost 2 hours. It broke again yesterday and we lost 3 or 4 hours. It broke again this afternoon, and again we lay like a log on the water (head wind) for 3 or 4 hours more. These things distress the passengers beyond meas¬ ure. They are scared about the epidemic, and so im¬ patient to get along—and now they have lost confidence in the ship and fear she may break again in the rough weather that is to come. I did not take any interest in the matter until just now I found the cursed little bolt was a sort of king-pin and that the engine must stop without it. The passengers say that, we are out of luck and that it is a doomed voyage. It appears, though it is kept from the passengers, that there are seven or eight patients in the hospital down below. Mem. Get names of the dead from the F. 0 . [First Officer], to telegraph. Some misgivings, some distress as to whether the au¬ thorities of Key West will let our pestilence-stricken ship land there—but the captain says we arc in sore distress, in desperate straits, and wc must land; we will land in 47 MARK TWAIN spite of orders, cannon or anything else—we cannot go on in this way. If wc do land, some of our people arc going to leave— among them the doctor, who is afraid of the crazy ma¬ chinery. Sea in storm—caps crawling and squirming like white worms in the midst of ink. The Dead (1) (Baby) Harlan, Sacramento, baptized day it died— died 24th, buried 25th. (2) Jerome Shields, aged about 34, buried at sea Jan. 2. His friend Patrick Burns took charge of his effects, consisting of #55 in coin, a carpet bag containing clothing, letters, a navy pistol and other small articles, photographs, etc. His friends reside in Waverly, la. His brother-in-law, John Clark, lives at Pine Grove, Sierra Co., Calif. (3) Martin Sherlock, of Irish descent, aged about 30, died and was buried at sea, Jan. 3. He had no friends or acquaintances on board ship. His effects, consisting of carpet sack of clothing, $20 piece and letters from Mary Ann Sherlock, his mother, residing at Port Byron, Ill., are in possession of first officer. (4) Capt. Chas. Mahoney, aged 40, late employee of Central American Transit Co. Died Jan. 4 and was buried at sea. Has a family somewhere about Rochester, N. Y. (5) Andrew Nolan, about 20 or 21 (Shape), barber by trade, died Jan. 5 and was buried at sea. Funds $77. He belonged in Jersey City. (6) At 2:20 A.M. (this morning, Jan. 6) Rev. J. G. Fackler, Episcopal clergyman of San Francisco. At 2:30 we anchored at Key West, Florida—and he will 48 NOTEBOOK be buried on shore. Was bound for the States to get his family. Sunday, Jan. 6, 1867. We are out 22 days from San Francisco. This Key West looks like a mere open roadstead, but they call it one of the best harbors in the world—they say that the 100 little keys scattered all around keep off the sea and storm. It seems to be a very pretty little tropical-looking town with plenty of handsome shade trees. It is very cool and pleasant. The great frowning fortification is Fort Taylor, and is very strong. We don’t calculate to find any Key West folks in Heaven. Sunday, Jan. 6 continued. Rev. J. G. Fackler was buried here at Key West at noon by Episcopal minister. Our doctor told me it was Asiatic cholera, but they must have deceived the port surgeon, else they wouldn’t have let us land. I attended Episcopal service—heap of style—fash¬ ionably dressed women—350 of them, and children, and 25 men. Don’t see where so much dress comes from in a town made altogether of 1 and 2 story frame houses, some crazy, unpainted and with only thick board shutters for windows—no carpet, no mats—bare floors—cheap prints on walls. Only about 10 or 12 houses with any pretension of style and one-half of these are military officers’ quarters. The contribution box fooled me—I heard no money dropping in it, and the paper currency never occurred to me. Men stylishly dressed with yellow ribbon cravats. 49 MARK TWAIN Townful of cocoanut trees of the many-leaved low- branching pattern, very pretty. Girls singing in most houses. Got up a dinner party in town—our own claret and champagne good, and there was nothing else good about the dinner except the fried eggs—and they didn’t hold out. This is really a big town, big enough to hold over 2000, though many houses seem deserted. Business mostly gin-mills—that is for soldiers. Brandy here (good article) costs £15 a quart—#40 a gallon. Key West, 7th. 21 passengers left the ship here, scared. Some of them gave dinner and berth tickets to remain¬ ing friends in the steerage. I am glad they are gone, d’n them. Jan. 7th. Capt. Bclim has just poked his head in at the window to say how lucky we were not to be quaran¬ tined at Key West (we arc off—have just turned the pilot boat adrift). Lucky! Damnation! If I have got Key West sized up right they would receive War, Famine, Pestilence and Death without a question—call them all by some fancy name, and then rope in the survivors and sell them good cigars and brandies at easy prices and horrible din¬ ners at infamous rates. They wouldn’t quarantine any¬ body; they’d say “come,” and say it gladly if you brought destruction and hell in your wake. They rely upon the salubrity of their climate and its famous healthfulness, for immunity from disease. More cheerfulness at tabic this morning than ever before. SO NOTEBOOK Key West prices: putting coal aboard $2 a ton—in N. Y. 25c. Pilotage #108. Making a bolt $50. They say it was the first Cal. steamer that has touched there in 2 years, so they scorched us. Oliver tried to get the captain, for $100, to contract not to bury him at sea in case he died—Capt. refused, so Oliver went ashore Key West at 9 P.M.—the last man. Sewing society for the monkey. 18 invalids yesterday and 13 today—only 2 really dan¬ gerous—one of them was getting along handsomely, but got drunk and took a relapse. The noblest cigars in the world at Key West for $6 per hundred—smuggled from Havana. The sewing society have dressed the monkey up in black pants and vest and a roundabout and cuffs of bright red and yellow, curtain-calico pattern, and paper collar— and he looks gay scampering around among the rigging. Oliver had 380 cholera articles cut out. Kingman found his long girl sitting by the taffrail alone. He is in love with her. Belmayne died Jan. 8 and was buried at sea abreast of Florida. The temperature of the Gulf Stream here (they try it every 2 hrs. for information for Navy Dept.) is 76— atmosphere 72. We are comfortable enough now while we are in this fluid stove, but when we leave it at Cape Hat- teras, Lord, it will be cold. 5 1 MARK TWAIN The speed of the stream varies from 1/3 to 3 y 2 knots an hour. We have been making 200, 210, 220 miles a day, but now in this current we can turn off 250 to 275. Soaked banana and plantain in brandy, and got the monkey tight. Jan. 10, 1867. 26 days out from San Francisco today— at noon we shall be off Cape Hatteras and less than 400 miles south of N. Y.—a day and a half’s run. We shall be leaving this warming-pan of a Gulf Stream today, and then it will cease to be genial summer weather and become wintry cold. We already see the signs. They have put feather mattresses and blankets on our berths this morning. It is raining—warm. Jan. 10. Rainy. At n A.M. 18 miles from Cape Hat- tcras. Distance to N. Y. 320 miles. 8 sick, s diarrhea, 3 convalescent—2 better. Jan. 10. Passing out of the Gulf Stream rapidly. At 2 P.M. the temperature of the water had fallen 7 degrees in half an hour. Already the day is turning cold and over¬ coats coming into vogue. Jan. 10, 11:30 P.M. Dark and stormy, and the ship plunging considerably. It is villainously cold. Have just come forward from the purser’s room and felt some¬ thing blow in my face like snow. Think it was, but too dark to tell. Jan. 11, 7 P.M. Been in bed all day to keep warm— fearfully cold. We are off Barnegat—passed a pilot boat a while ago. We shall get to N. Y. before morning. The d’d crowd in the smoking-room are as wildly sing¬ ing now as they were capering childishly about the deck W NOTEBOOK day before yesterday when we first struck the cold weather. Friday night nth, 2 bells. P. Peterson has just died, “dropsy”—the Highland light, the lightship and several other lights at entrance to N. Y. harbor in full view. This is the 8th death this voyage. Bury him ashore, as we are now on soundings. N. Y. Jan. 12. Arrived today, 27J4 days out. There is no mention of quarantine at New York, so we can only assume that there was none. Imagine a “cholera ship” docking in New York today 1 But then, of course, the last man died of “dropsy.” That Whining Puppy Scared at the storm that first night out from San Fran¬ cisco—his little wife out observing the signs of the weather. He whined all the way down and was nursed by her. He’d lay and whine on the lake boat and she sat up all night and fanned him. The sofa in the social hall was coolest place and she wanted it—he wouldn’t give it up. She tried the stateroom—too hot—came back and fanned him all night. On the last boat on the San Juan she slept in a grass hammock without blankets and he lay on the deck on the blankets and whined as usual. At Grey Town he went ashore and wouldn’t let her go. In the Gulf he was scared to death about the cholera— she sat by his bedside and fanned him two whole days and he whining with a headache which he feared was the cholera—yet he went to his meals regularly. Took % share in the $40 worth of brandy at Key West and has not paid his $5. S 3 MARK TWAIN Gives his waiter old clothes instead of money. Where arc all those people today? Where is the little doctor who had to work without medi¬ cines? Where is the whining man? The family that was waiting for the Rev. Mr. Fackler? Ah, but that was far back in another century. Few if any remain of that shipload, or of those who waited for them, and with the single exception of Mark Twain himself, have left little trace behind. 54 CHAPTER VI Beginning a "Literary Epoch IIe seems to have made no notes in New York, but we know that he found there an old Cali¬ fornia friend, Charles Henry Webb, who had collected a number of Mark Twain sketches, in¬ cluding the “Jumping Frog’ 11 story, with the idea of making a book of them. When a publisher, Carlcton, rejected the book, Webb decided to bring it out on his own account. After a trip to St. Louis, to see his mother and sister, and to Hannibal, where he lectured, Mark Twain returned to New York, watched his book through the press, lectured at the Cooper Institute, and as correspondent for the Alta California, of San Francisco, and the New York Tribune, joined the Quaker City Holy Land Excursion, which had replaced his earlier dream of a trip around the world. The notes of that first Mediterranean pleas¬ ure cruise, begun before the ship left the harbor, were set down in the very midst of the pic¬ turesque band of “innocents” and “pilgrims” that gypsied through France and Italy and trod the arid hills of Palestine. Solid little volumes stiffly bound in tan sheep—the pencilings some¬ times hurried, sometimes deliberate, and nearly all legible—how close they seem to bring us to 55 MARK TWAIN “Dan” and “Jack” and “the Doctor” in that far day before they became immortal as “innocents abroad.” The first entry, recording as it docs the begin¬ ning of this historic voyage, is perhaps as notable as any memorandum in literary history. Holy Land Pleasure Excursion Steamer Quaker City Capt. C. C. Duncan Left N. Y. at 2 P.M., June 8, ’67. Rough weather—anchored within the harbor to lay all night. Lying in the harbor he lias a chance to look over the passengers and make a few comments, such as: The Frenchy-looking woman with a dog—small mongrel, black-and-tan brute, with long sharp cars that stick up like a donkey’s and give him an exceedingly wild and excited expression, even in his mildest moods. When he is skirmishing about the cabin she follows him anxiously about and interrupts his enterprises, and meanwhile keeps up an interminable biography of him, to the passengers, embellished with anecdotes illustrative of his general disposition and with stories of some of his most remarkable performances. The dog is noisy and in the way. The long-legged, simple, green, wide-mouthed horse¬ laughing young fellow who once made a sea voyage to 56 NOTEBOOK Fortress Monroe in the Oceanica and quotes eternally from his experiences upon that voyage. I am satisfied that we shall never hear the last of that voyage. He will harp on it from here to Palestine and back again. He wears a monstrous compass slung to his watch-guard, and con¬ sults it from time to time, keeping a wary eye on the binnacle compass to see that it docs not vary from his and so endanger the ship. He says the most witless things and then laughs uproariously at them and he has a vile notion that everything everybody else says is meant for a witticism, and so laughs loudly when very often the speaker had spoken seriously or even had meant to say something full of pathos. But this fellow doesn’t know. He laughs dreadfully at everything and swears it’s good, dam’ good, by George. I wish he would fall in the harbor. The innocent young man—who is good, accommodat¬ ing, pleasant and well-meaning, but fearfully green and is fearfully slow. He wished to know how long seasick¬ ness lasted. He is the other extreme from “Legs”— doesn’t know anything at all. Came confidentially to me in a private place and seemed almost bursting with an idea—a new and dangerous guest to have about his prem¬ ises. He said: “If you had a panorama—any kind of a panorama— one of them old ones would do—why, by gracious you could pay your way on the ship—any old panorama you know—but I don’t think likely you could without a lec¬ ture—because them Italians and A-rabs wouldn’t go much, maybe, except for the novelty, because they wouldn’t understand. But if you had an old panorama I should think likely you’d fetch ’em.” The “Interrogation Point” of the Innocents Abroad would seem to be a combination of these two young men. 57 MARK TWAIN Sunday morning, June 9. Still lying at anchor in N. Y. harbor—rained all night and all morning like the devil_ some sea on—lady had to leave church in the cabin_ seasick. Tableau—in the midst of sermon Capt. Duncan rushed madly out with one of those damned dogs, but didn't throw him overboard. But speaking of seasickness, there certainly are more seasick people on the ship than there ought to be. I am more than ever satisfied now that we ought to have put to sea in the storm of Saturday. The ship is strong and could have weathered it easily and everybody would have had a fearful 4 hours siege of seasickness and then been over and done with it. Diaries Most of the passengers being unaccustomed to voyaging are diligently keeping diaries. He furnishes a supposed example. Of a Lady First Day—the ships rolls and pitches, and O, I am so sick. Second Day—We met an immigrant ship today, full of Irish people. From Ireland, doubtless. Our captain got on the paddle-box and shouted: “Ship wo'haw!” or some¬ thing like that, and the other captain shouted back through a horn and said he had been out 30 days. Then we started away and gave the immigrants 3 cheers and waved our handkerchiefs and they gave us 3 cheers also, but did not wave their handkerchiefs, but wc thought nothing of it, because as they had been out 30 days their handkerchiefs were all dirty, likely. Still, I am so seasick. Third Day—Mrs. S. who has got her face so sunburned since we left N. Y. made a conundrum on the promenade 58 NOTEBOOK deck last night. She said: “Why is my face like a bird that is just about to fly?” Ans. “Because both are to soar.” Ah me I am so sick. Fourth Day—I am tired being at sea, and tired keep¬ ing journal, and very tired of being seasick. I do wonder where those Azores Islands are hidden away in this boundless expanse of heaving water? I do so want to see the land and the green trees again. Fifth Day—Chicken soup for dinner, but my heart is not in chicken soup. I care not for poetry, or for things to eat or for dress. I have taken off hoops and put away my waterfall, and all I take an interest in is being squalmish and getting to shore again. It is funny, but somehow I don’t seem to care how I look. Sixth Day—At last I am over it! I am not a bit sick any more. And how different everything looks today. Why, the sea is beautiful, actually beautiful! The soft south wind is balmy and gentle, and I almost imagine it has lost its nauseous odor of salt. I am like a new per¬ son. I take an interest in everything now. Ah, yonder is that scrimp-nosed little doll trying to make herself so agreeable to Mr. -. I will just happen along there as if I were not noticing and see if I don’t spoil your schemes, Miss. Here we are introduced to the now immortal “Poet Lariat.” Bloodgood H . Cutter He is 50 years old, and small of his age. He dresses in homespun, and is a simple-minded, honest, old- fashioned [Long Island] farmer with a strange procliv¬ ity for writing rhymes. He writes them on all possible subjects and gets them printed on slips of paper with his portrait at the head. These he will give to any man that comes along, whether he has anything against him or 59 MARK TWAIN not. He has already written interminable poems on “The Good Ship Quaker City” and an “Ode to the Ocean” and “Recollections of the Pleasant Time on Deck Last Night,” which pleasant time consisting in his reciting some 75 stanzas of his poetry to a large party of passengers con¬ vened on the upper deck. Dan said to him in a private conversation: “It must be a great happiness to you to be able to sit down at the close of the day and put its events all down in rhymes and poetry, like a Byron and a Shakespeare and those fellows.” “O, yes, it is—it is. There is no pleasure like it in the world,” “Yes—and I should think that when a man was gifted in that way, more would be expected of him than from common people—from people who ain’t poets. You’d be expected, you know, to keep that talent going at all rea¬ sonable times, and never lose an opportunity. It’s a duty you owe to your countrymen and your race, you know.” “I know. I appreciate it. I do keep it a-going. Why, bless your soul, many and many a time when everybody else is asleep you’ll find me writing poetry. And when I feel it coming on, there’s no let-up to me.” “That’s it! That’s it! Often, no doubt, when you’re talking to people or looking at anything, or eating dinner, it comes on you, and every thought that clatters through your head fetches up with a rhyme at the end of it— pure, honest, natural-born poetry—ain’t it so!” “Bless your soul, yes. Many’s the time I’ve had to leave my dinner and many’s the time I’ve had to get up in the night when it came on me. At such times as that, I can’t any more talk without rhyming than you could put fire to powder and it not go off. Why bless me, this ship may go to the bottom any moment and drown us all but what of that? 60 NOTEBOOK Whether we’re on the sea or the land We’ve all got to go at the word of command— Hey!—how’s that?” Thursday, June 13, 1867. On board steamer Quaker City at sea. 12 N.—lat. 40, long. 62—560 miles from N. Y., J 4 of the way to the Azores—just 3 days out— in last 24 hrs. made 205 miles. Will make more in next 24, because the wind is fair and we are under sail and steam both, burning 30 tons of coal a day and fast light¬ ening up the ship. Friday. Shipped a sea through the open dead-light; damaged cigars, books and etc.—comes of being careless when room is on the weather side of the ship. Prayer-meetings every night. The Quaker City Mirror is not issued very regularly. Heavy gale down among Azores; threw Capt. Duncan across cabin from dinner table, swept dishes away and fetched away iron water-cooler, which smashed seat just vacated by Mr. Church. Most folks in bed sick—tre¬ mendous sea running all afternoon—fierce gale. Shall I never see lightning and thunder any more? June 21 st, Azores. Daylight. Arrived at the port of Horta, Island of Fayal—Island of Pico, where the fruits are, is opposite and looks beautiful, with its green slopes and snow white houses. Rode jackass, on mattress, with sawbuck for a saddle, 10 miles among the hills, caverns and beautiful scenery of the suburbs, with a troop of barefooted, noisy, young patched-and-ragged devils following with gads. Paid 30c an hour for the jack. 61 MARK TWAIN Everything calculated by reys—takes about a million of them to make 6 bits—a thousand reys make one dollar. Brown having heard that prices were very moderate here, opened his heart and ordered dinner for 8 of us. Here is the bill. It knocked him senseless. dinner for 8 at 3000 equal 24,000 wine, io bottles, at 1200 equal 12,000 cigars 2,000 38,000 That is, $38. This is the dinner accredited to “Blucher” in the Innocents . Fayal, June 22, ’67. Mules and family live all together in one small room— five in center—no escape for smoke save through small passages built in walls. Hardly a chimney in the city. Saw no graveyards. They say they do not reverence their dead very highly; only a few graves arc well cared for. Wheat is threshed by oxen in the old Scriptural way— “Ye shall not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the grain.” Wheat is worth 70c a bushel, but flour $12 a barrel be¬ cause of their slow methods of threshing and grinding. Corn is ground in private houses with a stone mortar, and in a windmill. Near by they have a mule-mill to go, when the wind doesn’t blow. Their plow is a wooden board shod with iron. Their harrow is drawn by hand and has teeth as small as a finger. Their cart is a basket hauled by cows, and the axle and the wooden slab of a wheel both turn. 62 NOTEBOOK Friday, June 27. Sat up all night, playing dominoes in the smoking-room with the purser, and saw the sun rise—woke up Dan and the Doctor and called everybody to see it. Don’t feel very bright. Sailing along through the Straits with Africa (bold, sand-spotted hills) and Spain, a good deal like it, on either hand, 13 miles apart. Water green, not blue—splendid morning, spring like. Passed close to the little heavily walled town of Tarifa, Spain; houses with pink-tiled roofs. Those who read The Innocents Abroad will remember the character the Oracle who was always overflowing with doubtful information. We come to a note here that identifies his origin. Dr. Andrews at breakfast said: “Which side was the pillars of Hercules on?” “Both.” “Some think different—Gibbon does. (The old fool had been smelling in a guide-book, and was trying to play it for old information that had been festering in his brain.) He said: “I suppose them old ancients really believed the Goddess Hercules lived there some time or other.” T angier Going through Spain or not going through Spain? What is the time to Paris? Sixty hours? Can we visit the Al¬ hambra, Seville, Valladolid and 50 other places? Damned glad when I knew it was too late and we couldn’t go. Now as to Tangier there should be no pulling and haul¬ ing— we will go, I shall answer no questions and not listen to any damn fears, surmizes or anything else. Buying gloves of the seductive Spanish wench in the main street who said / knew how to put a glove on and few did—when I was tearing the worthless thing to pieces 63 MARK TWAIN with my awkwardness and taking this fearful sarcasm for a compliment. I paid the price (50c) for a torn pair of Spanish kid gloves. Faithfully recorded in his book—Chapter VII of The Innocents Abroad . Kings Arms and Club House. Hotels keep no registers and never know who is in the house—send me to find my friends, instead of a servant. Dan told to gather all manner of statistics, reports that brandy is 8c a drink and cigars 3c apiece. More barber shops here than shoe shops in Fayal. Many beautiful English and Spanish girls. In Morocco for theft of cattle they cut off right hand and left foot—cut round the joint and break it off. When a poor Moor sees one of the scarce silver dollars he asks permission to kiss it. Governor of Tangier used to have salary of 5 or 6 pounds a month—keeps 25 or 30 wives. Koran allows 4 wives and many concubines. In the interior Jews marry several wives. Snatched Major Barry out of the Moorish mosque— would have been sacrilege. Couldn’t pray in there for a long time till it was purified. Would have got a shoe over his head—years ago would have got a knife—they are very fanatical. 64 NOTEBOOK English officer stepped in and the Moors chased him out and upstreet, with shoes. Clock in mosque out of order. No Moroccan clock- mender so they engaged a Portuguese. They said: “You know we permit donkeys when building to enter —we let the Portuguese take off his shoes and go in and come out as a donkey.” Moorish women cover their faces with their coarse white robes—to cover their inhuman damned ugliness, no doubt. Emperor doesn’t know how many wives he has— thinks it is 500. Many of the blacks are slaves to the Moors:—when they can read first chapter of Koran, can no longer be slaves;—would have been well to adopt educational test for nigger vote in America. Relation of master with female slave frees her. Hercules is the representative of a real character;— that man landed at Cadiz with his lion skin on his shoulders and big club in his hand and founded it— came here and conquered Anitus—king of this country, who lived also at the Garden of Hesperides, 70 miles down coast from here—Hercules met and killed him in these streets. These were savages who lived in little huts and ate only the natural fruits of the land. Canaanites came here when driven out by Joshua and set up a pillar on which they inscribed: We are the Canaanites, driven out of the Holy Land by the Jewish robber Joshua This inscription was seen by Roman historians within 2000 years, in these streets. 6S MARK TWAIN Cape Spartel near here—cave of Hercules—full of in¬ scriptions—Hercules took refuge in that cave. Game of checkers in ancient Treasury of Moorish Emperor’s palace—turbans and hoods, and a negro with shaven head and a topknot—lost their temper. Moorish woman who knows she is handsome will glance around, and if no Moor in sight unconsciously un¬ cover the face. Moor won’t look a woman in the face, nor she him. Marriage is contracted by parents—man never sees her before he is married. Consul McMeth has no society—keeps plenty of games —first week, his wife and her sister cried all the time. Mrs. McMcth’s little 4-ycar-old Katie, born in Tangier, fluently speaks Spanish and Arabic but knows no English —when very earnest talks broken English and uses figura¬ tive language of the Arabs and says “By the beard of my father—by the good health of my mamma,” etc. Questions for Debate Is or is not Capt. Duncan responsible for the head winds? Is a tail absolutely necessary to the comfort and convenience of a dog? And if so would not a multiplicity of tails augment the dog’s comfort and convenience? Found a nation who refused to take a drink—wonderful —wonderful—will wonders never cease? Got back to Quaker City Monday evening, July i, 1867. Left Gibraltar just as the sun was setting. The sunset was soft and rich and beautiful beyond description. I 66 NOTEBOOK shall never forget what a dreamy haze hung about the silver-striped dome of the African pillar—the city and headland of Sudah and the hills beyond the neutral ground, and how the noble precipice of Gibraltar stood out with every point and edge cut sharply against the mellow sky. Nor how like a child’s toy the full canvased ship looked that sailed in under the tremendous wall and was lost to sight in the shadows. Beautiful starlit night on the Mediterranean. All we left behind (on the ship) are in snowy Gibraltar shoes, and our African party are gorgeous with yellow Moorish slippers. Midnight July i. After all this racing and bustling and rollicking excite¬ ment in Africa it seems good to get back to the old ship once more. It is so like home. After all our weary time we shall sleep peacefully tonight. “Sleep makes us all pashas.” (Moorish proverb.) “Sleep joins the parted lovers’ hands.” Following this is a memorandum of a hotel bill in Morocco on which food for 8 is set down at $12.50 and liquors $18.50, by which one may suppose that the Tangier stay ended pleasantly. July 2, 1867. The Mediterranean this morning is a paler blue than any other sea, perhaps, but the richest and most lustrous and beautiful color imaginable. 20 ships in sight all the time. What a good thing Adam had—when he said a good thing he knew nobody had said it before. Chapters VIII and IX of The Innocents 67 MARK TWAIN Abroad , expanded from his Tangier notes, re¬ veal a remarkable and rather sudden develop¬ ment in Mark Twain’s literary style. Cultured association on the ship had something to do with it, and then his imagination responded readily to the picturesque, and to the poetic association that clings to crumbling historic landmarks. 68 CHAPTER VII Athens , Constantinople) Ephesus Readers of The Innocents Abroad may recall that the Quaker City landed at Marseilles and that Mark Twain and his special little group went to Paris, later to Genoa, then by rail through Italy to Milan, Venice, Florence and the rest, joining the ship again at Naples. Unhappily, the notes of this period are lost. We shall never know just what memoranda he made on the spot of the doings of Dan and Jack, and of the guide-baiting “Doctor” whose eternal and devastating inquiry, “Is—is he dead?” made eager guides lose heart and shrivel, and caused him to be remembered the length of the Peninsula during many years. The next existing notebook begins with Seba Smith’s stately “Burial of Moses,” a poem whose lofty wording and majestic imagery had no small influence on Mark Twain’s work. He frequently recited two stanzas from it, and now in view of the coming Holy Land trip set them down in full. By Nebo’s lonely mountain, On this side Jordan’s wave, In a vale in the land of Moab, There lies a lonely grave. And no man knows that sepulchre, And no man saw it e’er, For the angels of God upturned the sod And laid the dead man there. 69 MARK TWAIN And had he not high honor— 'I’he hillside for a pall, To lie in state while angels wait, With stars for tapers tall; And the dark rock-pines, like tossing plumes, Over his bier to wave, And God's own hand in that lonely land To lay him in his grave? From Naples Sailed from Naples Aug. ix, at 6 A.M. 7 P.M., with the western horizon all golden from the sunken sun and specked with the distant ships the bright full moon shining like a silver shield high overhead, the deep, dark blue of the Mediterranean underfoot and a strange sort of twilight affected by all these different lights and colors all around us and about us. Sighted old Stromboli. How grand it looms up out of the lonely sea, and how symmetrical. It is beautiful now with its dark blue just veiled under a pearly mist that half conceals and half discloses. The two jets of smoke have turned into one, 100 feet broad—can’t sec how high—can’t see it after it gets above the black background of the farther rim of the crater. In Rome saw Peter’s footprints. Peter’s Prison (Mamertine)—Print of face—miraculous spring he made to baptize the soldiers—hole where he broke through. Man on this ship as hard a case as Paul—got to knock him endwise with a streak of lightning before he could get religion. Aug. 14. Approaching Athens. The town extends most 70 NOTEBOOK of the way around the deep circular basin, and has the cleanest, neatest two- and three-story square cream- colored buildings we have seen. [Sketch of small sailing- craft.] Boats are not pretty but how they fly, and how ex¬ quisitely skillful these Greeks are in handling them. I would like to stay with them a while. Bad news. They had touched at infected ports —all ports were likely to be that—and were not allowed to land. Athens Thursday Aug. 15, ’67. We were put into quarantine at once, yesterday, and rather than be cooped up at anchor remote from shore for 11 days the captain decided to lie still 24 hrs., then sail direct for Constantinople. It was remarked by the Commandant of the port (at Piraeus) that guards would be set, and a watch kept upon us, and anyone found breaking the quarantine by stealing ashore would be severely dealt with—and quarantine laws in these countries are usually harsh, and even un¬ necessarily cruel, sometimes. It was a bitter disappointment to the whole ship’s com¬ pany, to be so near to famous Athens and not be per¬ mitted to visit it. We could see the city vaguely defined in the distant valley, with the glass. With the naked eye we could see the grand ruins on the Acropolis, and with the telescope could count the columns of the Parthenon. We imagined we could trace out Mars Hill (the Areopagus where Paul preached, where the highest court was held 3 days in a year, and where Demosthenes thun¬ dered his Philippics into the ears of the disheartened Athenians); we believed we could see the Museum Hill 71 MARK TWAIN and the Pnyx. We cared little for Hymettus and Pen- telicus. At ii o’clock at night Dr. Jackson, Col. Denny, Dr. Birch and I left the ship in a boat and got set on shore outside the quarantine lines—then straggled over the hills, serenaded by ioo dogs, skirted the town under a clouded moon, and in half an hour were safe beyond any chance of capture and fairly away for Athens. We could not find a road that seemed to lead in the right direction, and so, taking the tall steep mountain to the left of the Acropolis for a mark, we steered at it industriously over hills through valleys, over stony, desert places, plowed fields and vineyards, and walked fast, too, for there was little time to spare if we would get back to the ship before the treacherous day should dawn. We made the trip (stopped occasionally by savages armed with guns who rose mysteriously up out of shadows and darkness and said “Ha!” when we happened casually to be stealing grapes, and stood under the towering mas¬ sive walls of the ancient citadel of Athens—walls that had loomed above the heads of better men than we 1000 years before the Son of God was born in Bethlehem. It was between i and 2 o’clock—the place was silent— the gates were shut—the devil to pay. Denny tried to climb over a ruined wall—knocked down a stone—some¬ body shouted from within and Denny dropped! We soon roused that fellow out (the guard) and entered the ma¬ jestic ruin. The Propylasa, gateway to the temples of the Acropolis, is of lovely fluted columns, of white marble. All about us fragments, marble-armed chairs, bas-relief and tablaturcs, statues, etc. Grim marble faces, glancing up so suddenly out of the grass at our feet. Temple of Minerva small. 72 NOTEBOOK Temple of Hercules with the 6 noble Caryatides sup¬ porting the portico. Old ruined arches in the valley below on the right. The narrow rocky ridge and flights of steps and square rostrum on the Areopagus or Mars Hill, sacred to the memories of St. Paul and Demosthenes, Aristides, Themistocles, etc. But Athens by moonlight from the bastions! The King’s white palace and shrubberied garden flecked with mellow gaslights! The sharply defined windows, chimneys, shin¬ gles, of almost every single house in Athens, in the splen¬ did lustre that was pouring out of the heavens, even paling the scattering gaslights. Athens spread out right underneath our feet, 200 ft. below us, and the grand white ruin of the Parthenon towering over our heads. Athens by moonlight! When I forget it I shall be dead—not before. Upon these notes he built that wonderful chapter in The Innocents —a prose poem, though hardly more vivid than these hasty jottings. We made the trip, undisturbed save by the armed grape-guards and 17,000,000 dogs that followed us through Piraeus, and reached the ship at 4:30, this morn¬ ing just as the day was dawning. I sat up an hour or two and saw a very beautiful sunrise, a rich flush that suffused all the heavens behind the Acropolis like a blush. At 6:30, after I had gone to bed, Mr. Griswold came and got my Moorish fez and he and James and Crocker went ashore, intending to steal away to Athens, but the guards discovered them before they went 1000 yards and chased them—they say it was a close race but they won the boat and escaped to the ship. Aug. 16. Troy. We are now—11 A.M.—right abreast the plains of Troy 73 MARK TWAIN —a little rock 200 yards long with a light on it was the anchorage of the Greek vessels. The plain of Troy is wide and low—8 or 10 miles back is a range of undulating hills. Half the plain is covered with what seems to be green underbrush, and the other half is sand. We are making a straight break for Dardanelles and shall enter in an hour—Mt. Ida in the distance. Noon, Passed abreast of ancient Troy and not long afterward entered the Dardanelles (or Hellespont) and after this passed the harbor whence Agamemnon’s fleet sailed to the siege of Troy. Farther along the tomb of Hecuba on one side and Ajax on the other. First architects of Xerxes’ bridge of boats over the Hellespont were beheaded because the bridge broke away —the hint was not lost on the second lot—Xerxes’ host 2,600,000 men and 2,500,000 camp-followers crossed it. Just entering the Hellespont 3 or 4 miles wide—guarded on either side by Turkish castles, flying the crescent flag. We are gaining fast on a French steamer since we have hoisted main and main-top sails and jib—we’ll catch him in an hour. See a camel train on shore with the glass. [Sketches and crude drawings of maps—entrance to the Hellespont, etc.] Aug. 16. Entered the Sea of Marmora at 5 in the after¬ noon, if I remember rightly. The Viceroy of Egypt passed us in his lightning yacht as if we were standing still, waved his hand to us. He looks a good deal like his uncle (or his brother—which?) the Sultan of Turkey. 74 NOTEBOOK Night—Rev. Mr. Bullard lectured on Athens, and I said a few words—same subject. Constantinople Aug. 17 reached Constantinople at daylight and an¬ chored in the mouth of the Golden Horn. Visited the celebrated mosque of St. Sophia near the Grand Seraglio Gardens, but found nothing there to go into ecstasies over. It is an immense structure and its dome is very peculiar, being as great in diameter as St. Peter’s, perhaps, but enough flatter to be remarkable. It seemed curious to see these Eastern devotees going through their extravagant ceremonies in a church that was built for Christian worship; this strikes one more than anything else. The painted bronze open-work of the capitols of the columns and the filigree inlaying above them are curious but not fascinating. The numerous pillars in one piece, precious marbles, are not lovely because they are so chipped and dented and rusty and unattractive. The gaudy mosaics in the dome and their grotesque Turkish writing are not pretty. The vast gilt circular wooden signs at the corners are not handsome. Neither are the numberless coarse oil-mugs for tapers, suspended everywhere. I had to enter in stocking feet, and caught cold and got my feet stuck up with the abom¬ inations that besmeared the paved floors everywhere. It was not bewitching to see a number of dirty varlets in all manner of absurd costume, sitting tailor-fashion on the floor, reciting their lessons. I don’t think much of St. Sophia. iooo columns underground—curious—nothing more. The fact that he caught cold there had some- 75 MARK TWAIN thing to do with the temper of these notes, of course, but in the book written months later he still had little good to say of St. Sophia. Other aspects of the city he found more pleasing: Women rather pretty with their veiled faces and flow¬ ing Oriental robes—but flitting about in the magnificent distances of the dim arches of the great bazaars, look horribly like the shrouded dead abroad in the earth. The bazaars of Stamboul—wonderful. The dogs of Constantinople more so. Embroidered jackets of gold and purple, blue and crim¬ son—splendid. Persian shawls and fabrics—and Turkish —gorgeous. Turkish Father Recommends His Son “Can recommend my son as a smart boy and terrific liar—can cheat deftly.” New palace on the Asiatic side of the beautiful Bos¬ phorus (3 miles wide) is built on spot where Constantine erected a gold cross to commemorate his conversion. When Turks took the place and began to build, many thought he would declare himself Christian when fin¬ ished, and waited to baptize their children then. They are waiting yet. Russia Spent a day at Sebastopol. Melancholy place—wilder¬ ness of battered down houses—look like forest of broken chimneys. Not 3 dozen habitable dwellings —they all new. 76 NOTEBOOK Visited Redan, Malakoff, etc. and picked up cannon balls and other light relics. Russia claimed exclusive right to put a new dome on the Church of the Holy Sepulcher at Jerusalem, and France claimed the same—England wanted a chance at Russia—hence, the war. Sounds as absurd as the cru¬ sades. A large number of handsome young English and Rus¬ sian young ladies visited the ship and spent the afternoon. They were delighted at her fine appointments and great size. 1 If we could have brought them back we might have taken them to Odessa. It was pleasant to hear our own language again. Several gentlemen insisted on our visiting the Emperor with the ship—said they would insure us a superb recep¬ tion by him and would not only telegraph but send a courier to notify him we were coming. He is spending the heated months at a little watering-place 30 miles from here. For certain reasons we declined, and everybody was sorry enough, very naturally. This has been the pleasantest afternoon we have had for a good while. Everywhere the prints of cannon balls are in the stone walls—some as neat as if cut. Some balls still stick in the walls, and from them iron stains run. It (Sebastopol) is a completely destroyed town—not one of its old houses was left standing in that fearful 18 months’ siege. 2 1 She had a register of eighteen hundred tons! 8 Surrendered Sept. 9, 1855. The Russian loss (defenders) 102,670. 77 MARK TWAIN They sell Circassian girls yet in Constantinople, but the markets are private. Aug. 25.—On our way back to Yalta to call on the Emperor of Russia, who has telegraphed the Governor General of Odessa concerning the matter, and the thing is all right. O, geeminy, what a stir there is! What a calling of meetings! What an appointing of committees! What a furbishing up of swallow-tail coats! A committee was appointed to draft an address to the Emperor. Mark Twain was elected chair¬ man and instructed to prepare the address; which here follows, as originally set down in his note¬ book. Your Imperial Majesty: Wo are a handful of private citizens of America, travelling simply for recreation, & unostentatiously, as becomes our un¬ official state, & therefore we have no excuse to tender for pre¬ senting ourselves before your Majesty, save the desire of offering our grateful acknowledgments to the lord of a realm which, through good & through evil report has been the fast friend of the land we love so well. We could not presume to take a step like this did we not know well that the words we speak here, & sentiments wherewith they are freighted, arc but the reflex of the thoughts & the feel¬ ings of all our countrymen, from the green hills of New Eng¬ land to the shores of the far Pacific. We are few in number, but we utter the voice of a nation! One of the brightest pages that has graced the world’s history since written history had birth, was recorded by your Majesty’s hand when it loosed the bonds of twenty million serfs; and 78 NOTEBOOK Americans can but esteem it a privilege to do honor to a ruler who has wrought so great a deed. The lesson that was taught us then, we have profited by, & are free in truth, to-day, even as we were before in name. America owes much to Russia—is in¬ debted to her in many ways—and chiefly for her unwavering friendship in seasons of our greatest need. That that friendship may still be hers in time to come, we confidently pray; that she is & will be grateful to Russia & to her Sovereign for it, we know full well; that she will ever forfeit it by any premeditated, unjust act, or unfair course, it were treason to believe. (Signed) Sam. L. Clemens, Ch’n D. Crocker ) A. N. Sandford ) Col. Kinney ) Wm. Gibson ) Committee On behalf of the passengers of the U. S. Steamer Quaker City, C. C. Duncan commanding. Yalta, Russia—Aug. 25, 1867 That job is over. Writing addresses to Emperors is not my strong suit. However, if it is not as good as it might be, it doesn’t signify—the other committeemen ought to have helped write it—they had nothing else to do, and I had my hands full. But for bothering with this matter I would have caught up entirely with my N. Y. Tribune correspondence, and nearly with the San Francisco cor. The reception of our party by the Emperor is to come off at the summer palace at noon to-morrow. Aug. 26. The imperial carriages were in waiting at 11, and at 12 we were at the palace. In 5 minutes the Emperor and Empress, the Grand Duchess Marie and the little Grand Duke appeared and welcomed the party pleasantly. The consul for Odessa read the address and the Czar 79 MARK TWAIN said frequently, “Good, very good indeed” and at the close, “I am very, very grateful.” After talking half an hour the Imperial party conducted us all through the palace and then all through the young crown prince’s beautiful palace. By this time it was after i, and an invitation came from the Grand Duke Michael to visit his gardens, park and palace and breakfast with him, which we did. Prince Dalgorouki went along, and so did that jolly Count Festetics who is to marry the Governor-General’s daughter. So also the Lord High Admiral of Russia and a number of the nobility of both sexes connected with the Emperor’s household. But the Grand Duke Michael is a rare brick!—and his wife is one of the very pleasantest of all these pleasant people, and both are sociable. What happened in the park—and again in the court of the palace, where the fountain was, and the flowers—and above all the occurrence under the porch which has the Caryatides in imitation of the Temple of Erechtheus at Athens—these were rich—they must never be trusted to treacherous paper—memory will do—I guess no one in the world who could appreciate a joke would be likely to forget them. What really happened in the park was that one of the Quaker City “pilgrims” said to the Grand Duke, in a voice subdued in quality, but not in carrying power, “Say, Dook, where’s the water-closet?” The “under the porch” joke was, as he con¬ fessed years afterward, on himself. He had no¬ ticed that a number of the foreign guests had a bit of red ribbon in their buttonholes—an orna¬ ment, as he supposed. He thought it attractive, and discovering a bit of red ribbon—from a cigar, 80 NOTEBOOK perhaps—tied it in his own buttonhole. Pres¬ ently Count Festetics, Grand Master of Cere¬ monies, inquired as to his Legion of Honor decoration. He realized then, and was embar¬ rassed, but not entirely floored. He said hastily that his ribbon was merely a symbol of a dub of journalists to which he belonged. We had not been at the Grand Duke’s long when the Empress and the Grand Duchess Marie came, and shortly afterward the Emperor himself. He looked much nobler than the Emperor Napoleon, and a hundred times more so than the Sultan of Turkey. Remained half a day, nearly. Aug. 27. Carpets were spread over the pier and the Governor-General and family came on board the ship (we saluted with 9 guns) and afterward [here follows a list of dignitaries, including Gen. Todtleben, the honored de¬ fender of Sebastopol all during the siege. And a large number of army and navy officers and titled and untitled ladies and gentlemen]. Champagne blow-out. Aug. 28. Sailed for Constantinople last night, saluting as we left—and fireworks. That beautiful little devil I danced with at the ball in that impossible Russian dance still runs in my head. Ah, me! if I had only known how to talk Russian! However, she must have known I was saying some thing with all that absurd English which she couldn’t understand. All day ladies bathe naked in full view of the ship. They don’t consider it any harm, I suppose. At Odessa all ages and sexes bathe together. Aug. 29. Passed through the beautiful Bosphorus just 81 MARK TWAIN after daylight and anchored away up in the Golden Horn, nearly to the lower bridge. Been on shore and found Dan and Foster, Jack Van Nostrand and Col. Haldeman. The American minister (Mr. Morris) is to drink wine on board tonight. Our imperial visit has had a good effect. It worries the Sublime Porte a good deal. It is well, for the offensive resolutions of Congress concerning the Cretan insurrection have just been received and it may prevent an offensive reply—may even avert a war—who knows. Sept. 2. Went over to Scutari—took horse and went on top of mountain back of city—beautiful view of Con.— Bosphorus Islands in sea of Marmora—saw most of Black Sea, etc. Found a gold mine—good live quartz—the gold in snuff colored sulphurettes—ought to be very valuable here, where the labor is so cheap. Its presence is unsuspected. This is an interesting item, but we hear no more of it. Perhaps the mine still waits for an active discoverer. Sea of Marmora Sept. 3. Tried to leave Constantinople at 7 P.M., but in dodging a schooner, whose mainsail we tore with our bow¬ sprit, we fouled a buoy just abreast of the Grand Seraglio (but within the Golden Horn) and drifted down on the bowsprit of a Beuctra boat—which cut our starboard quarter boat clear in two. We got clear at n o’clock, and in a few moments we saw nothing but 5 miles of lights, elevated in pyramids, lines and semicircles—arches—the last of Constantinople. 82 CHAPTER VIII Syria and the Holy Land Smyrna Field —villages of scattered houses or tents that look like sugar-loaves through the glasses. Smyrna Bay is very deep—Country low hills and rolling. Afternoon—officers of gunboat Swatora came aboard. Ascended Citadel Hill (Mt. Pagus of Scripture). Went to Caravan Bridge to see the camel-trains come in. Ephesus Sept. 6. All hands took train and went to ruins of an¬ cient Ephesus, 45 miles hence. Another of the 7 churches of Asia was here. Apollo and Diana were bom here. Here the god Pan lurked in the Coressus and the Prion hills; here Bacchus and Hercules fought against the Amazons; here Hanni¬ bal, Scipio, Lysander, Alexander the Great and many an¬ other man great in ancient history tarried. Here Homer was born; here Brutus and Cassius lay in refuge in the temple, and Anthony and Cleopatra held their gorgeous revels. Here stood the splendid temple of Diana of Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Here Paul and John preached; here the Virgin Mary lived with John, and here both died and were buried. Here is the tomb of St. Luke the Disciple. Here Mary 83 MARK TWAIN Magdalene lies buried. Here John the Baptist labored. From these noble ruins many a church in Christendom and many a mosque has been supplied with its grandest, its costliest and most enduring columns. Syria Sept. ii. Left Beyrut for Jerusalem at 3 P.M. Our company is composed of 8 persons: Church, of Ohio W. R. Denny, Va. Jack Van Nostrand, N. J. Davis, Staten Island Dan Slote, N. Y. Moulton, Missouri Dr. Birch Sam Clemens, Cal. all mounted on horses. Abraham of Malta is chief drago¬ man, and Mohammed of Alexandria, Egypt, is first assist¬ ant. Camp equipage: 3 sleeping-tents; 1 kitchen tent, and 1 eating-tent all large, finely furnished and handsome. Our caravan numbers 24 mules and horses and 14 serving-men—28 men all told. Camped that night on high ground of the Lebanon foot¬ hills 10 or 12 miles from Beyrut. They were off on “the long trip” through Syria and the entire length of Palestine, in summer¬ time. Three or four weeks later those who sur¬ vived would join the ship at Joppa. In the Innocents we read, . . . terms five dollars a day apiece, in gold, and everything to be furnished by the dragoman. They said we would live as well as at a hotel. I had read something like that before, and did not 84 NOTEBOOK shame my judgment by believing a word of it, I said nothing, however, but packed up a blanket and a shawl to sleep in, pipes and tobacco, two or three woolen shirts, a portfolio, a guide-book, and a Bible. I also took along a towel and a cake of soap, to inspire respect in the Arabs, who would take me for a king in disguise. But it all turned out as promised. If their live¬ stock was not very sightly, the comforts were beyond belief. The finishing touch that night was when their serving-men spread carpets in their tents. I simply said: “If you call this camping out, all right—but it isn’t the style 1 am used to; my little baggage that I brought along is at a dis¬ count.” It grew dark and they put candles on the tables —candles set in bright, new, brazen candlesticks. And soon the bell—a genuine, simon-pure bell— rang, and we were invited to “the saloon.” I had thought before that we had a tent or so too many, but now here was one, at least, provided for; it was to be used for nothing but an “eating-saloon.” Like the others, it was high enough for a family of giraffes to live in, and was very handsome and clean and bright-colored within. It was a gem of a place. A table for eight, and eight canvas chairs; a tablecloth and napkins whose whiteness and whose fineness laughed to scorn the things we were used to in the great excursion steamer; knives and forks, soup plates, dinner plates— everything in the handsomest kind of style. It was wonderful! And they call this camping out. Those stately fellows in baggy trousers and tur- baned fezes brought in a dinner which consisted 85 MARK TWAIN of roast mutton, roast chicken, roast goose, pota¬ toes, bread, tea, pudding, apples, and delicious grapes5 the viands were better cooked than any we had eaten for weeks and the table made a finer appearance, with its large German-silver candle¬ sticks and other finery than any table we had sat down to for a good while, and yet that polite dragoman, Abraham, came bowing in and apol¬ ogizing for the whole affair, on account of the unavoidable confusion of getting under way for a very long trip, and promising to do a great deal better in future! It is midnight now, and we break camp at six in the morning! They call this camping out. At this rate it is a glorious privilege to be a pilgrim to the Holy Land. It would not all be a “glorious privilege,” but not many things in this world could be more inspiring than their start. To be young (he was not yet 32), starting with boon companions on a trip into historic Syria and the Holy Land—days of it, weeks of it, no hurry—and then, next morning: The saloon tent had been stripped of its sides, and had nothing left but its roof; so when we sat down to table we could look out over a noble panorama of mountain, sea, and hazy valley. And sitting thus, the sun rose slowly up and suffused the picture with a world of rich coloring. Sept. 12. Broke camp at 7 A.M. just as Col. Foster and Col. Hyde went by in the diligence bound for Damascus. We passed the Leary party and the Bond party during the day. 86 NOTEBOOK Came down into the great Lebanon valley at noon and rested and lunched at an old kahn. Far away on the right the snow-spotted peak of Mt. Hermon. Passed up the valley and camped on the lower side under the dews of Hermon—first passing through a dirty Arab village and visiting the tomb of Noah, of Deluge notoriety. Ruins of Baalbec Broke camp at 6:30 A.M., crossed the valley and at 11 reached the magnificent ruins of Baalbec. Marched about the ruined temples and the quarries 3 or 4 hours. Found Bullard, Mrs. Fairbanks, James, and Beach and daughter there; met Jackson and party, and the Leary and Bond parties arrived afterward, fagged out—then departed. One of the fine chapters of The Innocents is the one describing Baalbec, yet these, ap¬ parently, are his only notes of the ancient city. Very likely he carried the picture in his head and set it forth that night in an Alta letter. He was writing an average of three letters a week for the Alta and the New York Tribune —long letters. When did he find the time? In later life he classified himself as “lazy”; the earlier facts do not bear him out. Rode seven hours, partly through wild, rocky scenery and camped at ten-thirty on the banks of a pretty stream, near a Syrian village. Two horses lame, and the others worn out. Sept. 14. Broke camp at 7 A.M. and made a fearful trip through the Zeb Dana valley and the rough moun¬ tains (temples carved in them) and finally along a beau¬ tiful stream in a chasm, lined thick with pomegranate, fig, olive and quince orchards, and nooned an hour at 1 87 MARK TWAIN P.M. at the celebrated fountain of Figia, second in size in Syria, and the coldest water in the world. Bathed in it. It is the principle source of the Abana River and is only half mile long to where it joins. Beautiful place, giant trees all around—vast stream gushes from under the mountain in a torrent. Over it is a very ancient ruin, with no known history—supposed to have been for the worship of the fountain. Where Baalam’s ass lived, holy ground. Damascus Left the fountain at I P.M. and reached Mohammed’s lookout place over the wonderful garden and plain of Damascus and the beautiful city in time to get a good long look and descend into the city before the gates were closed. Sept. 15. Taken very sick at 4 A.M. Sept. 16. Abed all day yesterday—got enough of Da¬ mascus. Don’t want to see any more of it. Took a jackass and an Arab to drive it and visited the “Street called Straight.” Judas’s house where St. Paul lay blind after his adventure—house and well of Ananias (these are gen¬ uine, at any rate) the disciple who went and invested Paul with the sacred office as commanded by the Saviour —the house of Naaman the leper, whom the prophet Elijah (or Elisha) ordered to wash 7 times in Jordan and so cured him—the place in the city wall (evidently old Roman wall) where Paul was let down in the basket and made his escape toward Jerusalem when a Jew sought his life—outside the wall the tomb (red chicken-coop) of St. George, a gate-keeper beheaded for conniving at Paul’s escape. Further out the hole (genuine and ancient) where Paul lay hid till he got a chance to get away—and the 88 NOTEBOOK great tomb of the 5000 Christians massacred in Damascus 7 years ago. Enough of Damascus. Sept. 16. Left Damascus about 10 or n—4 hours out saw the spot where Paul was miraculously converted. Nimrod’s tomb. 4000 years old. The first king. Camped at an Arab village where Nimrod, the mighty hunter, the builder of Babylon and the Tower of Babel, lies buried. He was a fine old sport and a great linguist. In his book Mark Twain writes: The last twenty-four hours we stayed in Damascus I lay prostrate with a violent attack of the cholera, or cholera morbus, and therefore had a good chance and a good excuse to lie there on that wide divan and take an honest rest. He was better next day, able to go on, but at a village a few days later Dan was taken vio¬ lently. He might never go any farther. The pil¬ grims were anxious to get on; they might miss the boat. Besides, it was very uncomfortable there—a hot, infected, squalid place. The pil¬ grims passed resolutions: they would make Dan as comfortable as possible, and leave him. Mark Twain said: “Gentlemen, I understand that you are going to leave Dan Slote here alone. I’ll be God¬ damned if I do.” With a few attendants he remained behind, with Dan, who presently recovered. They over¬ took the others without much delay. Neither in his book nor in his notes does Mark Twain men¬ tion anything of this. It was told later by Deacon 89 MARK TWAIN William F. Church, a member of the party—a man of orthodox views, who did not approve of Mark Twain, his language, or his habits. “He was the worst man I ever knew/’ Church said; then added, “And the best” 1 Holy Land Sept. 17. Edged into the Holy Land proper, today. After noonday lunch, climbed a great cone 1000 ft. high which overlooks the ancient ruined city of Caesarea Phillippi, Dan, and the great plain wherein are visible some little streams—sources of the Jordan. This place where we are encamped is beautiful with olive groves and the fountain which is the main source of the Jordan—we washed in it and drank of its waters. The fountain comes from a great grotto, where the Greeks (and the Romans afterward) worshiped the God Pan (hence the name, Panias) and niches are carved in the rocks still, and the Greek inscriptions. At the same place Herod the Great erected a marble temple to commemorate the visit of Caesar Augustus to the city and changed the city’s name to Caesarea Phillippi also. C css are a Phillippi A great massive ruined citadel of 4 acres. Ruined arches, waterways, bridges, columns, capitols etc. every¬ where. Hoofprints deep in old rocks. This is the first place we have ever seen whose pave¬ ments were trodden by Jesus Christ. Here he asked the disciples who the people took him to be, and asked Peter who he took him to be and Peter’s confident answer elicited that famous sentence upon which all the vast power and importance the Church of Rome arrogates to itself is founded: “Thou art Peter and upon this rock 1 Letter from George H. Warner (brother of Charles Dudley Warner) to the writer, March 14, 1911. 90 NOTEBOOK etc.—and what thou shalt bind upon the earth shall be bound in Heaven” etc. Here Christ cured a woman who had had an issue of blood for years (nowadays there would have been an affidavit published) and near here, possibly on the castle hill, some claim that the Saviour’s ascension took place. Dan Sept. 18. It was first, ages ago the Phoenician Laish—a lot of Danites from Sodom, 600, came over like a pack of ad¬ venturers, as they were, and captured the place and lived there, as sort of luxurious agriculturists, till Abraham hazed them in after times. We traveled a long stretch (4 miles) of miserable rocky road, overrun by water, and finally turned and followed down the other side of the valley, over a half-green, half- rusty country full of fine sheep, bulls of Bashan and Bedouin shepherds. The Bedouins are descended from Esau, and scorn to live in houses. Saw their tents. Then through several large Arab villages made of coarse mat¬ ting houses, shaped like an omnibus, and finally after nooning and riding 2 hrs. along a vast green swamp that occupies the whole width of the valley we camped at last at a fountain and mill well down abreast of Lake Hula, or the Waters of Merom, of Bible fame. Sept. 19. Left our camp by the Waters of Merom, at 7 A.M. The Arabs threw stones into the camp last night and tried to stampede the horses. Rode 2 hrs. over tolerably arable land (fast) and came in sight of the Sea of Galilee—shortly came to an old kahn, and in it examined the arched pit called Joseph’s well, where his brethren threw him. Then over a horrible, rocky, barren desert (like Nevada) with scattering goats and shepherds (with pipes) and passed Safed, and close 91 MARK TWAIN to that Bethsaida, from which Christ sent his disciples in a boat, after the miracle of 5 loaves and 2 fishes per¬ formed at the other Bethsaida, which is above the mouth of the Jordan 2 miles and a little to the eastward, where Andrew and several other disciples hailed from. One mile from Bethsaida we descended to the Sea at Capurnaum, Christ’s dwelling-place, where he performed a great many miracles. Some old crumbling ruins there, a ruined kahn and a fig tree and fountain, Arabs and camels. Near here was the marvelous draught of fishes. Tried to get a boat, and didn’t. This is the brief note that Mark Twain en¬ larged later in Chapter XLVII of The Innocents Abroad . The pilgrims, he says, had been in a semi-rhapsody ever since they had arrived near the Sea of Galilee. The thought of actually sail¬ ing on the waters that had borne the Saviour and the Apostles almost overcame them. As to the cost in money of this precious privilege it was not even considered. Then they heard the price and lost enthusiasm. Something of the sort happened. As related, it may be mixed with imagination a little, but at any rate the pilgrims did not get the boat. A brief note follows: “Took a bath”—(to cool themselves off, per¬ haps). Crossed a long, rich, oleander plain along the sea to Magdala, the birthplace of Mary Magdalene—the ratti¬ est, rustiest, dirtiest little collection of mud hovels, tat¬ tooed women and sore-eyed children in Palestine. Thence along the edge of a mountain, to Tiberius, another nasty mud-hovel village, full of Arabs, Jews and Negroes. 92 NOTEBOOK It was built by Herod Antipas, the murderer of John the Baptist, and named after his friend, the Emperor Tiberius, so it is only mentioned in the New Testament. The Sanhedrim met here last, and for 300 years it was the metropolis of the Jews in Palestine. It has been the abiding-place of many famous and learned Jewish rabbis. They are here buried. Opposite Tiberius on the east side of the lake the swine ran down to the sea. We have seen no country between here and Damascus capable of supporting any such population as one gathers from the Bible. The people of this region in the Bible were just as they are now—ignorant, depraved, superstitious, dirty, lousy, thieving vagabonds. Sept. 20. Bathed in Galilee before breakfast. Passed through the strange old town (beautiful porphyry col¬ umns with paintings almost worn away.) Had a wretched- looking scalliwag imposed upon us as a guard by the sheik—a beat with a long harmless silver-mounted gun and 2 pistols. Mount Tabor Transfiguration. It is mentioned all through, the Bible. New convent, and ruins of an old one built by the crusaders. Also ruins of Joshua’s time. Saw from its summit, Galilee, Hermon, Little Hermon, Gilboa, where Saul and Jonathan fell, Nain, Endor, Foun¬ tain of Jezreel, the Plain of Ezbraelon, where Napoleon, the Crusaders, the ancient Jews and all the nations of the earth have fought at different times. Then came to Nazareth where Christ lived and car¬ pentered till 30 years of age (not allowed by Jewish law to teach sooner). 93 MARK TWAIN Imagine Christ’s 30 years of life in the slow village of Nazareth. If Mark Twain had not been previously fa¬ miliar with Bible history he was to become rea¬ sonably familiar with it now. He had bought a little Bible at Constantinople, and he read it diligently. That he was deeply impressed is cer¬ tain—his writing shows that, and in a way which perhaps he did not at the moment realize. Some¬ thing of the stately simplicity of the King James version crept into his style, and remained there. If, as has been said, Mark Twain “wrote the purest English of any modern writer,” the rea¬ son for it, in some measure at least, is to be found here. Sept. 21. Left Nazareth and its chalk hills at 7.30 and galloped across the Plain of Esdraelon to Endor, the rustiest of all of them, almost—a few nasty mud cabins— many caves and holes in the hill from which the fierce, ragged, dirty inhabitants swarmed. Pop. 250. The Witch’s Cave Has a fig tree before it and a spring within. Endor is a fit place for a witch. Camel dung on the roofs and caked against the houses to dry. Nain An hour further—still small towns. Little moss over spot once occupied by the widow’s house. Graveyard— very old and ratty—exists yet, and place shown where corpse was passing through city wall when Christ resur¬ rected it. City of Jezreel On the hill where Ahab, King of Judah, lived in splen- 94 NOTEBOOK dor with his awful heifer, Jezebel, who swore away a fellow’s life who would not sell his valley vineyard to her, and then took possession—on account of which she fell under a curse. Jehu, the mighty rider, “rode furi¬ ously” (couldn’t have done it anywhere but in this plain) captured the city, threw Jez. over the walls and she was eaten by the dogs. Fountain of Jezreel Where Gideon slipped up on the Midianites and Amalekites with his 300 who lapped like dogs and with candles, pitchers and trumpets made a great host slay themselves. Here Saul camped, while the Philistines lay at Shunam (big advantage of slope all the way). In the night he passed over left shoulder of Little Hermon to Endor where witch called up Samuel who prophesied Saul’s defeat. Next day he and Jonathan and 2 other sons fled over Mount Gilboa (over our heads) and the 3 were killed and Saul fell on his sword thus making the throne to David. Esdraelon is what stands for the Armageddon of Scrip¬ ture—Megiddo. This Esdraelon is called the battlefield of the nations. 11 separate and distinct nations have fought in it. Think of all these marshaled at once in this great level plain, 25 miles long and 8 broad—the Assyrians and Persians, the Jews and Gentiles, Crusaders and Saracens, Egyp¬ tians, Turks, Arabs and Franks, in divers costumes, a splendid array. Call up the shadowy warriors and deploy them again on the great plain under the moon! 5,000,000! Next to El Genin, where we are camped. Dr. Jackson and Payne are here and the Pasha of Akka with a great retinue of many camels. Crocker party have gone to Shechem. 95 MARK TWAIN Sept. 22. Left Genin at I A.M. Some time before day¬ light passed near another place where Joseph’s brethren pitted him. Samaria About noon, after passing over a succession of moun¬ tain tops (saw the Mediterranean Sea 40 miles distant) and many biblical cities in which the inhabitants looked savage and would have liked to throw stones (women and babies with elaborate coin head-dresses). We came to the singularly terraced hills which showed that we were out of Galilee and into Samaria. Climbed a hill to visit the ruin of the city where the woman of Samaria conversed with Christ and gave him to drink—where the good Samaritan (the only one that ever lived there) dwelt, and where Elisha brought Naaman to be cured of his leprosy. It is rough stone mud hovels and camel dung as usual —and a hundred limestone columns 2 ft. in diameter, 20 ft. high and no Capitols or bases—lowest grade of archi¬ tecture—and I suppose that this is all that remains of Herod’s boasted beautifying of the city. Ruins of a Christian church of the Crusades and the tomb of St. John the Evangelist—remains transferred to the Church of the Annunciation, Genoa. The Arabs stoned Mr. James here, and 2 stones hit Miss Brown—our party was not molested except that a small boy threw a stone at the doctor. Nablus or Shechem. Luncheon there at 3 P.M. The Crocker and Beach party on the hill. Ebal on the left (hill of cursing) and Gerezim on the right (hill of bless¬ ing). Ebal is cultivated with grapes—scattering olives on the other—disproves the enthusiasts who say the accursed mountain is barren and the other blooming. On the hill is the oldest manuscript in existence—Jew- 96 NOTEBOOK ish law. 1 Here Jacob (and I believe Abraham, Isaac, Joseph etc.) lived, and here Joshua gave the people his dying injunctions. Camped at 7 P.M. at an Arab village Lubia (Libonia of the Bible) tents behind. Slept on the ground in front of an Arab house. Lice, fleas, horses, jackasses, chickens and, worse than all, Arabs for company all night. Sept. 22. Broke camp at 2.30 A.M. and passed the Severance party in the foot of the valley—lights burning in their tents. After daylight passed somewhere in the neighborhood of Shiloh, where the Ark of Covenant rested 300 years— Ark taken to battle and lost—Eli fell and broke his neck. Jerusalem Loafed all the afternoon at the Mediterranean Hotel. We entered by the Damascus Gate, part of which is very old and part was repaired by the Crusaders. Sept. 23. Visited the Mosque of Omar. Footprint of Abraham, I suppose when he was going to sacrifice Isaac. Great rock of Abraham’s sacrifice (au¬ thentic). Down below is a place where Mohammed shoved rock up with his head. The rock is suspended between Heaven and earth. Hole in middle which leads down to Moham¬ medan Hell. Souls stand there and Mohammed lifts them up by the hair of the head, so they leave a scalplock—if they lose it they will go to Hell sure. 1 ‘Written on vellum and is some four or five thousand years old” {The Innocents ,). 97 MARK TWAIN Calvary Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Organ and chanting of the monks. Dim cathedral lights of many smoking tapers. Place where Helena found the cross and her chapel where she sat. Pillar of Flagellation. Place where soldier was beheaded who said, “Truly this was the son of God.” Place where John and Mary stood looking at Christ oa the cross when he said “Woman, behold thy son.” Place where Jesus appeared to Mary in the Garden. Place where the women came at early dawn and saw the angel at the sepulcher. The rent rock and the holes where the 3 crosses stood. Navel of the world in the Greek chapel, where Adam’s dust came from. Sword and spurs of Godfrey of Bouillon, first King of Jerusalem (genuine). Adam’s grave. Crown of thorns. The fact that he notes parenthetically that the sword and spurs of Godfrey of Bouillon are “genuine” casts a doubt on the other relics and landmarks. His chapter on the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, including his reflections at Adam’s grave, is one of the best in the book. With Jerusalem as their headquarters, they now made excursions to near-by localities of sacred interest. Sept. 24. Left Jerusalem at 8 A.M. Passed out at St. Stephen’s Gate, along base of Olivet in Valley of Je- hosaphat by Jewish graveyard and tomb of Absalom— Jews throw stones at it to this day. 98 mark twain, '. HARTFORD, CORK . NOTEBOOK Village of Bethany. It is fearfully ratty—some houses— mud—6 ft. square, and others holes in the ground—all windowless. House and tomb of Lazarus and his 2 sisters. Ancient Jericho Where Joshua marched around 7 times and blew down the walls. Many ruins still there—arches, of course, and mosaics in the brook. Precipice perforated with holes. This is the Plain of Jericho, noted as the most fertile spot in Palestine—they used to irrigate it. Camped near old square tower (Middle Ages, no doubt) and modern mud Jericho—garrisoned by 12 men —Bedouin war. Priest only entered Holy of Holies once a year, and then sent scapegoat through Golden Gate to the wilder¬ ness—some rascal gobbled him up, sins and all, before he got a hundred yards. No Second Advent—Christ been here once, will never come again. Dead Sea Sept. 25. Visited ancient Jericho and the Fountain of Elisha. Found mosaics in the pool. Abraham had a row with the Arabs about pitching tents in a hot valley among the fig trees. As usual, got up 2 hrs. too soon (at 2 A.M.) and at 4 had traversed the Plain of Jericho and arrived at the River Jordan—the ford where the 12 stones were taken out. Lay down in the bushes and slept 2 hours and caught cold. Got up and crossed the Jordan. Then rode 2 hours to the Dead Sea, and took a long bath. Face blistered and hair filled with crystallized salt. 99 MARK TWAIN After providing so many sheiks and guides, never saw a Bedouin. Sept. 26. Got up at 3 A.M. and traveled 2J 4 hours over mountains and got to the enclosure of olive trees in a plain where the angels announced the birth of the Saviour to the shepherds. Then x /i hour to Bethlehem and to the Milk Grotto. Then to the Convent of the Nativity built by St. Helena in 326. Place where 20,000 children beheaded by Herod were buried. Lunched there and left—2 hours to Jerusalem. On the way visited Rachel’s tomb (authentic). In Jerusalem breakfasted at noon at the Mediterranean Hotel and then went to the Hill of Offense where Solomon built a temple for his Egyptian wife. Tree there that Judas Iscariot hanged himself from. Went to the Jews’ wailing-place along the old wall of Solomon’s Temple—Cyclopean masonry—many Pharisees with a curl forward of the ear. Another part of the Temple Wall where Dr. Robinson discovered the spring of the arch which Solomon built to connect Zion Hill with the temple. The prophecy that 2 stones should not remain 1 upon the other not strictly fulfilled. The ravens could hardly make their own living, let alone board Elijah. Jerusalem , cont . Sept. 27. Left camp outside the city walls between the Damascus and Jaffa gates (in head of Hinnom valley which carried the waters of Gihon) and passed Jaffa Gate on west of the city and crossed Hinnom valley, between upper and lower Gihon pools where an aqueduct built by Solomon crosses. Then went south and climbed the Hill of Evil Council and stood on the house of Caiaphas where 100 NOTEBOOK the priests conspired against Christ, and where Judas went to receive his 30 pieces of silver—and sat under the tree whereon he hanged himself. To the south was the Plain of Ephraim and the Hill. Proceeded to the Garden of Gethsemane with its Gar¬ den of Flowers and 8 holy olive trees. Outside saw little lane where Judas betrayed Christ and, just above, the rock on which the disciples slept. Turned up to the left, passed St. Agnes’ and Virgin Mary’s tombs and ascended to top of Mount of Olives, by road which David ascended when Absalom drove him out and members of the house of Saul threw stones at him. By convent where Catholics say Jesus ascended to Heaven. To the southwest saw another hill between Olivet and Bethany where Bible says he ascended. Sept. 28. Went all through the Holy Sepulcher again. Saw the rock faces in a wall on Via Dolorosa that cried “Hosanna” when Jesus passed. Visited the Fountain of Hezekiah where David saw the mother of Solomon bathing. Went to the Pool of Bethesda again for water. Got a branch from the Cedar of Lebanon planted by Godfrey de Bouillon, first King of Jerusalem, about 1085 to 1099. Went out by the Damascus Gate, and 3 P.M. left for Ramleh—reached there at 8 P.M. or 9. Tall, handsome Crusaders’ Tower. This is the Valley of Ajalon where the moon stood still. Next morning, Sept. 30, rode 3 hours in a gallop to Joppa—where timbers for Solomon’s Temple were landed. Jonah sailed from here on his mission. Visited house of Simon the Tanner where Peter had the vision of unclean beasts. Napoleon took this place once. October 1st, 1867. Sailed for Egypt. 101 CHAPTER IX Supplementary Holy Land Notes Apparently Made on the Vessel, En Route for Egypt Nazareth Joseph of Arimathea, carpenter. The synagogue where Christ read the Scriptures now a Christian church. The hill where the multitude intended to cut him down. The hill in the rear of the town whence an extensive view can be had—Tabor—Hermon—Carmel—Esdraelon —he saw all these—one’s thoughts run on the boyhood of Christ so connected with these scenes. Here his mother marked the sayings of the Christ and pondered them in her heart. Mount Tabor Tabor is in the distance—an isolated town in the Plain of Esdraelon—on top, ruins since Joshua and Crusades. Here Deborah, by direction of God, gathered ioooo men under command of Barak (Judges V). Bonaparte, Kleber with 3000 men engaged 27000. Na¬ poleon from Tabor drove them back upon Murat’s cav¬ alry. Jesus took Peter, James and John—while praying his garment became white and shining, and there ap¬ peared Moses and Elisha, talking with him. Joseph’s Tomb Joseph came to this field where is his tomb, in search of his brother. 102 NOTEBOOK Josh . 24-32 Joseph when closing his eyes in death said “God will assuredly visit you and bring you out of this land, unto the land which he sweared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There and then he exacted of them an oath that they would carry up his bones with them when they went out of Egypt. “And the bones of Joseph which the children of Israel brought up out of Egypt buried they in Shechem in a parcel of ground which Jacob bought of the sons of Hamor the Father of Shechem for 100 pieces of silver.” At the base of Ebal is a little square area enclosed by light stone wall neatly whitewashed—across one end of this enclosure is a Moslem tomb, the Tomb of Joseph. Samaritan and Jew, Moslem and Christian alike, revere it, and honor it with their visits. The Tomb of Joseph, the dutiful son, the affectionate forgiving brother, the virtuous man, the wise prince and ruler. Egypt felt his influence—the world knows his history. Jacob's Well How many historic associations cluster around it! Here patriarchs watered their flocks—here Jesus rested and re¬ freshed himself. It is just at the opening of the valley between Gerizim and Ebal—it is 9 by 90 ft.—an excava¬ tion in the solid limestone rock—it is hewn smooth and regular. An excavation 10 by 10 deep has been made about the mouth, walled up and arched over, making a vault or chamber over the mouth of the well. Here Christ talked with the woman (John iv-10). This renowned parcel of ground was bought by Jacob of the children of Hamor near 800 years before Christ, for a hundred pieces of money. It has 'lately been bought by the Greeks (had its value increased—had real estate advanced?) and they have begun to make improvements around it. 103 MARK TWAIN This is an interesting spot. Jesus rested here on his journey from Jerusalem to Galilee while his disciples went to the city to buy meat. 2000 years have not changed the scenery and the customs of the inhabitants remain the same—women with water-pots on their heads. This well, these mountains, yonder city were looked upon by the Saviour. The old manuscript of the Samaritan in the synagogue here done up in the form of a scroll, kept in an elegant silver case and rolled in cloth of blue, purple and scarlet interwoven with threads of gold. The transcriber’s im¬ print is wrought in one portion of the scroll into the text in the form of an acrostic and reads, “Written by Abishua son of Phineas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron.” Bethel House of God—so called by Jacob—visited yearly by Saul. Here Jeroboam set up his idol calf. It is a long low ridge, covered with great piles of stone —about 3 or 4 acres of ground are covered with ruins. A few miserable huts—20 in all—constructed from frag¬ ments of the ruins constitute the village. In the valley, a little west, is a huge cistern, built of massive stone—one side in good preservation, the other much dilapidated by the ravages of time. Its bottom is now a beautiful grass plot. Near by are 2 small fountains of pure clear water from which this great tank was orig¬ inally supplied. Originally it was called Luz. Abraham, in his first jour¬ ney through the land, built an altar and worshiped God. On his return from Egypt he could not forget the rich pastures and their refreshing springs of water. Rich in cattle, in silver and gold, he returned to this altar and again called on the name of the Lord. Here his flocks 104 NOTEBOOK roamed, here the maidens of Sarah came to fill their, pitchers. \ Here in these pasture grounds began the strife between ' Abraham and Lot’s herdsmen and here the old patriarch made that munificent offer to Lot. “Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between thee and me, and between my herdsmen and thy herdsmen, for we be brethren. Is not the whole land before thee? Separate thyself, I pray thee, from me. If thou wilt take to the left hand I will take to the right, or if thou wilt depart to the right hand I will go to the left.” Lot looked down upon the beautiful plain of the Jordan and chose himself a residence among those cities which now lie buried in the bitter waters of the Dead Sea. Here the Lord promised this land: “Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art, northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever.” So the old man went in and preempted a county or two. Time passed on—Abe rested in the cave Machpelah, and Isaac saw his sons growing up around him. A lone traveler is seen passing along this valley, his staff in his hand. (There was no style about Jacob.) He has made a long journey from Beersheba, 40 miles, and was neces¬ sarily pretty well fagged out. Night gathers around him— he takes a stone for a pillow (Jacob was not particular)— the hard earth for his bed, hard but roomy and the broad canopy of the heavens for his covering, with a good deal of wind under it for comfort on a cold night. Why was he traveling in that sort of style, and his grandfather so rich? He had a long journey of nearly 500 miles before him. He was in the vigor of life and though his fare was scanty, and his pillow hard, he had a stout heart and was favored with pleasant dreams. He saw a ladder set upon the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven! And behold the angels 10S MARK TWAIN of God ascending and descending upon it! Above that ladder he saw the vision of the Holy One and heard a voice: “I am the Lord God of Abraham, thy father, and the God of Isaac; the land wherein thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed.” And here the promise was made him that he should be kept in all his ways, and brought again in safety to this land. He awoke from this strange vision. “Surely,” said he, “the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not. . . . How dreadful is this place! This is none other but the house of God and the gate of heaven.” Early in the morning Jacob rose up, took a stone he had used for his pillow, set it up for a memorial and dedicated it to the Lord,—and he called the name of that place Bethel, house of God. Time passed on—Jacob returned with his wife, chil¬ dren, servants, flocks and herds. Again the Lord appeared unto him: “Arise, go up to Bethel and make there an altar unto God.” Again Jacob and all his household dwelt upon this ground—again he built an altar and worshiped God. And he called the place El Bethel—God, the house of God. So when Jacob wanted a farm he only had to dream. Here Deborah, Rebecca’s nurse, died and they buried her beneath Bethel, under an oak. What a history this place has! How strange to stand here on the camping-grounds of the patriarchs. Bethel in Joshua’s time was a royal city, governed by a king. Here Samuel held one of his circuit courts (was he a circuit judge?) when he traveled the circuit and judged Israel. The Ark (of the Covenant, not Noah’s) seems to have been kept here at one time. In the separation of the kingdom, after the death of Solomon, Jeroboam, fearing to have the people go up to Jerusalem to worship, lest they should go back to their old allegiance, established idolatrous worship, made ^ golden 106 NOTEBOOK calves, set one up in Dan, the other in Bethel. Here he built a magnificent temple after an Egyptian model, in¬ tending to rival the one at Jerusalem . Such was the idola¬ trous worship that the name was changed to Bethavan, House of Idols. It was at one of these idolatrous festivals that Jero¬ boam attempted to lay hold of the prophet of God who rebuked his abominable worship, and his arm was para¬ lyzed and withered. These iniquities drew down the wrath of God upon the place, and 2500 years ago the prophet Amos was inspired to say: “Seek not Bethel, nor enter into Gilgal, for Gilgal shall surely go into captivity and Bethel shall come to naught.” Look upon these heaps of ruins, these broken cisterns, these neglected valleys—has the prophecy been fulfilled? Whose handwriting is here? And with the same propriety you might point to the site of any city of that day and say the very same—only Jerusalem and Damascus have survived—and even the Jerusalem and Damascus of that day are desolate enough, for they lie 30 ft. under the ground! All the other cities are gone! There is a good deal of humbug about proving prophecies by this sort of evidence. It is easy to prove a prophecy that promised destruc¬ tion to a city—and it is impossible to prove one that prom¬ ised anything else—more particularly life and prosperity. It seems to me that the prophets fooled away their time when they prophesied the destruction of the cities—old Time would have fixed that, easy enough. Solomon’s Tem¬ ple was not to have one stone resting upon another, but infatuated travelers of the present day are determined to believe in spite of prophets, Holy Writ and everything else, that they have found the foundations of Solomon’s doomed temple! Possibly they can reconcile this with the prophecy by saying it is only the ground there they have found. 107 MARK TWAIN I can go as far as the next man in genuine reverence of holy things, but this thing of stretching the narrow gar¬ ment of belief to fit the broad shoulders of a wish, ’tis too much for me. Gibeon or El Gib This place is spoken of in the Old Testament as a great city—“one of the royal cities.” Here lived the people when the Israelites invaded the land, gathered their old tattered garments and worn out shoes, packed their sacks with musty bread, and came with their jaded hungry ani¬ mals and beguiled Joshua and the others into a treaty of peace. It is a small village now, but great in historic interest. In the plain below the 5 kings of the Amorites assembled together to punish Gibeon. Toward Gilgal east¬ ward Joshua and his host encamped. The Amorites are defeated, the day is not long enough for Israel to con¬ tinue the conquest, and Joshua gives the cver-memorable command: “Sun, stand thou still over Gibeon, and thou moon in the valley of Ajalon.” And the sun stood still and the moon also until Israel was avenged. On the cast side is a pool or spring. There is first a nat¬ ural cavity or grotto in the rock—then an inner chamber has been excavated which is entered by a long narrow opening down several steps of stone. Here a copious foun¬ tain gushes apparently from the rock—a little below it on the hillside arc the ruins of a large reservoir. It was here that a remarkable meeting took place between Abner and Joab—they were generals of the armies of Israel and Judah—12 men of Judah were charged to fight 12 men of Israel. The whole 24 were slain. “For they caught every one his fellow by the head (got him in chancery) and thrust his sword in his fellow’s side, so that they fell down together.” And on that plain the subsequent battle took place. Abner was defeated and the swift-footed Usahel slain. 108 NOTEBOOK At this city also David’s nephew, Amasa, was slain by his cousin Joab. Here too on Gibeon Solomon offered up his 1000 funeral offerings and here the Lord appeared to him and gave him the desire of his heart—“Wisdom and Understand- * _ 33 mg. Some idea of the care which Mark Twain took in the matter of Biblical references and reading is shown in this notebook by his having set down no less than 20 pages of reference—specifications of chapter and verse. It is so long now that I do not remember what we did after the morning that Dr. Birch and I went to the Pool of Bethsaida to get a flask of the water. We visited the Baths of Hezekiah where David fell in love with Uriah’s wife while she was bathing—also, occasionally, the church of the Holy Sepulcher and around about the traditional houses of Pilate, Caiaphas, Dives and Lazarus, and poked through the Via Dolorosa etc. and so on—and got a most infernal Turkish bath one night—nothing to the baths of Damascus and Constantinople. These thieves don’t like to wash Christians, I think. X took his wife to dinner at the Mediterranean Hotel one night when we were there (they still lived in their tents outside the Damascus Gate) and came in himself after all the courses were served but dessert and coffee and tried to get off from paying because he hadn’t eaten a full meal. The old Dutchman made him pay,though. Major Barry, Griswold and party have been down to Jericho, the ford of the Jordan and the Dead Sea, and were attacked by a gang of Bedouins. A shot or two was fired—nobody hurt, but Griswold scared a good deal. Leary’s party was threatened with raid one night, some¬ where down there by the Fountain where the ravens fed 109 MARK TWAIN Elisha, and had to decamp. We are the crowd, so far, that have gone to these localities unmolested—weren’t worth robbing, maybe. Curse their accursed carelessness to leave that deadlight open; spoiled the cushions and everything—all the cigars in the water and tobacco. It never seems to occur to them that ours is the weather side of the ship, sometimes! no CHAPTER X Egypt and Home Mark Twain’s Egyptian notes were few and brief. The ship remained less than a week at Alexandria, which gave them hardly more than enough time for Cairo, with the Sphinx and Pyramids. Oct. 3. Landed at Alexandria. Fine streets and dwell¬ ings. Fine shade-tree avenues. Oct. 4. To Cairo, by rail—7 hours—arrived after night. Oct. 5. Donkeys to Pyramids of Ghizeh—passed old Cairo, Island of Rhodes. Crossed the Nile from old Cairo to Ghizeh. Splendid atmosphere. Beautiful Oriental scenery. Naked girls in the streets. Ascent of Pyramid of Cheops. The Sphinx. Went into the Pyramid. Newly opened tomb behind the Sphinx. Theater of old red granite open near it. The whole place round about is rich in art—under the sand. Dr. Gibson at the Sphinx. Citadel and lofty wall where the last Mameluke Bey jumped down. View of Cairo and Memphis. Heliopolis and the petrified forest. Projecting lattices. Shepheard’s infamous hotel. hi MARK TWAIN Splendid avenue of sycamores and acacias, 3 or 4 miles to the Pasha’s great garden. Oct. 7. Returned to Alexandria—Pyramids in the dis¬ tance. Cultivation—vast oceans of corn etc. Queer villages. Soft scenery. No more than that, yet the Egyptian chapter with its lofty prose poem of the Sphinx, begin¬ ning, “After years of waiting it was before me at last,” is probably the high spot of his book. That and the one of Palestine, beginning: “Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes.” Readers who have been wont to think of Mark Twain chiefly as a funmaker will do well to turn to Chapters LVI and LVIII of The Innocents and con¬ sider those particular extracts. After Egypt the notebook contains just five items. Oct. 7. Left Dan, and sailed for Africa. Oct. 11. At sea somewhere in the neighborhood of Malta. Very stormy. Terrible death to be talked to death. The storm has blown 2 small land birds and a hawk to sea and they came on board. Sea full of flying fish. That is all. The ship put in at Gibraltar for coal, and with three others Mark Twain spent a delightful week through Andalusia, “the garden of old Spain.” But he did not try to write about it. How could he? After Palestine and Egypt, even Andalusia must have been tame enough— restful, but tepid. His book really ends with the 112 NOTEBOOK Egyptian chapter, and it is easy to see that he could not take up Spain after writing of the land . . . that built temples which mock at destroy¬ ing time and smile grimly upon our lauded little prodigies of architecture; that old land that knew all which we know now, perchance, and more; that walked in the broad highway of civilization in the gray dawn of creation, ages and ages be¬ fore we were born; that left the impress of ex¬ alted, cultivated Mind upon the eternal front of the Sphinx, to confound all scoffers who, when all the other proofs had passed away, might seek to persuade the world that imperial Egypt, in the days of her high renown, had groped in dark¬ ness. Washington Mark Twain returned to America to find him¬ self scarcely less than famous. His Alta and Tribune letters had been widely copied and were universally known. Not many Americans had traveled in those days, and they eagerly read about ancient lands. They had even read the sanctimonious drivel of certain doctors of theol¬ ogy who had been sent abroad by their “flocks” to see and report—what they carried with them, rather than what they found in fact. Mark Twain’s letters had struck a new note. They had the ring of sincerity, truth. They destroyed sham where they found it, and they were sinfully read¬ able. A big Hartford publisher wanted to make a subscription book of them—the book which would be named The Innocents Abroad , or the New Pilgrim’s Progress, and make his fame secure. 113 MARK TWAIN He went to Washington, ostensibly as Secre¬ tary to Senator Stewart, really to write Wash¬ ington letters for New York papers. His next notebook begins: Fame is a vapor; popularity an accident; the only earthly certainty is oblivion. Didn’t drink much on that ship—was like Congress— prohibit it save in committee rooms—carry it in demi¬ johns and carry it out in demagogues. Acquainted with General Grant—said I was glad to see him—he said I had the advantage of him. Brief Impressions of Washington , Senators and Congressmen Washburn of Ill.—gray, unshaved, fleshy a little. Fernando Wood—iron-gray hair—white moustache. Jas. Brooks—gray and spectacles. Woodward (Dem.) of Pa.—bald, specs, unshaved. Eldridge of Wis.—leading and malignant copperhead. Alison of Iowa—sack-coat, light-blue pants—looks like a village law student—plays for handsome looks—30— hands in pockets—excessively ordinary-looking man— large flat foot—light handsome brown hair—youngest- looking member—essentially ornamental—stands around where women can see him. John Buckland ( 0 .)—large bald, never says anything —clothes ungainly on his shapeless body. Thad. Stevens—very deep eyes, sunken unshaven 114 NOTEBOOK cheeks, thin lips, long and strong mouth, long, large, sharp nose—whole face sunken and sharp, full of inequalities— dark wavy hair—Indian—club-footed—ablest man. Logan—black eyebrows—long black implacable straight hair, without a merciful curve in it—big black moustache—pleasant-looking eye often—even makes bad jokes sometimes, but tigers play in a ponderous sort of way. Splendid war record—15th army corps and Army of Tenn.—1 of Sherman’s generals—better suited to war than making jokes. Thomas of Md.—belongs to another age—Whig—old style—hermit in every way—woman-hater—lives up in mountains alone in N.W. Maryland—one of the oldest Reps.—is a radical—white hair laid in folds—hair comes washing forward over his forehead in 2 white converging waves over a bare worn rock. Judge Shellabarger—able. Bingham, Ohio—nervous, severe and ready debater. Garfield—young, able and scholarly—was chief of Rosencranz staff—preacher. Carey of Ohio (8 hour) witty speech—large face—a little full—Indian—long iron-gray hair tuned back and not parted—heavy, large, portly man—shaven—long, thin, strong mouth—slow of movement—ponderous every way—his strong suit his persistence, no doubt. Bingham, Conn.—eloquent—commands attention of House—silky very light hair, just touched with gray— kinky or rather curvy—turned back loosely so as to sug¬ gest, apparently, with a harrow—large, high, broad fore- 115 MARK TWAIN head, slightly wrinkled—little gray side whiskers—eyes that have a drawn appearance of having been strained to the focus of glasses—a sharp beak of a nose—chews nerv¬ ously, and when gets fagged out poking around, sits down —is generally around elsewhere than in his seat. Horace Maynard, Tenn.—one of purest men in Con¬ gress—Union from first—very gentlemanly, talented and fine speaker. Remarkable-looking man—very tall and very slim—long black hair, combed flat and behind ears gives him a trim, shrewd, “cleared for action” old-style look. Indian. Pleasant look in face. Very little black moustache. John D. Baldwin (of Mass.)—Prop. Worcester Spy— unblemished character—one of the best read men—very large—specs gold—light gray hair—dark goatee and moustache—patriarchal look. Ben Butler—forward part of his bald skull looks raised like a water-blister—its boundaries at the sides and at its base in front is marked by deep creases—fat face—small dark moustache—considerable hair behind and on the sides—one reliable eye. Is short and pursy—fond of standing up with hands in pants pockets and looking around to each speaker with the air of a man who has half a mind to crush them and yet is rather too indiffer¬ ent. Butler is dismally and drearily homely, and when he smiles it is like the breaking up of a hard winter. Robinson, Brooklyn—hair kinky, thick, pretty long— in odd stripes of rich brown and silver—glossy. One wishes these notes might continue— thumb-nail sketches—vivid likenesses. They break off short. Complications over the Alta let- 116 NOTEBOOK ters (their book use) seemed to make it advisa¬ ble for their author to return to San Francisco. He decided to do his book there. If he made any notes of the outward voyage they are lost. He left early in 1868, arranged all matters with the Alta , finished his book, at top speed, lectured in San Francisco on the Quaker City trip, covered his old Nevada circuit and returned trium¬ phantly with his manuscript by midsummer. CHAPTER XI Notes San Francisco to Nemo York Left San Fran, for N. Y. in P.M. S.S. Co.’s Steamer, Montana, July 6, 1868. July 13. Arrived at Acapulco. Only 150 passengers on board. Montana fine ship—stateroom ought to have craft over berths. In Aspinwall, all it is necessary to do is to cry Viva Revolucion! at head of street, and instantly it is in com¬ motion. Doors slam to, 50 soldiers march forth and crip¬ ple half a dozen niggers in their shirt-tails, a new Presi¬ dent is elevated, and then for 6 months (till next rev.) the proud and happy survivors inquire eagerly of new¬ comers what was said about it in America and Europe. Trip of a man in a balloon from Paris over India, China, Pacific Ocean, the plains to a prairie in Illinois. This was a preliminary memorandum of a story he had in mind to write. Some pages far¬ ther along the story is begun, but by the time he was well started he learned that Jules Verne had published a story with a similar idea which brought his own to a sudden end. His final memorandum reads: While this was being written, Jules Verne’s “Five 118 NOTEBOOK Weeks in a Balloon” came out and consequently this sketch wasn’t finished. It seems too bad now that it should have been dropped. Its resemblance to Verne’s tale would probably not have been striking, and the interest and atmosphere of the beginning makes us wish to see more. The reader may consider a few paragraphs: John L. Morgan of Ill., a farmer and a man of good reputation, told me the following a few weeks ago while I was visiting at his house. I give it as he gave it to me. He said: “In January, 3 winters ago, we had a heavy snow¬ storm. It lasted the best part of 3 days, and at the end of that time it lay on the ground 15 inches deep. The prairie in front of my house, as far as the eye could reach, was a level plain of snow. The roads were covered up. There was no sign of hoof or track or road. About noon 2 days after the snow had ceased falling, I walked out, intending to go to a grove of large timber which stood, a solitary landmark on the prairie, some 400 or 500 yards from my house. When I had proceeded halfway, I suddenly came upon a man lying on the snow. He was insensible. The snow was broken as if he had fallen there and then rolled over once. He had on heavy brogan shoes, somewhat worn, a sort of gray striped knit nightcap, on his head, and wore a shirt and pantaloons of grayish striped stuff. He did not look like an American. He seemed to be an invalid, for he was very much emaciated. This is a runaway scrape, I thought. He was too weak to hold his horse and has been thrown from a wagon or from a saddle. I knelt down and placed my hand on his heart to see if it were still beating, and very naturally glanced around, half expecting my eye to fall upon the horse or 119 MARK TWAIN the wagon, but neither was in sight. His body was warm and his heart still throbbed faintly. “I rose up to run for assistance, when an odd circum¬ stance attracted my attention: he could not have lain there the last two cold days and nights, in his feeble con¬ dition, without dying—no snow had fallen during that time to obliterate the tracks and yet there was no sign of wheel, hoof or boot anywhere around, except my own clearly marked footprints, winding away toward my house! Here was a living man, lying on the snow in the open prairie, with the smoothness of the snow around him, totally unmarred except where he had turned over in it. How did he get there without making a track? That was the question. It was as startling as it was unaccountable.” The man is carried to the farmer’s house and restored to consciousness. The neighbors assem¬ ble with many surmises as to how he came there —among them the suggestion that he had been brought there by spirits. When the waif is able to speak they eagerly assemble to hear his story, but then it is found that he speaks only in a for¬ eign tongue. The schoolmaster, known to be fa¬ miliar with some of the modern languages, was sent for and in due time arrived. He at once pronounced the man to be French. “Can you understand him?” “Perfectly,” said the schoolmaster, who was now lion number two. “Then ask him how in the mischief he got there where he was in the snow.” The Frenchman said that he would explain that cheer¬ fully, but he said that the explanation would necessitate another, and maybe he had better begin at the beginning and tell the whole story, and let the schoolmaster trans- 120 NOTEBOOK late as he went along. Everybody said that would answer and the stranger began. “I am Jean Pierre Marteau, aged 34. I was born in the little village of Sous-Saone in the south of France. My parents cultivated a little patch of ground on the estates of the Marquis La Bordonnais. Our good priest taught me to read and write and my parents looked upon me with much pride for they thought I was going to amount to something, some day.” But he read books of adventure and grew up with a restless longing to go to sea. At sixteen he ran away and at Marseilles went as ship’s boy on a coasting vessel. He was a good sailor and in time became first officer, but his habit of going on a spree at the end of a voyage got him into trouble. One night in a row a sailor was shot and killed. “There were several circumstances which cast strong suspicion upon me, and I was arrested. I was tried and condemned to the galleys for 12 years.” He made several attempts to escape but each time was captured. “At last one day when I was at work in Paris, a week ago—a week before you found me-” “How? In Paris a week ago?” “It is incredible—it is impossible!” “Let me tell my story, messieurs. I shall not falsify— we were in Paris, I and many of my fellow galley slaves. We had been taken there to labor on some government work. It was 10 in the morning. An officer was sent for some tools of various kinds—some chisels, files, augers and a hatchet. I was sent with the officer to bring the things. I had them all in my arms except the hatchet. The officer had that. In a great open space we saw a crowd of 121 MARK TWAIN people gathered together. The officer locked his arm in mine and pres.scd through the crowd to see what the mat¬ ter was. We could sec an immense balloon swaying about, above the people’s heads. We elbowed our way through and stood beside the car. It was made fast to the ground by a rope. A man was making a little speech. He begged the multitude to be patient. He said he was only waiting a minute or two for his assistant to come and make a line fast to something—a valve, I think he said, and then he would be off. The balloon was distended with gas and struggling to get away. An idea flashed like lightning through my brain. I tore loose from the guard, snatched the hatchet from his hand, threw my tools into the car, jumped in and cut the anchoring rope with a single stroke! “Whiz! I was a thousand feet in the air in an instant.” That is all. We shall never know the rest of that story. We should like to, for it has move¬ ment and possibilities. 122 CHAPTER XII A Trip to Bermuda Now comes a long break, during which Mark Twain either kept no notes or they have disap¬ peared. He was so busy, now, perhaps he had little time for notes. Following success of The Innocents Abroad he married Olivia Langdon, of Elmira, New York; took up residence in Buf¬ falo, where he had become one of the owners and editors of the Buffalo Express’, wrote Rough¬ ing It’, lectured; sold out in Buffalo and re¬ moved to Hartford; wrote (with Charles Dudley Warner) The Gilded Age’, wrote a play (“Colonel Sellers”), based on that book; wrote and pub¬ lished The Adventures of Tom. Sawyer; began the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; built a house; made trips to London and lectured an entire season there, besides doing a quantity of short stories, articles, etc., the story of all of which has been elsewhere set down. 1 It was not until the spring of 1877 a new notebook begins—a record of a trip he made with his dear Hartford friend, Joseph H. Twichell, a minister who had helped to marry him to “Livy” Langdon seven years before. The book is labeled: Trip to Bermuda with Twichell May 16 (1877). Gobbled a youth’s place in the line— 1 In Mark Tvxiin—a Biography, chapters LXVII to CX. 123 MARK TWAIN (for seats in the dining-saloon) and was proud of my manly assertion of my rights. When he yielded and looked so meek and abashed, I felt infinitely ashamed of my¬ self. Did not get through blushing for an hour. In a Bermuda Boarding House Read self to sleep with the Ladies Book of 44 years ago—such pieces as the “Broken Vow” (Mrs. Norton), “The Lone Indian,” etc. They were a sad and sentimental lot in those days. Then I woke Joe up with my snoring, and he came in and after a world of row and trouble got me awake. I apologized. Drove alongshore—one horse and intelligent young colored man. The seaview always enchanting—light green water striped here and there with brown where rocks lying near surface. Sailboats flying over the rippled water, distant glimpses of brilliant green water through narrow gaps between many little islands. Here and there his notebook is illustrated with sketches—palm tree, bamboo, etc. The whitest, loveliest chimneys with soft shade on the shady side. They don’t look like marble but something whiter, daintier, richer—white sugar is the nearest to it. No sign of mortar joints or any joints of any kind in house or chimney—just solid seamless white sugar, carved out of a single cake—then the windows sawed out and the green Venetian blinds put on. There is a painful and constant sense of a great unde- finable lack here—at last it burst upon us what it was— Tramps! Living is very cheap and there are potatoes and onions for all. Nobody can starve. Plenty of schools—everybody can read. Rent a cottage for $5 a month; heavy farm work wages 124 NOTEBOOK 5 shillings per day—lighter work 4 shillings per day- pretty high wages—don’t see how living can be so cheap. Yet we were shown a lovely new house, white as the driven snow, situated on a lovely rocky point running out into the sea—said the house and grounds only cost $900, which was probably a lie. In New England or New York that house would cost $10,000, without the ground, that is, if the inside work is at all in keeping with the outside. There are not twelve houses in Hartford as pic¬ turesque and as beautiful and captivating to the eye as this $900 affair. A good deal of change during the half-century or so since then. Hamilton is the place for pretty outsides. Saw one outcrop of hard limestone—all the rest of the island is coral. By the queer and abrupt dip it has in a thousand places, suppose it was hove up from below sur¬ face by earthquake. Our darky said that here everybody knows everybody. Presently (away on a country road) Twichell said, “There’s a little dog—seems lost and is worn out.” “He belongs to an old man named Yokes.” So the driver is acquainted with all the dogs too. Well, he doesn’t need to know many, for dogs are very scarce. However, they make it up in cats. Cedar is a pretty enough tree except when it is the prevailing tree, then it is not so pleasant. In fact the cedar is so everywhere that you almost get the impression that it is the only tree here. Pretty little bird on wall—had to stir him up with whip handle to make him move—so he moved a foot and grumbled about it—and we left him there. A country cottage here with its cozy comfort bedded in among a wealth of brilliant scarlet geraniums and other MARK TWAIN flowers, and the pink oleander, is a might pretty thing. In other countries you’d know the cottage was worm eaten and rotten—here you know it is as sound as if brand new. Started with basket of lunch to go yachting—turned back to get soft hats—took a back street to avoid passing a second time the negro man who is building the fence and to whom we talked yesterday. What might he think— though he said nothing. We were not brave enough to have his secret and depreciatory thoughts about us. Got the hats and took another back street. Couldn’t get a yacht so returned home with the basket, and this time boldly passed the negro—arguing inwardly: “There has been time enough now for him to imagine we have done the thing we set out to do.” That is it. You are a coward when you even seem to have backed down from a thing you openly set out to do. Saw a tree wholly naked of leaves, but with brilliant red flowers, of a shape that rather more suggested a star than anything else—the flowers were wide apart so the tree was a sort of constellation. Cat-poisoning case, where chickens got some of the poison (after warning) and one whose cat got some, egged on the negro woman to bring suit. Magistrate gets half the fines—decides against the client who is ablest to pay the fine. That’s the dimensions of the country. One can’t imagine where the poor live in these be¬ witching cottages. We said to our driver, referring to a man in front of us, “Drive ahead of him.” 126 NOTEBOOK “He’ll turn out in a minute.” I wondered how the driver knew. But he did know, be¬ cause he knew the man and where he lived. He knows everybody. The man did turn out. The houses and roofs are like the white frosting or icing on a cake. At Sea Went to sea at 4 P.M. A doctor aboard has an in¬ fallible remedy for seasickness—is going from lady to lady on upper deck administering it and saying it never fails. This as we go out over a reef. 7 P.M. All the ladies are seasick and gone to bed, ex¬ cept a Scotchman’s wife. 7:30. The Scotchman’s wife has “caved.” 8 P.M. The doctor is emptying himself over the side. So much for infallible preventives of seasickness. Mark Twain went to Bermuda, as he declared later, purely for pleasure, but he wrote three articles about it: “Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion,” published in the Atlantic, and today in his collected works. He always loved Bermuda, and during his later years made frequent trips there, his final visit ending a little more than a week before his death in 1910. Indians at dinner with whites. One ate spoonful of mustard; another one said: “What crying about?” “Thinking about the good old chief that died.” Number two ate a spoonful of mustard—number one asked: “What you crying about?” “Thinking what a pity you didn’t die when the old chief did.” Political parties who accuse the one in power of gob- 127 MARK TWAIN bling the spoils etc. are like the wolf who looked in at the door and saw the shepherds eating mutton, and said: “Oh, certainly—it’s all right as long as it’s you—but there’d be hell to pay if I was to do that.” Adam was the author of sin, and I wish he had taken out an international copyright on it. For international copyright could have won, then. But when there came to be two men, it was too late, because there was one to oppose it, and experience shows that that fellow would have had the most influence. The old man said: “When I think of the suffering which I see around me, and how it wrings my heart; and then remember what a drop in the ocean this is, compared with the measureless Atlantics of misery which God has to see every day, my resentment is roused against those thoughtless people who are so glib to glorify God, yet never have a word of pity for him.” 128 CHAPTER XIII Notes, Literary and Otherwise Nov. 23,1877. First note made of The Prince and the Pauper. Edward VI and a little pauper exchange places by accident a day or so before Henry VIII’s death. The Prince wanders in rags and hardships and the pauper suffers the (to him) horrible miseries of princedom, up to the moment of crowning in Westminster Abbey, when proof is brought and the mistake rectified. A man sent to superintend a private madhouse takes charge of a sane household by mistake. It is in England and when they call him the “keeper” they do so because they think he is the new gamekeeper, who by mistake is now in charge of the maniacs in the other house, and vastly perplexed too. Dion Boucicualt, the dramatist, gave me this idea and told me to use it. Publish scraps from my autobiography occasionally. March 20, Twichell, at the farewell Pentecost meeting yesterday, urged people to keep on going to church— “We can’t give you such preaching, but you can come, nevertheless, and take what God can give you through us (the local preachers), remembering that half a loaf is better than no bread. You know that the ravens brought food to Elijah, and when he got it, it was as nutritious as if it had been brought by a finer bird.” 129 MARK TWAIN He was preparing at this time to rewrite Cap¬ tain Ned Wakeman’s Visit to Heaven , based, as he always said, on a dream told him by Capt. Wakeman, whom he had first met on the ship on which he sailed from San Francisco to Nica¬ ragua in 1866. He had met Wakeman again in 1868, on the way to San Francisco, and had written then a rough draught of story. Have all sorts of heavens—have a gate for each sort. One gate where they receive a barkeeper with artillery salutes, swarms of angels in the sky and a noble torch¬ light procession. He thinks he is the lion of Heaven. Pro¬ cession over, he drops at once into awful obscurity, but the roughest part of it is that he has to do 3 weeks penance—day and night he must carry a torch and shout himself hoarse, to do honor to some poor scrub that he wishes had gone to hell. Wakeman is years and years in darkness between solar systems. Noble system, truly, where a man like R. H. Dana can’t be confirmed, and where a person like Jones, whose proper place is shyster in a Tombs court, is sent to the U. S. Senate; where it is impossible to reward the most illustrious and fittest citizens with the presidency. Look at the list: Polk, Tyler, Pierce, etc. and almost Tilden, with the suit pending for swindling the revenue. Half the nation voted for him. This beggarly congress of ignorance and frauds. The back-pay gang of thieves. Congregational singing reminds one of nothing but the dental chair. 130 NOTEBOOK As sure to do you ultimate insult and injury as a suppli¬ cating sufferer whom you have helped out of his distress. The Congregational graveyard at Washington—stones even for ex-members of Congress buried elsewhere. Chuckle-headed vanity of brief grandeur can no further go. Congressman is the trivialest distinction for full- grown man. To go abroad has something of the same sense that death brings. I am no longer of ye—what ye say of me is now of no consequence—but of how much consequence when I am with ye and of ye. I know you will refrain from saying harsh things because they can’t hurt me, since I am out of reach and cannot hear them. This is why we say no harsh things of the dead. Going abroad we let up on the weight and wear and responsibility of housekeeping—we go and board with somebody, who is suffering it but it troubles us not. Here we are helping the nation keep house—we go abroad and become another nation’s guests—we don’t have to feel any responsibility about his housekeeping, nor about our nation’s that we’ve left behind. So, to go abroad is the true rest—you cease wholly to keep house, then, both national and domestic. How insignificant a Senator or an M. C. is in N. Y.— and how great a personage he is in Washington! We should have a much better sort of legislation if we had these swollen country jakes in N. Y. as their capital. Congress ought to sit in a big city. I remember how those pigmy Congressmen used to come into the Arlington breakfast room with a bundle of papers and letters—you could see by their affection for it and their delight in this sort of display that out in the 13 1 MARK TWAIN woods where they came from they weren’t used to much mail matter. They always occupied their seats at table a level hour after breakfast, to be looked at, though they wore a weak pretense of settling the affairs of empires, over their mail —contracting brows, etc. How N. Y. would squeeze the conceit out of those poor little Congressmen. There’s a cherk and natty something about N. Y. dress and carriage male and female which can’t be imi¬ tated by the outsider. On a railway, steamboat or else¬ where there can always be a question as to where a lady or gentleman hails from, unless from N. Y.—then there is no question. Getting your millinery made by the N. Y. milliner doesn’t help—you can’t fool anybody— you’re a provincial in disguise and any blind man can see it. 132 CHAPTER XIV Notes for a New Book 11 A Tramp Abroad” Mark Twain and his family—Mrs. Clemens, and their two little girls, Clara and Susy—accom¬ panied by Miss Clara Spaulding of Elmira, N. Y. (later Mrs. John B. Stanchfield) sailed on the Holsatia for Hamburg, April n, 1878. An exceedingly steady ship in an ordinary sea is the Holsatia —rolls very little. The ship, however, did not prove entirely sat¬ isfactory. In one of his notes, partly in German, he writes: Noisy cabin—shrieking children—the ceaseless metallic clatter of that old cracked kettle of a piano and the thunder and pounding of the screw, with an occasional avalanche of crashing crockery as the ship lurches, this is the afternoon hell in this ship daily. But the piano is the special hell—how it racks one’s head. Until it stops—then you think the scream-voiced boy is it. There goes the B’s crying baby. Now a guffaw of beastly laughter. Now the little Spanish boy is hurled headlong down into our gangway by a lurch of the ship and fetches up with a heavy bang and pile of books and rubbish tumble down. 133 MARK TWAIN 20th April. Three days of heavy sea now and the above is my first attempt to get an afternoon nap. It is a marvel that never loses its surprise by repetition, this aiming a ship at a mark 3000 miles away and hitting the bull’s-eye in a fog—as we did. When the fog fell on us the captain said we ought to be at such and such a spot (it had been 18 hours since an observation was taken) with the Scilly Islands bearing so and so, and about so many miles away. Hove the lead and got 48 fathoms—looked on the chart and sure enough this depth of water showed that we were right where the captain said we were. Another idea. For ages man probably did not know why God carpeted the ocean bottom with sand in one place, shells in another etc. But we see, now; the kind of bottom the lead brings up shows where a ship is when the soundings don’t—and also it confirms the soundings. Lying story books which make boys fall in love with the sea. Capt. Brandt’s experience and that of young Cooper in the English paper and a million other instances show 2 things (Dana’s and that of the young Canadian of the Astor expedition)—that a common sailor’s life is often a hell, and that there are probably more brutes in command of little ships than in any other occupation of life. Hamburg Church St. Nicholai very beautiful, openwork stone spire (said to be next highest in the world) set upon a huge brick edifice. One account says this spire is the high¬ est in the world. Well, no matter, the church can claim one preeminence I think which cannot successfully be disputed—that the inside of it is the dismalest, barrenest, ugliest barn that exists in the boundless universe of God. 134 NOTEBOOK 200 people present (forenoon) commoners of the com¬ moners, not a gentleman or lady—what they seem to need at St. N. is more congregation and not quite so much steeple. The German Stove “Who is buried here?” “Nobody.” “Then why the monument?” “It is not a monument. It is a stove.” We had reverently removed our hats. We now put them on again. Stove 8 ft. high—female bust in a circle in the side midway—3 Y% ft. by z 1 /^—very ornamental, around the top. Huge parlor and bedroom. Silk quilts and top beds. Parlor vast—looks out on great paved space before the stately railroad station. Two red silk sofas; 4 tables; writing desk; 12 chairs. Polished floor with rugs. Three large windows; 2 large mirrors; 2 candelabra with 3 candles each against the walls; 2 with 4 each be¬ fore the mirrors. In Europe they use safety matches and then entrust candles to drunken men, children, idiots, etc., and yet suffer little from fires, apparently. The idea of an open light in one of our houses makes us shudder. Heard cuckoo in woods at W. May 2. Heinrich said: “How long shall I live?” The cuckoo went on cuckooing for the next 20 minutes—wherefore H. is a Methuselah, each yell meaning a year. First cuckoo I ever heard out¬ side of a clock. Was surprised how closely it imitated the clock—and yet of course it could never have heard a clock. The hatefulest thing in the world is a cuckoo clock. German cleanliness reaches an altitude to which we may not aspire. These peasants are as cleanly in their I3S MARK TWAIN houses as the Yankee of romance, and more cleanly than the reality. Even in the narrow crooked lanes of the old parts of the cities where the poor dwell, the children are neat and clean—much white stockings on the little girls. Legend that Charlemagne arrived at the Main with his army, chasing the Saxons, or chased by them—early in the morning—fog and could not see well—saw a deer taking her young along, judged she would seek a ford. So she did—C. crossed there and resolved to build a city which he named the ford of the Franks—Frankfort— there’s an old bridge there with Cs statue on it. In Frankfort, hotel chandelier with 9 burners but you had to light 8 of them in order to see the other 1. Bad gas has no nationality. Students in Gottingen with dreadfully scarred faces. Here you can’t tell whether a man is a Franco-Prussian war hero or merely has a university education. Street-car conductor wears bright new uniform and is as polite as—but there is nobody at home to compare his politeness with—and politeness costs so little. Our national impoliteness is not natural but acquired. It would be a curious study, how and from whom we acquired it. The bank in Hamburg was up a stable yard, apparently. If ours were as modest, they wouldn’t fail so often, maybe. Bought good cigar for 2c, though my friends say I don’t know a good cigar when I see one. ’ The lower-class women, however nicely dressed, wear nothing on the head in this hot sunshine. 136 NOTEBOOK They look surprised here when I order a second armful of wood for the monument. Proper enough, for I find that one small armful, if it be good brisk burning wood, heats the entire monument, and it stays hot for 6 hours—a more economical stove than exists elsewhere in the world, per¬ haps. No wonder it has held its own for several hundred years. A fire was made in our monument at 11:30 this morn¬ ing. It is now 7 P.M. and I cannot bear my hand on the lower part of it. The room has been uncomfortably warm all the time, and is yet. It is not cold weather, but with no fire the room is quite uncomfortable—chilly. A little later, however, he was out of sym¬ pathy with the monument, and wrote, How we miss our big wood fires, these raw cold days in the end of May. In all this region, I suppose they’ve nothing but their close stoves, which warm gradually and then stink and swelter for hours. It is the same vile atmosphere which a furnace has which has no cold air box and so heats and reheats the same air. John Hay, attempting German with a stranger all day, on a diligence—finally stranger, after trying for 20 min¬ utes to form a sentence, said, “Oh, God damn the language!” Hay—embracing him, “Bless my soul you speak English!” Some of the German words are so long that they have a perspective. When one casts his glance along down one of these it gradually tapers to a point, like the receding lines of a railway track. Clara (Spaulding) reading in the sun in the castle grounds:—fine old gentleman hesitated, passed on, came back and said he must tell her she was injuring her eyes. 137 MARK TWAIN Students send 2 to Berlin and 2 come here from Berlin to flight. ’ This morning Man \j y 8 couples fought— 2 spectators fainted. One student had a piece of his scalp taken. The others’ faces so gashed up and floor all covered with blood. They only wear protecting spectacles. Mr. PfafT had a 6-inch piece of sword that had been broken in the fight. It was two edged and wonderfully whetted up and sharp. They fight twice a week—in a Wirtschaft up a little road, opposite hotel on the other side of river. Told z German gentlemen tlie way to the Wolfsbrunen, in elaborate German—one put up his hands and solemnly said, "Gutt im Himmel.” Dreamed all bad foreigners went to German heaven, couldn’t speak the language, and wished they’d gone to the other place, To make a German sentence complete and beautiful you have only to add: “Wollen haben sollen werden,” after you have got through with what you wanted to say. May 24, theater, Mannheim* King Lear—performance began at 6 sharp. Never understood a word—by and by a terrific and perfectly natural peal of thunder and vivid lightning. G. said. “Thank heaven it thunders in English anyway.” Afterwards, at home, said, “Sat three hours— never understood a word but the thunder and lightning.” May 25. Not a star tonight—consequently the display of lights is particularly plentiful and vivid—strong reflec¬ tions in water from the lights on both bridges. And the Bahnhof! What to liken it to! But nothing in the world so overpowcringly beautiful as a tree in an ice-storm, in sun and gentle wind. It is worth crossing three oceans to see, 138 NOTEBOOK The Grand Duchess of Baden passed through today— streets and Bahnhof decked with bunting, and cannon fired. She is the Emperor’s daughter and was in the car¬ riage with him last week when that communist fired on him. A coin, sleeve-button or a collar-button dropped in a bedroom will hide itself and be hard to find. A handker¬ chief in bed can’t be found. A dog is “der Hund”; a woman is “die Frau”; a horse is “das Pferd”; now you put that dog in the genitive case, and is he the same dog he was before? No, sir; he is “des Hundes”; put him in the dative case and what is he? Why, he is “dem Hund.” Now you snatch him into the accusative case and how is it with him? Why, he is “den Hunden.” But suppose he happened to be twins and you have to pluralize him—what then? Why, they’ll swat that twin dog around through the 4 cases until he’ll tnink he’s an entire inter-national dog-show all in his own per¬ son. I don’t like dogs, but I wouldn’t treat a dog like that—I wouldn’t even treat a borrowed dog that way. Well, it’s just the same with a cat. They start her in at the nominative singular in good health and fair to look upon, and they sweat her through all the 4 cases and the 16 the’s and when she limps out through the accusative plural you wouldn’t recognize her for the same being. Yes, sir, once the German language gets hold of a cat it’s good-bye cat. That’s about the amount of it. May 28. Bought a couple of gorgeously dressed horrors in castle museum to start a portrait gallery of my ances¬ tors with. Paid $1.25 for the male portrait and $2.50 for the lady. The gentleman has a most self-satisfied smirk, but if he had known he would be sold to a base untitled 139 MARK TWAIN Republican a hundred years later for $1.25 would it have taken some of the tuck out of that smirk? And this fair young creature with her lavish finery and her hair in a druggist's mortar shape with a bed of roses on top—what has become of her graces in these hundred years? Very likely the gallants praised this picture and said it was destined to grow in value and fame with the century like the works of the old masters, and by and by be within the purse-reach of none but kings and suc¬ cessful brewers. And now she goes for #2.50. June 2, '78, ten days ago a socialist fired 4 shots at the emperor, in Berlin, without effect. He was captured. The emperor was driving out with his daughter, the Grand Duchess of Baden. Today he was fired upon again, this time by an under officer of the government, it was said. Wounded in cheek and arm he lost a good deal of blood. He is so old the shock may kill him. A crowd rushed at the house and were received with a shot from the assassin which hit a land¬ lord. The assassin wounded himself, but not fatally. June 10, Emperor to leave his bed again—this is won¬ derful. 8 days after receiving such lacerating wounds in arm, shoulder and side—with buckshot—and at his age. 1 The best English characteristic is its plucky and per¬ sistent and individual standing up for its rights. No other people approaches England in this admirable, this man¬ liest of all traits. It makes every man in the whole nation a policeman—the administration of law can never go lax where every individual secs to it that it grows not lax in his own case, or in cases which fall under his eyes. June 19. Dreamed Rosa (nurse) complained in German of Fraulein—good, fluent German—I could not under- 1 William I, then 81 years old. 140 NOTEBOOK stand at all, but got the sense of it—could hardly scare up words enough to reply in, and they were in very bad grammar. Very curious. In early times some sufferer had to sit up with a toothache, and he put in the time inventing the German language. Antique oak chair and table, bought very cheap in Heidelberg. Made last year of pine and stained this year in water-color black which rubs off. Rubbed off all the antiquity in 6 weeks. They work the cows in wagons—maybe they can’t give good milk—would like to put one in a hydraulic press and squeeze her. German laundry could not have acquired this perfect ignorance of how to do up a shirt without able instruc¬ tion—one easily sees England in it. Your collar is like a horse-collar; your shirt can stand alone and when you get into it you feel ready for crime. It is a wonder they do not have more crime here, but it is increasing as adop¬ tion of clean shirts spreads among the social democrats. June 29. Six students entered the Schloss grounds this afternoon in single file, each solemnly towing a big dog. German hotels and houses are as brilliantly lighted as English ones are dark. The Children Clara, age 4: “I brang you some flowers—no I bringed Clara: “Why mustn’t I?” “Because I said not ." 141 MARK TWAIN “But that is no why” Mr. Albert: “Why, your papa would let you have one” Susie: “Yes—but we do as mamma says.” At Venice October 14, 1878. This, to all Americans and English¬ men who have read my books and been made wiser and better thereby: I hardly ever venture to recommend anybody to a stranger, lest I do that stranger an unintentional harm, but in this case I do not feel afraid. If you employ Dittura Agostino you will find that you have done wisely and well. Venetian oysters the size of beans—half a dollar a dozen—tasted 4 dozen. Close to the end of a red stone bench, where a strip of embedded iron clamps a new corner, the shape of a brick, to the rest of the bench, I discovered a mottled surface, polished by the loiterers of several centuries, another antique, one which made the hoary mosaic of St. Mark’s but novelties born of yesterday—an antique which was already an antique when these fables pictured over my head were invented—an antique which was already an antique a hundred thousand years or so before—it was a fossil shell, nearly as large as the crown of my hat. It had been polished down until it was of the appearance of the section of a periwinkle (for its form was a spiral). New acquaintances and old were always rec¬ ommending to him remedies for ailments and accidents. Crude petroleum is an infallible cure of rheumatism, applied externally. A man dreadfully poisoned by poison oak (poison ivy) was urged to eat the leaves of it and was thoroughly 142 NOTEBOOK cured. Since then he rubs his hands and face, or eats the leaves with impunity—never gets poisoned. It is to be hoped he did not employ these remedies. Possibly the crude petroleum might help his rheumatism, but eating the leaves of the poisoned ivy, as the writer knows by ex¬ perience, could only have resulted in his having a very badly poisoned mouth. It is difficult to say how that old fallacy became current. The Old Masters 5 horses always rear after the fashion of kangaroos. About 1440-45, a Candian named Staminato in the suite of a prince of the House of Este was permitted to view the treasure collection of St. Mark, and concealed himself behind an altar in the body of the cathedral, but was discovered by a priest. Then he entered by false keys. After numerous difficulties and the labor of many nights he removed a block of this marble paneling which walled the lower part of the treasure. This panel he fixed so as to be removable at will. Then night after night he visited this magnificent mine, inspected it at his own sweet pleas¬ ure and carried away jewels and gold worth 2,000,000 golden ducats, or £8,000,000, say at present valuation $50,000,000. He even carried off a unicorn’s horn (a mere curiosity) and had to saw it in two with great patience and difficulty. It shows how perfectly secure and undis¬ turbed he was. He could have gone home the richest private citizen of his country, and it might have been years before the plunder was missed. But he could not enjoy his delight alone. So he exacted a solemn oath from a Candian nobleman named Crioni, then took him to an obscure lodging and astounded his eyes. Great carbuncle— (afterwards on Ducal cap). He detected a look on C’s face which excited his suspicion, and was about to slip a stiletto 143 MARK TWAIN into him when C saved himself by saying the display so astonished him. He excused himself for a moment, went and showed the carbuncle at the palace and denounced the criminal, who was hanged with a gilded rope (he having such a fancy for gold) between the columns. All the booty was recovered. October 17, 1878. Left for Florence. Good-bye Ditturo Agostino. It is wonderful how many celebrated men this little town of Florence has produced. In niches in the arcades of the Uffizzi they have life-sized statues of 24 of them— 20 of them being names familiar to every schoolboy in the Christian world—Buonarroti, Benvenuto, Machiavelli, Giotto, Dante, Petrarch, etc. Swell turnout with 12 beautiful bay horses—never saw anything like this outside the circus. That most entertaining of books, Benvenuto’s. It will last as long as his beautiful Perseus. October 23. In Santa Croce today a well-dressed young man followed us, begging for centimes. An old frowsy woman watched where I laid my cigar, then approached us with it as we came out and said she rescued it from some boys and wanted five centimes for her trouble. She followed us into the street and finally cursed us and called down sudden deaths upon us. Hall of Mars, Pitti Palace, No. 92, Titian portrait of A Man—half length, dressed in black robe, a trifle of lace at neck and wrists, short brown hair, thin, handsome, manly features, full of character and firmness; blue eyes, oval face, thin hair making fence around upper lip and 144 NOTEBOOK chin—and along his jaw—full of a most noble dignity. This person is so human—you recognize in him at once the very highest type of man—he is a person who com¬ mands instantly your respect and your homage—and lord how sappy and gushy and chuckle-headed and theatrical the surrounding saints and angels and Holy Families of the other Old Masters do look in his august company. October 29. It is the most ridiculous spectacle to see a Virgin or a copper Apostle stuck on top of every stately monument of the grand old “pagan” days of Rome. Castellani today allowed us to walk off with jewelry worth frs 1500. and never even asked our names or hotel— insisted upon our taking it home and examining it at our leisure—said “tomorrow is a festa—no shops open— bring it back Saturday—no hurry.” Italians and Swiss seem to trust to the honesty of strangers readily. We have noticed this very often. New American artist goes to little Italian squalid vil¬ lage, sits down to sketch on a three-legged camp stool. Peasant brings oxen and addresses him—American abuses and curses and finally appeals to his comrade (Vedder). “What is this devil saying? Why does the scoundrel bring his oxen here?” “He was saying that he has brought his oxen at the usual hour and place to water them, but if they are an interruption he will take them away, and wait—and he adds that your camp chair seems uncomfortable and he will go to his house and bring you a chair, if you de¬ sire it.” The Italians and French are so artistic and so kindly that their impulse is always to assist in any way possible an artist who is sketching. I 4 S MARK TWAIN November 5. Spent all day in Vedder’s lofty studio, and the evening with him and another artist spinning yarns and drinking beer in a quiet saloon. Big row in the street but no bloodshed. Visited the Catacombs. One mummy (shapeless) and one slender young girl’s long hair and decaying bones_ both in stone coffins and both between 1500 and 1600 years old. The greatest charm we have found in Europe by all odds is the open fireplaces in Florence and Rome. Of all countries America is the most comfortable. Palace cars with water, food, liquors, fruit, attendance, water- closets, space to walk about, heating apparatus, and a seat secured beforehand of which no one can deprive you. Plenty of trains, reasonably fast on great trunk lines, sleeping-cars and not obliged to start or arrive at horrid hours of the night. Clean closets in hotels—rare in Ger¬ many, Switzerland and Italy. They serve a dinner better in Europe, and outside the great cities they cook it infinitely better than in our minor cities. Their servants are politer and far more efficient than ours. They do not know what coffee is—nor cream. The former is the case with all European hotels, without exception—but in ours one finds something which at least vaguely resembles cream. All of which of course was written a very long time ago. France and England today have some of the finest trains in the world, and French hotels especially have made great forward strides in modern conveniences, sometimes to the damage of their picturesqueness and charm. 146 NOTEBOOK European coffee, however, still leaves something to be desired. November 13, 1878. Left at 10:45 for Bologna, and tried being courier for the first time. Leave the omnibus- driver a franc to bring the conductor of the train out there to me. Made him understand I wanted a first-class compartment to myself and had five in my party—for future cash. All right. Omnibus-driver also took my lug¬ gage into waiting-room and brought the ticket taker to me. Gave him two francs and he flew around with many winks and brought the conductor again and both winked that all was right. The former took my five through tickets and sent a fat porter to get them vised. Then allowed our tribe to pass through to the train without tickets. Found the conductor right outside on the quivive, who helped me carry my luggage, put us into a compartment and fastened the door. Presently the fat porter came with my tickets and I gave him a franc. The conductor allowed nobody to look in all the way—not even a ticket puncher. Had a mighty smooth trip of it. Gave the conductor five francs. Total cost nine francs. If I had had a courier I should have had to take care of him, pay him ten francs wages and twelve francs fare. From Rome to Florence I paid the conductor five francs and had a heap of attention. Once he kept the train wait¬ ing for me at a station. Am a shining success as a courier, so far, by the use of francs. Munich , December 20, 1878 Today by telegraph in the papers comes the sad news of Bayard Taylor’s death yesterday afternoon in Berlin, from dropsy. I wrote him three or four days ago, con¬ gratulating him on his recovery. He was a very lovable man. 147 MARK TWAIN December 21. On scores of street corners in the snow are groves of Christmas trees for sale and the toy and other shops are crowded, and driving a tremendous trade. Reading German books shows in what a narrow groove of vocabulary authors travel—they use the same words all the time. Read a book of one and you can fluently read his others. Take up a book by another author and you have got to go for the dictionary. His vocabulary is all different. Christmas in Germany In the week a prodigious audience of parents and chil¬ dren in the big theater. A curtain hung across the middle of the stage from right to left. In front a lady with a lot of eager children around her on stools. She asks what familiar story from folklore she shall read. They clap their eager hands and name a story. She reads; they applaud, or laugh, or are grieved—all well drilled and natural—and as she finishes the curtain slowly rises and displays in tableau an exquisite picture from the story. The children in the audience get so carried away that they applaud, shout, cry and make comments aloud. Germans comb their hair in public and have some other little peculiarities, but there is one thing which you can charge the entire nation with: ask any German a ques¬ tion and you will get a civil answer. After the naked model was dressed (in Rome) she showed a touch of nature—for as she climbed down from the platform she exposed too much of her ankle and rectified it. January 25, 1879. The mother of the king, 55 or 60, was out walking in the street today, a maid of honor 148 NOTEBOOK walking beside her, the two talking zealously, two vast footmen in blue livery walking behind them—everybody who came along either on the street or on the sidewalk, took off hats and bowed—little boys, gentlemen, ladies, soldiers, cabmen, everybody, and the queen saw every bow and bowed in return and still kept up her end of the conversation. I can’t exactly define what it is, but there is something very cheerless and depressing about the inside of European houses, and English:—outside is another mat¬ ter—beautiful England. Europe is the hungriest place in the world for an Ameri¬ can to live in. The food is trifling in variety (at least the tables are) and villainously cooked. English toast! Execrable! Muffins good. In Europe they don’t give you hot bread. Ah, for a hot biscuit and coffee, real coffee with real cream—and real potatoes, fried chicken, corn bread, real butter, real beefsteak, good roast beef with taste to it. His old Southern memories and appetite troubled him. He often spoke of the excellencies of French cookery, but now and again, remem¬ bering the fried chicken and corn bread and gravy of his youth, he could find no good thing outside of his native land, especially in England. January 23. Frank Bliss wrote to inquire what progress I am making on the book. Of course I sat down in Munich as soon as he took up his pen in New England, and by the time he had got his brief inquiry on paper I was well under way with my long answer to it. Had not heard from him since last June. Pontius Pilate, wandering around with heavy con- 149 MARK TWAIN science, drowned himself in Lake Lucerne—hence, Mt. Pilatus. A part of the plan for gathering material for the new travel book, A Tramp Abroad , was to have Twichell come over as his guest, and “tramp” with him. Twichell arrived August i, and the tramping began at once, through the Black Forest and down into Switzerland. They really walked a good deal, but had taken no ironclad pledge to do so. They were likely to take a train, or a cart or a carriage, and they had long days of talk and idle loafing. In the book as published Twichell is “Harris.” The Clemens family spent the winter of 1878 and 1879 ' m Munich, where Mark Twain worked pretty steadily on his book. Later they went to Paris and crossed over to London, returning to America at the end of August, 1879. Details of this European sojourn are set down, somewhat illuminated, in A Tramp Abroad 3 and more lit¬ erally in Mark Twain—a Biography , chapters CXVII to CXXI. 1879 The English ought not to patronize the Zulus, the Livingstone River Cannibals, and say piously: “We are better than thou,” for it is very plain that they have been better for no more than a hundred years. They are a very fine and pure and elevated people, now, but what they were between the Roman Invasion and the time within the memory of a centenarian was but a small improve¬ ment upon the Shoshone Indians. I select the Shoshones because they have certain peculiar vices and also certain peculiar conspicuous virtues. 150 NOTEBOOK I disfavor capital punishment. Sampson was a Jew—therefore not a fool. The Jews have the best average brain of any people in the world. The Jews are the only race who work wholly with their brains and never with their hands. There are no Jew beggars, no Jew tramps, no Jew ditchers, hod-carriers, day laborers or followers of toilsome, mechanical trade. They are peculiarly and conspicuously the world’s intel¬ lectual aristocracy. It depends on who writes a thing whether it is coarse or not. Rabelais. I once wrote a conversation between Elizabeth, Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont, Sir Walter Raleigh, Lord Bacon, Sir Nicholas Throckmorton and a stupid, stupid old nobleman—this latter being cup¬ bearer to the queen and ostensible reporter of the talk. There were four maids of honor present, and a sweet young girl two years younger than the boy Beaumont. I built a conversation which could have happened—I used words such as were used at that time—1601—I sent it anonymously to a magazine—and how the editor abused it and the sender. But that man was a praiser of Rabelais, and had been saying “Oh, that we had a Rabelais.” I judged I could furnish him one. Then I took it to one of the greatest, best and most learned of Divines and read it to him. He came within an ace of killing himself with laughter (for between you and me the thing was dreadfully funny. I don’t often write anything that I laugh at myself, but I can hardly think of that thing without laughing). That old Divine said that it was a piece of the finest kind of literary art—and David Gray of the Buffalo Courier said it ought to be printed privately and left behind me when I died, and then my fame as a literary artist would last. I5i MARK TWAIN This was the “Fireside Conversation in the Time of Queen Elizabeth.” The “Divine” was Joseph H. Twichell, of Hartford, to whom it was sent, as a letter. Several private editions have been printed. Mark Twain’s statement that he sent it to an editor is to be heavily discounted, though it is not unlikely that as a joke he showed it to Mr. Alden of Harpers or to one of the editors of the Century Magazine. March 28, i8?q (Paris Salon) Went to sec pictures rushed into Palais dTndustrie, end of afternoon—last chance to get them in. Stairways crowded—street full of vans and the vans full of pictures. Every time a poor picture came in everybody groaned. Perfect howl went up sometimes when particularly poor one came—it was snatched and passed from hand to hand. Picture of wood-sawing—everybody made a sound like sawing. Picture of St. Jerome and skull—lot of students followed it, weeping on each other’s shoulders. There was a row last year, so it was announced that this year only people having pictures would be admitted—so there came fifty students each carrying a ten-cent chromo, very care¬ fully. There were acres of pictures, any artist may send two or three, but not more—I think they said two was the limit. A jury of the first artists of France (elected by the exhibitors) will examine these 6000 or 7000 pic¬ tures between now and May 11, and retain about 2000 and reject the rest. They can tell a good or a bad one at a single glance—these are at once set aside and the real work begins, the culling the best from among those that lie somewhere between the perfectly good and the per¬ fectly bad. And a tough job it is. An artist can’t vote for the jury till he has exhibited more than twice. Pictures are often rejected for want of room. These can be offered again, next year. Among the acres we saw one which had 152 NOTEBOOK been rejected twice already. It would take a plucky man to carry his own picture up those stairs. Sometimes a fine picture is applauded. Take a ride on the steam roller to the Bois de Boulogne from Place de la Concorde to avoid carriages. Religion consists in a set of things which the average man thinks he believes, and wishes he was certain. Paris May 7 I wish this eternal winter would come to an end. Snow¬ flakes fell today, and also about a week ago. Have had rain almost without intermission for two months and one week. Have had a fire every day since September 10 and have now just lighted one. Salon Criticism is a queer thing. If I print “she was stark naked” and then proceed to describe her person in detail, what critic would not howl? Who would venture to leave the book on a parlor table? But the artist does this, and all ages gather around and look and talk and admire. France has neither winter nor summer nor morals— apart from these drawbacks it is a fine country. For 1000 years the savage nation (France) indulged itself in massacres—every now and then a big massacre, or a little one. The massacreing spirit is peculiar to France, I mean in Christendom. No other state had it. In this, France has always walked abreast, kept her end up with her brethren, the Turks and Burmese. Afternoon of the 12th of July went to Antwerp. Thir- 153 MARK TWAIN tcenth, Sunday, went on board flagship Trenton, dined that evening with Consul Stewart and some officers of the Trenton and the Alliance. Took the family and break¬ fasted on board the 1'rcnton, Monday, 14th. Admiral Rowan arrived during the meal. I smoked on the Ad¬ miral’s side of the deck, not knowing it was sacred, by naval etiquette. In Brussels Cathedral heard the most majestic organ music and men’s voices ever listened to. Never heard any¬ thing that rose to the sublimity of those sounds. The jingling of a little bell occasionally, the distant booming of the great bells in the steeple, the remote bowing and mumming, the faint clouds and puffs of incense rising from swinging censers, the dim distances, the picture windows, the going and coming kneelers, the high miracu¬ lously made and miracle working Virgin, the old women selling candles, were all highly impressive. No wonder William III pined for Holland—the country is so green and lovely and quiet and pastoral and home¬ like. Boats sailing through the prairies and fat cows and quaint windmills everywhere. At The Hague visited Museum and saw Rembrandt’s School of Anatomy and Potter’s Bull (flies visible under the hairs). This is absolute nature—in some other pic¬ tures too close a copy of nature is called a fault. Drove out to a country palace where Motley used to visit long at a time with the Royal Family. Good portrait of him there. Also some Frescoes which can’t be told from stone, high relief across the room. Drove there through about the noblest woods I ever saw. We have been obliged to keep fires going constantly ten months steadily—from the 19th September to the 15th of July—in Italy, Bavaria, France, Holland and Belgium. 154 NOTEBOOK London , July 20 } 1879 Arrived here at 8 A.M. Rainy and cold. Have had a rousing fire, blazing in the grate all day. A remarkable summer, truly! Galleries of pictures where there is much splendid con¬ flagration of color, have a curious effect upon the spec¬ tator. Turner soon makes one ill—it is partly intense ad¬ miration, partly the color. One must have a play-book at an English play—the English accent is so different one cannot understand or follow the actors. The same in ordinary conversation which one tries to hear. Sunday, August 17, 1879. Raw and cold and a drench¬ ing rain. Went over to the Tabernacle and heard Mr. Spurgeon. House three-quarters full—say 3000 people. First hour, lacking one minute, taken up with two prayers, two ugly hymns and Scripture reading. Sermon three- quarters of an hour long. A fluent talk. Good sonorous voice. Topic treated in the unpleasant old-fashioned way. Man a mighty bad child, God working at him in forty ways and having a world of trouble about him. A wooden-faced congregation—just the sort to see no incongruity in the Majesty of Heaven, stooping to beg and plead and sentimentalize over such and to see in their salvation an important matter. Spurgeon was not at his best today, I judge. He was probably even at his worst. It was so cold I was freezing—the pouring rain made everything gloomy—the wooden congregation was not an inspiration—the music was depressing, so the man couldn’t preach well. Tuesday, August 19. Went up Windemere Lake in the steamer. Talked with the great Darwin. *55 MARK TWAIN August 31. At sea in the Gallia, approaching New York (left Liverpool 23d). Now about 9 P.M. Brilliant moon, a calm sea and a magnificent lunar rainbow—a complete arch, the colors part of the time as brilliant as if it were noonday—some said not quite as brilliant, softened with a degree of vagueness, but to me it was not different from a daylight rainbow. One cannot see this wonder twice in his life. Fifteen years ago I saw a lunar rainbow, a complete arch in California, but it was silver white—perfectly colorless. The reader may remember that he had also once seen this phenomenon on the way from Hawaii to San Francisco. The Colorado miner on board who hates English and won’t allow them to pass things to him at the table. Loathes his three English roommates because of their effeminate affectation of wearing nightshirts. All English individuals are kind and likable—the news¬ papers are snobbish, pretentious, and they scoff at America, or contemptuously ignore her. English preachers and statesmen try to draw the two nations together in friendship and mutual respect—the newspapers, with what seems a steady and calculated purpose, discourage this. The newspapers arc going to win in this fight. The nations arc at their friendliest now—the widening apart has begun—the separation will be complete in a genera¬ tion. (1879.) For some years a custom has been growing up in our literature to praise everything English and do it affection¬ ately. This is not met halfway, and so it will cease. Eng- fish individuals like and respect American individuals, but the English nation despises America and Americans. But this does not sting us as it did when we were smaller. Wc shall presently be indifferent to being looked down 156 NOTEBOOK upon by a nation no bigger and no better than our own. We made the telegraph a practical thing. We invented the fast press, the sewing-machine, the sleeping and par¬ lor car, the telephone, the ironclad, we have done our share for the century, we have introduced the foretelling of the weather. Nobody writes a finer and purer English than Motley, Howells, Hawthorne and Holmes. CHAPTER XV America Again (At Quarry Farm, Elmira, N. Y.) August t, iNKo. Talking last night about home mat¬ ters, I said: “I wish I had said to George (colored butler) when we were leaving home, ‘Now, George, 1 wish you would take advantage of these three or four months’ idle time, while wo are away—’ ‘to learn to leave my matches alone!’ interrupted Livy. They were the very words I was going to use, yet George had not been mentioned before nor his peculiarities. Several years ago I said: ‘‘Suppose I should live to be th St., their home, to talk over the business details of the publication of the Gen¬ eral’s book. I was astonished to sec how thin and weak he was; yet as I had just read in the papers that his bad symptoms were all gone 1 took it for granted that the report, was true, and said 1 have been glad to see that news. He smiled and said—“Yes—if it had only been true.” One of the physicians was present and he startled me by 8aying—“The General’s condition was the opposite of encouraging.” Then the talk drifted to business and the General pres¬ ently said, “I mean you shall have the book—I have about made up tny mind to that—but I wish to write to Mr. Roswell Smith first and tell him I have so decided. 1 think this is due him.” From the beginning the General has shown a fine deli¬ cacy toward those people—a delicacy which is native to the character of the man who put into the Appomattox terms of surrender the words “Officers may retain their side arms,” to save General Lee the humiliation of giving 174 NOTEBOOK up his sword—a delicacy which the Century has not well deserved. They offered him 10% royalty on his book! That was the most colossal bit of cheek the 19th century can show. Gen. Grant felt under obligations to give them the book —mainly because they suggested that he write it—a sug¬ gestion which I made to him three years ago. And in his modesty he didn’t know that when they paid him $1500 for three articles in the Century they were exactly as just toward him as it would be to buy a dollar bill of a blind man and pay him ten cents for it. They sent him a volun¬ tary thousand dollars the other day—after the General's first article had sprung their circulation clear away up into the clouds. They could have paid him $5000 for that article and still made that much money themselves. Friday March 20, 1885. Gerhardt and I arrived at Gen. Grant’s about half past two P.M. and I asked that the family would look at a small clay bust of the General which Gerhardt had made from the photograph. Col. Fred and Jesse were absent to receive their sister, Mrs. Sartoris, who would arrive from Europe about 4:30; but the three Mrs. Grants examined the work and expressed strong ap¬ proval of it and also great gratification that Mr. Gerhardt had undertaken it. Mrs. Jesse Grant had lately dreamed that she was inquiring where the maker of my bust could be found (she had seen a picture of it in Huck Finn which was published four weeks ago) for she wanted the same artist to make one of Gen. Grant. The ladies examined the bust critically and pointed out the defects while Ger¬ hardt made the necessary corrections. Presently Mrs. Gen. Grant suggested that Gerhardt step in and look at the General. I had been in there talking with the Gen¬ eral, but had never thought of asking him to let a stranger come in. So Gerhardt went in with the ladies and me, and the inspection and cross fire began. “There, I was sure 175 MARK TWAIN his nose was so-and-so,” and, “I was sure his forehead was so-and-so.”—“And don’t you think his head is so- and-so?” 1 And so everybody walked around and about the old hem, who lay half reclining in his big easy chair and well mu filed up, and submitted to all this as serenely as if he were used to being served so. One marked feature of Gen. Cl rant’s character is his exceeding gentleness, good¬ ness, sweetness. Every time I have been in his presence— lately and formerly—my mind was drawn to that feature. Presently he said—to let Gcrhardt bring in his clay and work there, if Oerhardt would not mind his reclining atti¬ tude. Of course, he was glad. A table for the bust was moved up in front of him; the ladies left the room. I got a book; Oerhardt went to work, and for an hour there was perfect stillness, and for the first time during the day the General got a good sound peaceful nap. Gen. Badeau came in and probably interrupted that nap. He spoke out as strongly as the others concerning the great excellence of the likeness. lie had some sheets of manuscript in his hand, and said: “I have been reading what you wrote this morning, General; and it is of the utmost value; it solves a riddle that has puzzled men’s brains all these years, and makes the thing clear and rational.” I asked what the puzzle was, and he said, “It was why Grant did not immediately lay siege to Vicksburg after capturing Port Hudson.” (At least that is my recollection, now toward midnight, of Gen. Badeau’s answer.) Offer Gen. Grant’s family $500 a month till a year hence when first settlement due—they perhaps need it. March 23, 1885. Drove at 11:30 A.M. to Pratt & Whit¬ ney and told CoL Woodruff to take the offensive now 1 Karl Gcrhardt was a young sculptor whose art education in Paris had been paid for by Mark Twain. 176 NOTEBOOK with that terra-cotta firm and require that they pay Ger- hardt 65 or 70% of the profit on every bust of Gen. Grant. It is the best likeness of the General ever made in clay, oil, or any other way—in fact, much the best; and it is the last one that ever will be made from the living subject—therefore if they hesitate about those terms there are plenty others who will gladly take the enterprise off their hands. Get shorthander in New York and begin my autobiog¬ raphy at once, and continue it straight through the summer. Which reminds me that Susy, aged 13 (1885), had begun to write my biography, solely of her own notion— a thing about which I feel proud and gratified. At break¬ fast this morning I intimated that if I seemed to be talk¬ ing on a pretty high key, in the way of style, it must be remembered that my biographer was present. Whereupon Susy struck upon the unique idea of having me sit up and purposely talk for the biography. He did, in fact, engage a stenographer at this time and begin the dictation of autobiography. He could not keep it up, however, not then. He was too busy, and he was not used to dictation. He dictated the story of the Grant book—that being the freshest and most important thing in his mind—then laid work aside for about twenty years, during which period he made no more than brief attempts to set down his memories. Club Essay: The little man concealed in the big man. The combination of the human and the god. Victor Hugo; Carlyle; Napoleon; Mirbel; Jesus; Emerson and Wash¬ ington, with a parenthesis enclosing a question mark after Washington; Grant; Mahomet—in them (including the 177 MARK TWAIN Saviour) was allied the infinitely grand and the infinitely little. Carlyle, whose life was one long stomach-ache, and one ceaseless wail over it. Gladstone—and out of courtesy to many here present, I add Blaine—Macaulay—Shake¬ speare—Burns—Scott—Richelieu—Cromwell- March 31. Called at Gen. Grant's and saw Mrs. Fred Grant and Mrs. Sartoris. Showed them the cover of the General’s book. I took with me young Hall, who writes shorthand. I had a telegraphic paragraph from this morn¬ ing’s Tribune in which Gen. Jubal Early tries to take the magnanimity out of Gen. Grant’s action at Appomattox in not requiring Gen. Lee to give up his sword. I hoped to find Gen. Grant well enough to tell the story of the surrender and let young Hall take it down in shorthand. I wanted to lay the suggestion before Col. Fred Grant, but he was worn out and asleep and I would not allow him to be disturbed. His wife went up to see if he might be stirring, but he was still asleep, so after waiting and talking awhile I came away. Many groups of people were distributed here and there in sight of the house, observing the visitors, and one reporter questioned me, but I was not able to tell him much. Another tried to head off the coupe, but gave it up. Webster was up till this morning, notifying newspapers not to reproduce the stolen picture of Gen. Grant as a Lieutenant in the Mexican War. April 4. Gen. Grant is still living this morning. Many a person between the two oceans lay hours awake, last night, listening for the booming of the fire bells that should speak to the nation in simultaneous voice and tell its calamity. The bell strokes are to be 30 seconds apart, and there will be 63, the General’s age. They will be striking in every town in the United States at the same moment—the first time in the world’s history 178 NOTEBOOK that the bells of a nation have tolled in unison beginning at the same moment, and ending at the same moment. General Grant is still alive today and the nation holds its breath and awaits the blow. Gerhardt wanted me to let him write a note and ask Col. Fred Grant’s permission to make a death mask of his father. It is something that must be done, of course, but I could not bring myself to be a party to the request —there is something so dreadful about it. So I telegraphed him to apply through Gen. Badeau, instead of making a personal application. I had before telegraphed Col. Grant, asking that he let Gerhardt speak with him. A telegram from Gerhardt tonight says Col. Grant has personally given him the desired permission. I am very glad indeed, for the mask must be made when the Gen¬ eral dies and it is so much better that Gerhardt, who is honest and whom the family know, should do it than some tricky stranger. He was now all concerned with the manufac¬ ture of the Grant memoirs, nearly every page of the notebook bears suggestions more or less prac¬ tical. As the orders were coming in for it in a real deluge the matter of finding presses and binders became very urgent. A large sum of money for manufacturing was required and this had to be borrowed for the most part. It required courage as well as credit to finance this great undertaking, but Mark Twain, impractical as he was in the matter of details, never lacked courage, and he never lacked vision as to results. The severest censor has been the Boston Advertiser. I am sorry to impute personal motives to him but I must, he is merely taking what he imagines is legitimate revenge 179 MARK TWAIN upon me for what was simply and solely an accident. I had the misfortune to catch him in a situation which will not bear describing. He probably thinks I have told that thing all around. It is an error. I have never told it except to one man, and he came so near absolutely dying with laughter that I judged it best to take no more chances with that narrative. “Thrice have I been in the valley of the shadow of death, and thrice have I come out again.” Rev. Dr. New¬ man says Gen. Grant pressed his hand and said that yes¬ terday, April 15. Ten cents to a thousand dollars he never used that form of words. This piece of misreporting comports with what that Chinese Secretary of Legation said of Newman. Tribune version: “Thrice have I been down in the valley of death, and now I have come up.” No better—gush—rot—impossible. May 1, 1885. 60,000 sets of Gen. Grant's book (or 120,000 single volumes) which I am to publish next De¬ cember arc already ordered by a region comprising one fourth of the territory lying between Canada and Mason and Dixon's Line, and the Mississippi River and the At¬ lantic Ocean. At this rate the rest of that territory will take 180,000 sets more—240,000 sets in all, or 480,000 single volumes. The vast West and the body of Southern States ought to take together 120,000 sets, perhaps—say 600,000 single volumes. If these chickens shall really hatch, according to my account, Gen. Grant’s royalties will amount to #420,000 and will make the largest single chock ever paid an author in the world’s history. Up to the present time the largest one ever paid was to Ma¬ caulay on his History of England, 20,000 pounds. If I pay the General in silver coin (at #12 per pound) it will weigh 17 tons. (Note added April 15, 1889. Have just read the preced- 180 NOTEBOOK ing. How curiously accurate a prophecy it was. We sold about 610,000 single volumes. We paid Mrs. Grant some¬ where between #420,000, and #450,000. I do not remember the exact figure. When I talked with Gen. Grant in No¬ vember 1884, 13 months before his first volume was pub¬ lished, I ciphered on the sales achieved by my own books and told him that by my reckoning his book must sell 600,000 volumes.) Club Subject: The insincerity of man—all men are liars, partial or hiders of facts, half tellers of truths, shirks, moral sneaks. When a merely honest man appears he is a comet—his fame is eternal—needs no genius, no talent— mere honesty—Luther, Christ, etc. Macaulay’s grand edition weighed 45 tons. Our first issue (Dec. 1) ought to weigh 300 tons. We now for the first time begin to hear of the typesetting machine, which was to become the Frankenstein monster to destroy him. His enthu¬ siasm concerning the book is less noticeable; the possibilities of the typesetter claim attention. There are 11,000 papers and periodicals in America. This typesetter does not get drunk. He does not join the printers’ union. He does not distribute a “dirty case.” He does not set a “dirty proof.” A woman can operate him. He can snatch up late matter, eight “takes” at a mouth¬ ful, at three in the morning, when the paper is in a hurry to get to press. It becomes a kind of rhapsody and breaks out in a variety of forms, often in a bewildering ar¬ ray of figures. 181 MARK TWAIN If Cod is what people say there can be no one in the universe so unhappy as he; for he sees unceasingly myriads of his creatures suffering unspeakable miseries_ and besides this foresees how they are going to suffer dur¬ ing the remainder of their lives. One might well say: “As unhappy as God.” The telephone must be driven out, for it is useless—at any rate at night when the electric lights are burning. It was at this time that Mark Twain wrote for the Century Magazine his article on his ex¬ perience as a Confederate soldier when this small irregular company of which he was a member was pursued by troops under the then unknown Col. U. S. Grant. The General said he read my article, first, and all the family afterwards. (I said) I did not know that this was the future General Grant or I would have turned and attacked him. I supposed it was just some ordinary Colonel of no particular consequence, so I let him go. It was probably a great mistake. It is curious and dreadful to sit up this way and talk cheerful nonsense to Gen. Grant and he under sentence of death with that cancer. lie says he has made the book too large by 200 pages—not a bad fault—a short time ago we were afraid it would lack 400 of being enough. He has dictated 10,000 words at a single sitting, and he a sick man! It kills me, these days, to write half of it. It has been claimed by persons having no knowledge of the circumstances—having nothing indeed but a malignant desire to cheapen a great hero—that General Grant did not write his own memoirs—that Mark Twain and others wrote them. These notes are sufficiently conclusive. 182 NOTEBOOK May 26, 1885. This date, 1858, parted from L. (Laura Dake). Who said “We shall meet again 30 years from now.” They did not meet in thirty years, or ever, again. During the summer of 1906, at Dublin, New Hampshire, he received a letter from her, the first in all that time. She asked a favor, which he was only too willing to grant. It has never been quite clear why their romance came to an end. Today talked with Gen. Grant about his, and my, first Missouri campaign (in 1861, June or July). He surprised an empty camp, near Florida, Mo., on Salt River which I had been occupying a day or two before. How near he came to playing the devil with his future publisher. Gen. Grant told me it was at Salt River his heart was in his mouth, but from that day forth he never had a tremor again in the war. He had been in war before but this was the first time he was responsible. General Grant’s first idea was to put in portraits of prominent generals, but he got so many letters from colo¬ nels and such, asking to be added that he resolved to put none in and thus avoid the creation of jealousies. June 28. Gen. Grant telegraphed me and I went to him next day—a long trip from Elmira to Mount McGregor. Left the hilltop at Quarry Farm at 6 A.M., arrived at Gen. Grant’s cottage 14 hours afterward 8:20 P.M. The business was a letter from the Century—exactions about the Century articles. I devised one method, Col. Fred another. We fixed it up. I was ready to return next morning, but waited 24 hours for Jesse Grant to return from New York. He 183 MARK TWAIN wanted me to furnish money for him to go to Turkey with. It appears that a year or more ago Gov. Stanford of California was dining with the Sultan when the latter offered him a franchise for a railroad from Constantinople to the Persian Gulf. Stanford came home full of the project; then his son died and he at once lost all interest in life. So lie gave the chance to Jesse Grant, and offered to join Gen. Grant in furnishing Jesse letters to the Sultan. I had to leave before Jesse could get back but I shall furnish the money for the experiment. July io. Gen. Grant has written the Sultan. Write a blast against the temperance and other “pledge” folly. Some day make a little book, call it “Picturesque inci¬ dents in history and tradition (of all countries).” For instance: Describe what England was like during the six years wherein no church bell was heard—John and his whole realm being under Papal curse and interdict. The children’s pilgrimage to Palestine. To please Richard III a priest of Westminster invented, or allowed, the quibble that Sanctuary was a refuge for only those who were guilty of crime—and so poor little Prince Henry having committed no crime, had no right to that profession—wherefore the child was taken out of the sanctuary and delivered to his uncle, to be smothered in the tower. I have no sense of humor. In illustration of this fact I will say this—by way of confession—that if there is a humorous passage in the Pickwick Papers I have never been able to find it. On board train, Binghamton, July 23, 1885, xo A.M. 184 NOTEBOOK The news is that Gen. Grant died about two hours ago —at five minutes past eight. The last time I saw him was July i and 2, at Mt. Mc¬ Gregor. I then believed he would live several months. He was still adding a little, perfecting details, to his book— a preface among other things. He was entirely through a few days later. Since then a lack of any strong interest to employ his mind has enabled the tedious weariness to kill him. I think his book kept him alive several months. He was a very great man—and superlatively good. All men in New York insult you—there seem to be no exceptions. There are exceptions of course —have been —but they are probably dead. I am speaking of all per¬ sons there who are clothed in a little brief authority. August 6, 1885. Talked an hour with Gen. Sherman. He spoke in terms of prodigious praise of Gen. Grant’s military genius. “Never anything like it before.” I think those were his words, but he said that this talk of Grant never listening to indelicate stories was bosh. Said he had seen Grant listen and laugh by the hour at Gov. Jim Nye’s yarns. They were indelicate, as I well remember myself. Somebody has said “Wit is the sudden marriage of ideas which before their union were not perceived to have any relation.” The English, the arrogant nation. The Americans the material nation, the Germans the patient nation, the Rus¬ sians the unclassifiable nation, the French the volatile na¬ tion, the Scotch the thrifty nation, the Italians the hot-blooded kind-hearted nation, the Irish the nation of chaste women. The last thing after Gen. Grant’s body was laid to rest 185 MARK TWAIN in the receiving vault, a bugler stepped out all alone in front of the tomb and blew “Taps” (put out the lights). This in the presence of a great host of war veterans who had heard it every night in the camps and on battlefields of Grant’s campaign of a score of years before. I was not there. I saw the great procession August 8, but was not at the tomb. August 8, 1885. Witnessed the passing funeral pageant of Gen. Grant from our office windows in 14th Street, Union Square; five hours; then plowed through the side¬ walk crowd up Fifth Avenue to 40th St. CHAPTER XIX Turbulent Years From an entry made August 20, 1885, we find that to date Mark Twain has paid to Paige, the inventor of the typesetter-machine, £13,000. Most of his notes now concern The Machine. Just as humanity was going to be saved a year or two earlier by the history game, now the world’s sal¬ vation lies in the typesetter. Nor was he so far wrong. He begins to estimate the returns on machines by the hundred and the thousand. Like his own Col. Sellers, he saw “millions in it.” And rightly enough, if—his had only been the right machine. Jean (aged five) requests me to tell a story to be based on a kind of business copartnership between a “bawgun strictor and a burglar.” Caesar’s Commentaries (on the Gallic War and the Civil War) are the only books that take rank with this (Grant’s). Like this they are noted for their simplicity, naturalness and purity of style. Wit and Humor—if any difference it is in duration— lightning and electric light. Same material, apparently; but one is vivid, brief, and can do damage—the other fools along and enjoys elaboration. The machine will not diminish the number of printers but increase composition and make it much lighter work for both body and mind. 187 MARK TWAIN Some of the notes are made in German—for no particular reason except that he was very much interested in the language about this time. A German class used to assemble at his house and it was during this period that he wrote the Meisterschaft sketch for the Century Magazine. Printers are peculiarly well instructed men. They all know the history of the great labor-saving and speed¬ enhancing inventions, and they know that no hostility in the world can stop such a machine from coming into use, or even notably delay it. He realized that his interest in his various enterprises took the form of a hobby, perhaps, for just here he makes this note: A person should always have a hobby. Observe how a sweetheart fills every waking moment to the brim and makes life a jubilation. Observe the miser and the suc¬ cessful stock speculator and proprietor of vast money¬ making industries. Observe the student in his specialty— in bees, ants, bugs, fossils —any specialty that is absorb¬ ing. But the hobby must not be the result —no, only the pleasure of working for the result, and the final trial of accomplishing it. Oct. 3, 1885. I think I have struck a good idea. It is to reduce a series of big maps to mere photographic fly- specks and sell them together with a microscope of one quarter to one inch focal distance. Extravagant as this idea may have seemed at the moment, it came into practical use, approxi¬ mately, during the World War. Maps were re¬ duced photographically to proportions so small 188 NOTEBOOK that they could be concealed between the glass and the rim of spectacles and in other places as inconspicuous. October 26, 1885. Up to date 320,000 sets of Gen. Grant’s book have been subscribed for—that is to say 640,000 single volumes. Got twelve more presses to work; this makes twenty that are going night and day. If we could get 27 we could print a complete volume every second, but it is impossible to get them. We have seven binderies at work—all large ones. One of them turns out 1500 volumes per day. This one occu¬ pies three large floors, and works upon nothing but this book. The building was rented, the machinery bought new and the hands brought from Philadelphia—all for this book. We are being well scolded by the other pub¬ lishers, for they have to send their printing and binding to other cities. November 19. Called on President Cleveland at the White House, by appointment through Johnson of the Century Magazine and George Walton Green, Chief of the Authors’ League. By little and little I wandered into a speech, having got speedily warmed up by the first re¬ mark or two made on International Copyright—which remark or two I made myself without intending to say anything further. Then there was a four-cornered talk of an hour. The President showed great interest in our sub¬ ject and will do it as good a turn as he can in his Message. I ventured to urge him to make I.C. the child of his ad¬ ministration, and nurse it and raise it. December 11, 1885. Howells says “I am reading Grant’s book with a delight I fail to find in novels.” And again— “I think he is one of the most natural—that is, best — 189 MARK TWAIN writers I ever read. The book merits its enormous success simply as literature.” My books arc water; those of the great geniuses are wine. Everybody drinks water. What is biography? Unadorned romance. What is ro¬ mance? Adorned biography. Adorn it less and it will be better than it is. Special Providence! That phrase nauseates me—with its implied importance of mankind and triviality of God. In my opinion these myriads of globes are merely the blood corpuscles ebbing and flowing through the arteries of God and we but animalcule that infest them, disease them, pollute them; and God does not know we are there and would not care if He did. Nine-tenths of the pages of his notebooks now are filled with comments, estimates, and the like concerning the machine, but occasionally he has a diversion like this: August 31, 1886. Revealed to Livy my project of buy¬ ing the remains of Christopher Columbus and placing them in the base of the Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World in New York Harbor. No—rotunda of the Capitol at Washington. In Wales the parson came to collect tithes. The farm¬ er’s wife said—“Parson, I have eleven children—will you take one of them? You take the tenth pig, will you have the tenth child?” And is “tithes” a tenth of all a man’s crop alive and otherwise? However, call it a tenth of the animal crop of live stock only, and think what a frightful tax it is on a poor man. It docs leave a gap as if one of his family had 190 NOTEBOOK been taken. Suppose God had levied this tax upon the incomes of the rich. How long would it have remained in force? A week? Try to imagine rich, Godly Englishmen paying from $ 10,000 to $800,000 to the church and mak¬ ing no murmur, raising no hell about it. What a pity God didn’t levy the tax upon the rich alone. I would. How¬ ever, He knew the rich couldn’t be forced to pay it and the poor could. With all his brutalities and stupidities and grotesqueries that old Hebrew God always had a good business head. He always stopped talking shop (piousness, sentiment, sweetness in life) and came right down to business when there was a matter concerning shekels on hand. His commercial satisfaction in the clink of shekels runs all through his Book—that Book whose “every word” He inspired and whose ideas were all his own; among them the idea of levying a one-tenth income tax upon paupers. We hear a great deal about the interior evidences of the “Divine Origin” of that Book. Yes; and yet the tithe tax could have originated in hell if interior evidences go for anything. April 12, 1887. Day before yesterday I encountered Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe on the sidewalk. She took both my hands and said with strong fervency that sur¬ prised the moisture into my eyes—“I am reading vour Prince and Pauper for the fourth time, and I know it is the best book for young folks ever written.” May 17, 1887. Depew told this last night at the dinner at Charles A. Dana’s house: “Greeley turned on the man who was collecting money ‘to save millions of your fellow creatures from going to hell,’ and remarked—T won’t give you a damned cent. There don’t half enough of them go there now.’ ” 1887. Next May write Prof. Francis Wayland that I am 191 MARK TWAIN ready to pay the young colored man, Charles W. John¬ son’s, way through the Yale Law School. Along in the winter of 1887 and 1888 there blazed into his brain a brand-new idea: Dress up some good actors as Apollyon, Greatheart, and the other Bunyan characters; take them to a wild gorge and photograph them—“Valley of the Shadow of Death”; to other effective places and photograph them, along with the scenery; to Paris in their curious costumes, place them near the Arc dc l’Etoile and photograph them with the crowd—“Vanity Fair” to Constantinople, Cairo, Venice, 20 interesting cities, and always make them con¬ spicuous in the curious foreign crowds by their costume. Take them to Zululand. It would take two or three years to do the photographing, and cost $ 10,000; but this stere- optieal panorama of Banyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress could be exhibited in all countries at the same time and clear a fortune in a year. By and by I will do this. Two things may occur to the reader in connec¬ tion with this note, first, that in his idea lay a prophecy of the cinematograph and second the modest estimate of the cost of getting his enter¬ prise under way. October 4,1887. If in 1891 I find myself not rich enough to carry out my scheme of buying Christopher Columbus’ bones and burying them under the Statue of Liberty En¬ lightening the World, I will give the idea to somebody who is rich enough. For Princeton Review—to be written in April, 1888: If you attempt to create a wholly imaginary incident, ad¬ venture or situation, you will go astray and the artificiality of the thing will be detectable, but if you found on a fact in your personal experience it is an acorn, a root, 192 NOTEBOOK and every created adornment that grows up out of it, and spreads its foliage and blossoms to the sun will seem reality, not inventions. You will not be likely to go astray; your compass of fact is there to keep you on the right course. Mention instances (in this article) where I think the author was imagining. Others where he built upon a solid and actually lived basis of fact. All crimes should be punished with humiliations—pub¬ lic exposure in ridiculous and grotesque situations—and never in any other way. Death makes a hero of the villain, and he is envied by some spectators and by imitators. In the note that follows there is a suggestion of the radio, or at least of its various uses, though he had in mind the phonograph, then a recent invention. Neither printed newspapers nor books left—except as curiosities. Salacious daily news furnished in a whisper to any that want it. But the character of each sort of news is marked by signs, indicating “pure,” “hellish,” etc. And now we have his prediction of television: Portraits and pictures transferred by light accompany everything. The phonograph goes to church, conducts family worship, etc. teaches foreign languages. Pops the question. Jean, age seven: “He cried so hard, but I gave him my little finger, and he quieted right down—though all he got was just his own juice.” To Remember Monday Midnight, March 26, 1888. Delmonico’s—sup¬ per to Irving and Miss Terry—by Daly. 193 MARK TWAIN Murray Hill Hotel, New York March 14, 1888. I came down here from Hartford, Saturday the 10th, to dinner to Henry Irving, at Chas. A. Dana’s, Sunday evening, and the memorable blizzard has snow-bound me here ever since. Not a train here from Hartford since early Monday morning. Mrs. Clemens was to come down today and we were going to Washington tomorrow. Of course she will not come till everything is smooth again. I can’t get a telegram nor a telephone to her, nor she a message to me. A Boston friend is better off: He cabled Boston through London and got an answer back promptly over the same long road. 194 CHAPTER XX Writing "The Yankee” By the absence of an irreverent press, Europe for a thousand years has existed merely for the advantage of half a dozen seventh-rate families called Monarchs, and some hundreds of riffraff sarcastically called Nobles. Our papers have one peculiarity—it is American—it exists no¬ where else—their irreverence. May they never lose and never modify it. They are irreverent toward pretty much everything, but where they laugh one good king to death, they laugh a thousand cruel and infamous shams and superstitions into the grave, and the account is squared. Irreverence is the champion of liberty and its only sure defense. How superbly brave is the Englishman in the presence of the awfulest forms of danger and death; and how ab¬ ject in the presence of any and all forms of heredity rank. Are we asked to believe that the vote of a whole nation would voluntarily saddle upon itself any form of hered¬ itary monarchy and hereditary nobility? Then we must also believe that it would in the same way approve the restricting, the officering of its armies and navies to per¬ sons of “noble” degree—which is on its face impossible, absurd. Rank in the army is still restricted to the nobility—by a thing which is stronger than law—the power of ancient habit and superstition. Let a commoner become an officer —he will be snubbed by all his brethren, ostracized, driven out. MARK TWAIN me Victoria Cross—who gets it? Intrepid, commoners? Do not deceive yourself. Examine the V.C. records. The kingly office is entitled to no respect. It was orig¬ inally procured by the highwayman’s methods; it remains a perpetuated crime, can never be anything but the sym¬ bol of a crime. It is no more entitled to respect than is the flag of a pirate. A monarch when good is entitled to the consideration which wc accord to a pirate who keeps Sunday School between crimes; when bad he is entitled to none at all. But if you cross a king with a prostitute the resulting mongrel perfectly satisfies the English idea of nobility. The ducal houses of Great Britain of today are mainly derived from this gaudy combination. To this day Englishmen revere the memory of Nell Owynne, and speak of her with a smack of unconscious envy. They seem to consider her as one of the peculiarly fortunate of this world. They keep her portrait at Hamp¬ ton Court, among some more treasures of the same sort; they study her picture as history with affectionate pride; they value any rag or relic which her touch has made holy; they are as excited and pleased over any new fact concerning her as a devotee would be over a garment which his favorite saint had used. Mark Twain at this time was writing his Yankee in King Arthur’s Court —a terrible ar¬ raignment of royalty and nobility—and his mind was filled with instances and examples. His blood grew hot remembering them. There are shams and shams; there arc frauds and frauds, but the transparentest of all is the sccptcred one. We sec monarchs meet and go through solemn cere¬ monies, farces, with straight countenances; but it is not possible to imagine them meeting in private and not laughing in each other’s faces. The system has for its end the degradation of the many 196 NOTEBOOK to exalt the few, the misery of the many for the happiness of the few, the cold and hunger and overworking of the useful that the useless may live in luxury and idleness. The system of our Indians is high and juster, for only merit makes a man chief, and his son cannot take the place if there is another man better fitted for it. Observe how monarchies and nobilities are sprung upon a heedless and ignorant people. Chiefs rise by the one divine right—capacity, merit. One of these shows merit for war and government above all the rest, he conspires with a faction of the chiefs and is made king. The body of the people ignored, allowed no vote, their desires in the matter held to be of no consequence by these upstarts. The conspirators make the succession permanent in this king’s family, and the crime is complete. It is the same sort of crime that surprise and seizure of a weak com¬ munity’s property by a robber gang, and the conversion of the community itself into slaves, is. All monarchies have been so built; there was never a throne which did not represent a crime; there is no throne today which does not represent a crime. A monarchy is perpetuated piracy. In its escutcheon should always be the skull and crossbones. What a funny thing is monarchy and how curious its assumptions. It commits a crime and assumes that lapse of time removes the criminality; it does a dishonest thing and assumes that lapse of time removes the taint, as if it were a mere smell, and perishable; it does a shameful thing and assumes that lapse of time transfigures it and makes it a thing to be proud of. It assumes that a wrong maintained for a dozen or a thousand years, becomes a right. It assumes that the wronged parties will presently give up and take the same view—that at least their de¬ scendants will. Now, by an effort one can imagine a family of bears taking pride in the historic fact that an ancestor of theirs took violent possession of a bee tree some cen- 197 MARK TWAIN turies ago, and that the family have had a right to it ever since. We can get that far without any trouble, but there the allegory fails; for the bees would attack the bears every day for a thousand years. You can make a man understand how time turns a wrong into a right, but you can’t make a bee understand—in his present undeveloped stage. What the bee lacks is the thrill of awe. He will get that by and by, then he will be a very good Englishman. Let us take the present male sovereigns of the earth— and strip them naked. Mix them with 500 naked mechan¬ ics, and then march the whole around a circus ring, charg¬ ing suitable admission, of course,—and desire the audience to pick out the sovereigns. They couldn’t. You would have to paint them blue. You can’t tell a king from a cooper except you differentiate their exteriority. What is the chicfest privilege remaining to nobility? That you shall not laugh at it. No other class is exempt. If you would know how vast a privilege it is, observe that to accord it to any thing, or being, or idea, is to give it eternal life. No god and no religion can survive ridicule. No church, no nobility, no royalty or other fraud, can face ridicule in a fair field and live. ! There are in Connecticut, at this moment and in all countries, children and disagreeable relatives chained in cellars, all sores, welts, worms and vermin.—Cases come to light every little while—two recent cases in our state. This is to suggest that the thing in man which makes him cruel to a slave is in him permanently and will not be rooted out for a million years. To admit that slavery exists in any country is to admit that you may describe any form of brutal treatment which you can imagine and 198 NOTEBOOK go there and find it has been imagined, and applied, before you. Find absolute power unrestrained by a trained public opinion and you will know without going to inquire, that le Droit du Seigneur exists there. Observe, it existed in Scodand; there are traces of it in England, you find it lodged in the big medicine man of various savage tribes. In some savage lands it was an honor to the girl and her family. In modern times it is an honor to a subject to be reigned over (that is to have his liberty debauched) by a family called royal—a family with no decenter right than a medicine man. The stupid loyalty of today is the same sentiment unaltered that made le Droit possible, and the degradation is the same in quality and quantity—the form of it is changed, that is all. Loyalty is a word which has worked vast harm; for it has been made to trick men into being “loyal” to a thou- stand iniquities, whereas the true loyalty should have been to themselves—in which case there would have ensued a rebellion, and the throwing off of that deceptive yoke. Note for Yankee The first thing I want to teach is disloyalty , till they get used to disusing that word loyalty as representing a virtue. This will beget independence—which is loyalty to one’s best self and principles, and this is often disloyalty to the general idols and fetishes. I use compulsion in establishing my several breeds of Protestant churches, because no missionarying has ever been accomplished except by force which was not con¬ temptible by comparison of the paltry result with the gigantic outlay of cash and labor. The building of the Mansion House: A dissenter could not be Sheriff of London, because he would have to take 199 MARK TWAIN the Sacrament according to the Anglican Rite. The City passed a by-law, fining any man 400 pounds who refused to run (for Sheriff) when asked, and 600 pounds for re¬ fusing to serve, after being elected. A blind man and a bedridden one were thus robbed of a thousand pounds each. In this way 15,000 pounds were collected—enough to build the whole Mansion House, in that day—a hun¬ dred years ago. In a constitutional—figurehead—monarchy, a royal family of chimparrcccs would answer every purpose, be worshiped as abjectly by the nation, and be cheaper. Instead of giving the people decent wages, Church and gentry and nobility made them work for them for noth¬ ing, pauperized them, then fed them with alms and per¬ suaded themselves that alms-giving was the holiest work of God, and the giver sure to go to heaven, whereas one good wage-giver was worth a million of them to the State. The device of “loyalty” to King or Party should be a sheep. He is the counterpart and exactcst twin and repre¬ sentative of the King’s slave and the Party’s slave. Fol¬ lows his leader—to hell or heaven, it’s all one to him, he hasn’t got independence enough to think it any of his business. September 12, 1888. Read Browning last night in a pri¬ vate house to 130 people, the ladies in the majority. Have made speeches several times at banquets where half were ladies. Have read and lectured a good many times at matinees where of course ladies were largely in the ma¬ jority. In all such places failure may be counted upon. In fact hardly anything can prevent it but a carefully organized 200 NOTEBOOK claque . Not a half-hearted claque, but a brave one—a claque which will not allow itself to be disturbed. For several reasons. To begin with, ladies are cowards about expressing their feelings before folk; men become cowards in the presence of ladies. Here then is what you are to expect: Your first piece goes well—the men forget themselves when they applaud. Consequendy you go at your second piece with good heart, and do it well. This time, the applause has an undecided flavor about it; the men have not reasoned that it was the ladies who failed to support them when they applauded before, they have merely noticed that the support was lacking. After that they are afraid, and a dead silence follows the third read¬ ing. You are as exactly equipped now for the fourth piece as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over you. If you are wise, you will now tear your audience all to pieces with a roaring anecdote, then say you are smitten with a killing headache, and dismiss them, for no man can read or talk against unresponsiveness. The Elmira Reformatory contains 850 convicts, who are there for all manner of crimes. People go there and lecture, read, or make speeches, and come away surprised and delighted. They can’t understand it. They have aston¬ ished themselves by the excellence of their own perform¬ ance. They can’t remember to have ever done so well before. Afterwards, they always say that for a splendid audience give them a houseful of convicts; it’s the best audience in the world. They puzzle and puzzle over it and are not able to get away from the apparently established fact that an audience of convicts is the most intelligent and appreciative in the world. Which is all a mistake. The whole secret lies in the absence of ladies. Any 850 men would be just as inspiring, where no dampening female person was in sight, with her heartful of emotions and her 201 MARK TWAIN determined repression, choking it down and keeping the signs of it from showing on the outside. In his later years Mark Twain might have revised his opinion of female audiences. Long before his death, the convention that restrained women from open demonstration of their enjoy¬ ment had disappeared. He frequently and with great delight talked or read to colleges like Barnard, and always came home enthusiastic over his reception. Also, had he lived until today he might have found less to rave about concerning kings. He could have transferred his animus to dictators. For any man or woman not rich or of noble rank, there was an imaginary difference between England and hell, a hundred years ago. The institution of Royalty in any form is an insult to the human race. The man who believes there is a man in the world who is better than himself merely because he was born royal or noble, is a dog with the soul of a dog—and at bottom is a liar. If the master of a kingdom is so important that God will not entrust his appointment to men but appoints him Himself, it then follows that the master of that master is a still more important officer and so this one must espe¬ cially be divinely appointed. Therefore one is logically compelled to say—“Nell Gwynne, by the Grace of God monarch of Great Britain etc.” People seem to think they are citizens of the Republican 202 NOTEBOOK Party and that that is patriotism and sufficiently good patriotism. I prefer to be a citizen of the United States. October 15, 1888. I found yesterday that a prominent citizen (who has two skunk friends on the Street Board) had at last succeeded in getting the light moved from the Gillette Street corner to the mouth of Forest Street, thus leaving our gates smothered in Egyptian darkness. The city government has done me many a mean trick, in sixteen years, and I stood the strain and kept the peace; but to frightfully inconvenience me to accommo¬ date a person like the said citizen was a little too much. So I went down last night and contracted for electric light at my own cost, and police protection at my own cost, and took measures to transfer my citizenship to some other town. So after next June I shall have the satisfac¬ tion of paying a possibly very large tax every year to some town in which I do not live, and paying not a cent in Hartford any more forever, except on the house and grounds. As we hear no more of this violent self-banish¬ ment perhaps it never became official. He may have reflected that to vote in Hartford he must remain a citizen, and he did like to vote there with Twichell and the others. Publishing Memorandum Sherman (Life of) proves to be unprofitable. Demand a reconstruction of contract placing power in my hands where it belongs. Refused? Go into court. Second: Demand dissolution. Go into court. Can I be held for debts made beyond the capital? I will buy or sell out. Since the spring of 1886, the thing has gone straight down hill, towards sure destruction. It must be brought to an end, February 1, at all hazards. This is final. 203 MARK TWAIN That is to say, his publishing enterprise so magnificently started by the Grant Life—had been steadily going down hill ever since. Fur¬ thermore, all his available cash—all he could earn and borrow—was going into the type machine. It was easy to see that “the business must be brought to an end by Feb. i,” but it would go on steadily declining for another six years after that—it would take the panic of ’93 and ’94 to give it its final quietus. November 23, 1888. At noon, was coming up a back street; two poorly dressed girls, one about ten, the other twelve or thirteen years old, were just behind me; was attracted by the musical voice of the elder one and slowed down my gait to listen; by and by the younger said— “Yonder they are”—“Where?” “Way down the street— don’t you sec?” The elder threw back her head and gushed out a liquid “h 00-00-00-00 h!”—The most melodi¬ ous note that ever issued from human lips, it seemed to me. Nothing has equaled it in my hearing, but the rich note of the woodthrush. I resolved to track that child home—and did. She entered a poor frame dwelling next to and north of a frame building that had a sign “Si¬ gourney Tool Co.” on its front. Then I followed the younger girl home, at least to a house in front of John Hooker’s grounds. So I shall be able to find one or the other, by and by. I mean to educate that girl’s voice. She will make a stir in the world sure. One wonders if he ever remembered it again. He had many such impulses—some of them he followed to fulfillment. He had educated Ger- hardt, discovered quite accidentally; he had pro¬ vided money for the dramatic education of Wil¬ liam Gillette, and there were other instances of the sort. But the drain upon him was very heavy 204 NOTEBOOK now, and his responsibilities increasing; also, his mind was very full and he may have never re¬ membered the beautiful voice. To Mrs. S. L. Clemens— Happy New Year! The machine is finished and this is the first work done on it. S. L. Clemens Hartford, Dec. 31, 1888. (sample enclosed) He thought it was—-that his troubles were nearing their end. They had hardly begun. The machine would be “finished” so many times, after that, and always at fearful cost in money and mental stress. Three pages farther along follows this trium¬ phant entry: Eureka! Saturday, January 5, 1889, 12:20 P.M. At this moment I have seen a line of movable type, spaced and justified by machinery! This is the first time in the history of the world that this amazing thing has ever been done. Present: J. W. Paige, the inventor; Charles Davis Earll | mathematical assistants and Graham | mechanical experts Bates, foreman, and S. L. Clemens. This record is made immediately after the prodigious event. S. L. Clemens 205 MARK TWAIN Laid into the notebook are two examples of the typesetter’s work—satisfactory examples. But then, almost immediately, Paige began to tinker with it—perhaps there was need—perhaps it was only Paige’s pernickety habit of not being able to let well enough alone. Two days later comes another note: Monday, Jan. 7—4:45 P.M. “The first proper name ever set by this new keyboard was Willia?n Shakspean*. I set it at the above hour; and I perceive, now that 1 vsee the name written, that I either misspelled it then or I have misspelled it now.” The space bar did its duty, aided by the electric con¬ nection and steam, and separated the two words, prepara¬ tory to reception of the space. Surely the test of a novel’s characters is that you feel a strong interest in them and their affairs—the good to be successful, the bad to suffer failure. Well, in John Ward you feel no divided interest, no discriminating interest— you want them all to land in hell together, and right away. As the cow and the Christian think—I mean that process which the cow and the Christian regard as think¬ ing, when the subject is religion and the evidences. A few months ago I was told that the Johns Hopkins University had given me a degree. I naturally supposed this constituted me a Member of the Faculty, and so I started in to help what I could there. I told them I be¬ lieved they were perfectly competent to run a college as far as the higher branches of education are concerned, but what they needed was a little help here and there from a practical commercial man. I said the public is sensitive to little things and they wouldn’t have full con¬ fidence in a college that didn’t know how to spell John. 206 NOTEBOOK However, one thing seemed certain enough, anyway— the degree constituted me a member of the governing body and doubtless the head of it; so I proceeded upon that, March 9, 1889. No more experiments (on the machine). Definite work alone left to do. Four months sure; that is, July 10. No new devices or inventions. It has a tragic sound today. Evidently he did not know Paige yet. March 11. Made this proposition to Mrs. Richardson today: That in lieu of the present contract, she dramatize the Prince and Pauper for me; I to pay her $500 upon delivery of the manuscript to me, June 1 or July 1, be her work good or bad. If the play succeeds , I to pay her an¬ other $500 (this to be the first $500 received by me as profits) after that, I to pay her $5 every time the piece is played. She will answer Thursday. In the matter of pensions England has never made any distinctions between public service and private shame, ex¬ cept to pay highest for the latter. Consider the Dukes of Grafton and Richmond and the progeny of Nelson. Eng¬ land pensions the rich whore with millions, the poor private with a shilling a month, she was always shabby and a humbug. March 22, 1889. Mother said, to Livy, Cf What is the name of the sister of-” “Mrs. Corning?” “Yes, Mrs. Erastus Corning.” I was present. Livy explained that this was genuine mental telegraphy for no mention had been made of the Comings. Last week four or five days ago—occurred some 207 MARK TWAIN talk about Mrs. Pruyn of Albany, the sister under con¬ sideration. I proposed to take down the three sentences immedi¬ ately, and doubted if even immediately would be soon enough to get them exactly, so unsure a thing is human testimony. It is agreed that this report is exact. You know how absent-minded Twichell (Rev. J. H.) is and how desolate his face is when he is in that frame. At such times he passes the word with a friend on the street and is not aware of the meeting at all. Twice in a week our Clara (aged 15) had this latter experience with him within the past month. But the second instance was too much for her and she woke him up, in his tracks, with a reproach—she said— “Uncle Joe, why do you always look as if you were just going down into the grave, when you meet a person on the street ?” And then went on to reveal to him the funereal spec¬ tacle which he presented on such occasion. Well, she has met Twichell three times since then, and would swim the Connecticut River to avoid meeting him the fourth. As soon as he sights her, no matter how publicly placed, nor how far off she is, he makes a bound into the air, hurls arms and legs into all sorts of frantic gestures of delight, and so comes prancing, skipping and pirouetting for her like a drunken Indian entering heaven. She feels as em¬ barrassed as the Almighty. Elmira, August 18, x88q We have been here two months, in which time Brer W. (Whitmore, his business secretary) has written me some three mere notes about the machine. I wrote once and asked him to tell me anything there was to tell from time to time. No answer. Wrote him and asked him to keep Fred in practice while the machine is stopped. No answer. 208 NOTEBOOK The machine stopped August 2—not a line from him to say why, or how much is to be done on it. Suppose it were a sick child of mine? Would he give me any news about it? It was, in fact, a sick child—it was generally sick, and every cure—every partial cure, for there were no complete ones, was terribly costly. My adventure at 2 A.M., clothed with nightshirt and checkered summer parasol when I chased the dog Bruce over the hills, and finally encountered the colored preacher who was afraid of ghosts and took me for one. We Americans worship the almighty dollar! Well, it is a worthier god than Heredity Privilege. Better a deity that represents the labor of your hands and your contribution to the world’s wealth than a deity which represents not a contribution, but a robbery; for no king or noble has ever lived w T ho was not a robber, and the successor of robbers, since no kingship or nobility was ever yet conferred by the one and only authority entitled to confer it—the mass of the nation. October 13, 1889. Proposed my idea (of buying the remains of Columbus and bringing them over to the fair of ’92) to the N. Y. World Committee on ideas—but shan’t name the idea until I hear from them. These wretched American women who buy titles (and noble tramps) with their money—mongrel breeders; should have a bench show of their children. February 1, 1890. Sir Wm. Gull is just dead. He nursed the Prince of Wales back to life in ’71, and apparently it 209 MARK TWAIN was for this that Mr. Gull was granted Knighthood, that doormat at the threshold of nobility. When the Prince seemed dead Mr. Gull dealt blow after blow between the shoulders, breathed into his nostrils, and literally cheated Death. Monarchy? Why is it out of date? It belongs to the state of culture that admires a ring in your nose, a head full of feathers and your belly painted blue. That kind of so-called housekeeping where they have six Bibles and no corkscrew. That government is not best which best secures mere life and property—there is a more valuable thing—man¬ hood. I always come to introduce Stanley every time he goes off to hunt up some mislaid person in Africa and gets forgotten. William Penn achieved the deathless gratitude of the savages by merely dealing in a square way with them— well—kind of a square way, anyhow—more rectangular than the savage was used to at any rate. He bought the whole state of Pennsylvania from them and paid for it like a man—paid #40 worth of glass beads and a couple of second-hand blankets. Bought the whole state for that. Why you can’t buy its legislature for twice the money now. Memoranda concerning the machine and its trouble—its shortcomings—become monotonous, but just one more, to show the torture of mind he must have endured. 210 NOTEBOOK December 20, 1890. About three weeks ago the machine was pronounced “finished” by Paige, for certainly the half-dozenth time in the past twelve months. Then it transpired—I mean it was discovered—that North had failed to inspect the period , and it sometimes refused to perform properly. But to correct that error would take just one day, and only one day—the “merest trifle in the world.” I said this sort of mere trifle had interfered often before and had alw’ays cost ten times as much time and money as their loose calculations promised. Paige and Davis knew (they always k?iow, never guess) that this correction would cost but one single day. Well, the best part of two weeks went by. I dropped in (last Monday noon) and they were still tinkering. Still tinkering, but just one hour , now, would see the machine at work, blem¬ ishless, and never stop again for a generation; the hoary old song that has been sung to weariness in my ears by these frauds and liars! December 29. The “one hour” lasted till last Thursday; it was reported to me by Whitmore that it got to work again that day. The next day I sent down a new (pro¬ posed) contract prepared by Robinson, The machine broke down again that day l Remains so still. February 7, 1891 Saturday night, 10 o’clock. Wrote a note to Paige saying I now hold myself as released from any further effort or expense in behalf of the machine. I told him today that this was going to be my last negotia¬ tion, and then I was done; that I should not renew the insurance or pay out any more money! But this was open mutiny, not only as to Paige, but himself. He had got to a point where he did not own the machine—the machine owned 211 MARK TWAIN him. He might perhaps have thrown the whole thing overboard, present it to Paige in a word —which may have been, though it is by no means certain, just what the latter wanted. (Copy of letter to Gas Company) Hartford, Feb. 12/91 Dear Sirs: Some day you will move me almost to the verge of irritation by your chuckle-headed Goddamned fashion of shutting your Goddamned gas off without giving any no¬ tice to your Goddamned parishioners. Several times you have come within an ace of smothering half of this house¬ hold in their beds & blowing up the other half by this idiotic, not to say criminal, custom of yours. And it has happened again today. Haven’t you a telephone? Ys S L Clemens February 20. It is more than two weeks since I have seen Paige or the machine. Am deep in work—the “Date and Fact game,” “Col. Sellers,” 1 etc. Huck comes back sixty years old, from nobody knows where—and crazy. Thinks he is a boy again and scans always every face for lorn, Becky, etc. Tom comes at last from sixty years’ wandering in the world, and attends Huck and together they talk of old times; both are desolate, life has been a failure, all that was lovable, all that was beautiful is under the mold. They die together. Mark Twain went back to Hannibal in 1902, while John Briggs, his old playmate, was still 1 The Sellers story here mentioned was the American Claimant , published in 1892. 212 NOTEBOOK alive. They did meet and talk over old times, but both were in good mental health. Paige, the microbe. May 2. Finished the book [American Claimant] which I began to write Feb. 20—71 days. May 29, 1891, 1:30 P.M. Tried to send a telegram through telephone and couldn’t. They charge you for the use of this deaf-and-dumb thing. Bill Styles, lobbying in behalf of a candidate for U. S. Senator—in the legislature—spoke of the low grade of legislative morals, “kind of discouragin’, you see, it’s so hard to find men of so high type of morals that they’ll stay bought” From Mr. Hall, May 25, i8gi In re your letters from the other side: For ail letters containing not less than 3500 words, McClure is to pay you $1000 per letter. If they contain more than 3500 words so much the better. If the letters contain less than 3500 words he is to pay you at the rate of #300 per thou¬ sand words. I telegraphed Hall to accept these terms for me. P.S.—Changed, June 3. Letters to contain 5000 to 6000 words, £1000 per letter. The cost of American living had become al¬ most prohibitive, and his finances were being scraped from the bottom of the treasure chest. Business was so bad that not only was there no money coming in from it, but he must provide considerable sums to keep it going. A memoran¬ dum shows that of the several amounts coming to Mrs. Clemens, from her investments, nothing 213 MARK TWAIN would be left after turning over money required by the machine ami the publishing business—a ghastly situation. 'They had decided upon Euro¬ pean residence. The Hartford house, their home For seventeen years, full of beautiful memories, would be closed. 214 CHAPTER XXI European Residence Mark Twain and his family sailed on the Gascogne June 6, 1891. Mrs. Clemens was last to leave the house, lie home she would never enter again. At Sea June 6, 10:30 A.M. (first breakfast) went to it—then put down for second breakfast 12:30. Before these hours, 6 to 9 —you can have coffee, tea and an egg, or chop, to stay your stomach. One deck steward to 200,000 passengers. Began at nine to hunt for him and pray to him—got the order to him at 10:15, 10:30 he has not appeared, and I have retreated from the sight of the starving family. A woman springs a sudden reproach upon you which provokes a hot retort—and then she will presently ask you to apologize. Twenty young wheelmen paying a specific sum apiece, in charge of a personal conductor who wheels them all over Europe and relieves them of all care and expense. With such seas as this they could practice on these long decks all day if they chose. One man says they do practice, two hours after mid¬ night and spin along silently like ghosts. The strenuous insistent muffled burr or buzz of the 215 MARK TWAIN propeller flange, like the humming bird’s buzz—lulling and not unpleasant. June K. Certainly the sunniest and most beautiful day the Atlantic ever vsaw. But little sea—though what there is would be seriously felt on a smaller vessel. This one has no motion. The phosphorescent waves at night are very intense on the black surface. Life preservers: Square blocks of cork—Nicholson pavement—over my head, supported on slats. I have often yearned to know how you get them down and how you use them, and I think it a mark of the per¬ fection of my native procrastination that I continually put it off. Arc there ten in our 300 who have done differently? Divans all around a great square salon, occupied by silent folk in the squeamish stage. A piano in there- hated by the above. Contrasts between the menu here and that of the old Gummier, with the candles out at eleven, without notice. June 11, 1R91. 'Die loneliness of a ship at 4 A.M. Saw just one person, for an instant, flit thru the gray of yesterday’s dawn. Very rough—winds singing—first wet deck. Electrics seem to burn dim. Smoking sty stunk un- endurably. Susy: (of the French) “Their gesticulations are so out of proportion to what they arc saying.” Hell or Heidelberg, whichever you come to, first. This is the first hint of the story he was to write a few years later called The Man who Corrupted Iladleyburg ; at least, the first hint of the sentence “Hell or Hadlcyburg ” 216 NOTEBOOK At Heidelberg Went up to Konigstuhl, and recognized old Gretchen— the two girls seem to recognize me (gave me hopes) but didn’t; two red-headed children I attributed to the younger (fat) one. I was a skittish young thing of 42 in those days. We have our old room now, No. 40. He refers to their German sojourn in 1878, when for a time they had lived at the Schloss Hotel, and he had worked in a small cottage farther up the hill. Europe has lived a life of hypocrisy for ages; it is so ingrained in flesh and blood that sincere speech is im¬ possible to these people, when speaking of hereditary power. “God Save the King” is uttered millions of times a day in Europe, and issues nearly always from just the mouth, neither higher nor lower. The first gospel of all monarchies should be Rebellion; the second should be Rebellion; and the third and all gos¬ pels and the only gospel in any monarchy should be Rebellion against Church and State. Want milk but they don’t have it—would be too con¬ spicuous not to drink wine. The wine increases my rheu¬ matism, too. Arrived at Ouchy, Thursday Sept. 17 (’91) noon. September 19, Saturday—depart from Grand Hotel, Beau Rivage, at 2 P.M., for Castle Chatillon on Lac Bourget, for boat trip down Rhone. 1 1 See “Down The Rhone” in VoL Europe and Elsewhere* Mark Twain’s Works. Also, Mark Twain—a Biography , Chapter CLXXVI. 217 MARK TWAIN Three idiots took a boat just as I was walking to the Dealt Rivage and soon were being swept down toward the bridge, they pawing the water innocently with their ig¬ norant oars. The owner of the boats watched awhile then sent a boat after them and saved them, so the world is better off by three fools. The river for miles is a raging plane of white caps; the Mistral is just howling. Higginson visiting Kmily Dickinson at her father’s house in Amherst, 1870: “It was at her father’s house, one of those large square brick mansions so familiar in our older New England towns, surrounded by trees and blossoming shrubs with¬ out, and within exquisitely neat, cool, spacious and fra¬ grant with flowers.’ 5 There—if there is any region on the continent of Europe where such houses exist, I have never found it. As long as time shall last, history will spit in England’s face for her treachery to Napoleon’s trust in her. Some have looked around for the cue, and found it in England’s fright, Excuses must have been scarce when that one was chosen. Following the Rhone trip the family settled in Berlin, where the next entry is made. The highest of all professions—the stilling of human pain—the saving of human life. When you lie low, how welcome is the face of the doc¬ tor, in that time of uncertainty when you can’t tell for sure just where you are going to. And without a doubt Berlin is the place to come to to finish your medical education, for certainly it is a lumi- 218 NOTEBOOK nous center of intelligence—a place where the last possi¬ bilities of attainment in all the sciences are to be had for the seeking. Berlin is a wonderful city for that sort of opportunity. They teach everything here. I don’t believe there is anything in the whole earth that you can’t learn in Berlin except the German language. It is a desperate language. They think it is the language of concentration. They hitch a cattle train of words together, and vestibule it, and because there isn’t a break in it from one end to the other, they think that is concentration, and they call it so. An officer gave me this word the other day, got it out of a naval handbook—“Untersecretariatsapplicant.” I wrote a chapter on this language 13 years ago, and tried my level best to improve it and simplify it for these people—and this is the result—it merely concentrates the alphabet with a shovel. It hurts me to know that that chapter is not in any of their textbooks and they don’t use it in the Universities. If I could get an Imperial decree it would help the reform along. But the fact is they ought to adopt our language. It is so simple and easy, whereas (here follows a long involved German sentence). But never mind about that, you are here to learn—you are here to perfect yourself in your great calling. And that is the thing to do. A half-educated physician is not valuable. He thinks he can cure every¬ thing. This note was evidently part of an address to medical students. We hate the critic and think him brutally and mali¬ ciously unjust, but he could retort with overwhelming truth: “You will feel just as I do about your book if you will take it up and read it ten years hence.” Move from Kornerstrasse to Hotel Royal, Unter den 219 MARK TWAIN Linden 31 December ’91—six chambers and one dining¬ room and one parlor. Left the family there and on the 4th day of Jan. ’92, Livy and I went down to llsenborg in the Hartz Moun¬ tains—ostensibly four, but really seven hours from. Berlin. Stayed eight days in the house of Pastor Oberman. He and his wife lovely people. The stoves in our parlor and bedroom not satisfactory. I caught a heavy cough. The entire society of the village consisted of the old Fiirstin vom Reuss, her daughter the Princess, and the pastor and his wife—four people. We made it six. The doctor and his wife were not in society; he was a baker’s son and climbed to his doctorship by native gifts and hard work. The second evening the Fiirst vom Stolberg-Wer- nigerode and his son came over on the annual visit to his sister, the old Fiirstin. lie is a very handsome man, and the proudest unroyal prince in Germany, and the richest, lie brought several carriage-loads of young princesses with him. Our party of six (which included the doctor and his wife) were the only people there below the rank of prince. Livy and I shook hands with the Fiirst, and passed on, and I missed seeing the awful thing that followed: The doctor’s wife put out her hand and the Fiirst let on that he didn’t sec it. Poor thing, instead of taking warn¬ ing, she raised her hand higher, imagining he hadn’t seen it. He ignored it. It was tragic. She had a cry that night. We came away at midnight, after a good supper and a pleasant and sociable time. I made the usual number of blunders in matters of etiquette. The night before we came away the old Fiirstin and the Princess came over to supper and spent the evening. They are lovely people and good English scholars. The Furstin is a poet, too. I spun yarns and she translated them to the company. 220 NOTEBOOK How leniently he deals with these people of rank. Imagine what he would have said had that incident occurred in England. He would not have referred to that prince as “proud.” He would have combed the dictionary to find adjectives to convey his scorn. Came up to Berlin Jan. 12, to lecture on the 13th, in¬ tending to go back to Ilsenborg and stay two months. Went to our cousins’ (Frau and General von Yersen) ball after the lecture; we all came home at 2 A.M. and I have been in bed ever since—three weeks—with conges¬ tion of the lungs and influenza. When I had been in bed eleven days Frau von Yersen came, Jan. 24, and brought a note, inviting me on the part of the Emperor to come to the Palace at 11:30 A.M. and witness the consecration of some flags. I wrote my thanks and regret. Frau von V. came in again that day or the next and said that the Emperor had commanded her to prepare dinner for him and me in her house—the date of the dinner to be the day that I should be well enough. A day or two ago Jean was overheard to say—after some talk about this approaching event—“I wish I could be in Papa’s clothes”—pause and reflection—“but it wouldn’t be any use, I reckon the Emperor wouldn’t reconnize me.” Tasteless slovenliness and ugliness of German papers— even worse than French. French books are marvels of taste and fine workmanship—proving that they have printers there; whereas, if one saw only the papers he would think they hadn’t even apprentices. How clear and clean and beautiful a London or New York paper looks beside the German and French papers. I am reconciled to our display heads now. They tell me 221 MARK TWAIN at a glance the contents of a column. But here I must spell the colunm through, and it takes an hour. When the King and Queen of Wiirtembcrg were here they double-banked the “Holy Land” with soldiers, who shouted: “lie's coming!” I would like to be Kmperor awhile. Apparently he has almost recovered from the fierce attack of king-phobia that had caused him to rage, through the period of writing the Yankee in Kirif* Arthur's Court . Feb. 14. Prof. Helmholtz called. The Court Gazette of a German paper can be covered with a playing-card. In an Knglish paper the movements of tilled people take up about ihrce times that room. In the papers of the Republic of France from six to sixteen times as much. There, if a duke's dog should catch a cold in the head they would stop the press to announce it and cry about it. In Germany they respect titles, in England they revere them, in France they adore them, that is, the French newspapers do. Been taken for Mommsen twice. We have the same hair, but upon examination it was found that our brains were different. Thirty days sick abed—full of interest—read the de¬ bates and get excited over them, though I don’t under¬ stand. By reading keep in a state of excited ignorance. Like a blind man in a house afire—flounder around—im¬ mensely, but unintclligently, interested, don’t know, how I got in and can’t find the way out but I am having a booming time all to myself. Don’t know what a “Schclgcsetzcntwurf” is, but I keep as excited over it and as worried about it as if it was my 222 NOTEBOOK own child. I simply live in the Sch—it is my daily bread. I wouldn't have the question settled for anything in the world. Especially now that I have lost the “Offentliche Militargerich” circus. I read all the debates on that ques¬ tion with a never-failing interest, but all at once they sprung a vote on me a couple of days ago and did some¬ thing, by vote of ioo to 143, but I couldn’t find out what it was. Here they recognize two sects, Catholic and Lutheran (which appear to differ from each other nearly as much as a red-headed man differs from an auburn-haired man). These receive State support; and their schools receive State support. Other sects are taxed to support these sects and schools, and have to run their own churches and schools at their own cost. It is infamous. Just as infamous as it is with us—where no church property is taxed and so the infidel and the atheist and the man without religion are taxed to make up the deficit in the public income thus caused. I went to church the first Sunday, and on Tuesday came a tax of twelve marks for church support. I have not been since. I can’t afford religious instruction at that price. Only the rich can be saved here. Feb. 20, 1892. Dined at General (lately Lt.-Gen.) von Versen’s. 1 Sat at the right hand of the Emperor. His brother, Prince Heinrich, sat opposite. Prince Radolin (Chamberlin) further along; fourteen at table; mainly great military and naval people. Two of my friends be¬ sides the von Versens were there. Rottenborg and Rudolph Lindau, both of the Foreign Office. After dinner, six or eight officers came in, and all hands adjourned to the big room out of the smoking-room, and held a “smoking par- 1 General von Versen had married a second or third cousin of Mark Twain. 223 MARK TWAIN liamcnt,” after the style of the ancient Potsdam one, till midnight, when the Emperor shook hands and left. 1 Feb. 26. Day before yesterday the Emperor made a speech (as Markgraf of Brandenburg) to the little Bran¬ denburg Parliament, assembled here, at a banquet in the Palace. Complained sharply of the grumblers who are dissatisfied with the government and suggested that if they don’t like the way things arc they had better shake the CJerman sand out of their slippers and leave. The speech has made a great stir. That of the odious (proposed) Schulgesctz, and the lack of bread and work resulted in a mob gathering in front of the Palace yes¬ terday, of people out of work. 'They uttered revolutionary cries. Baker’s bread was distributed to them but they threw it away. At Jean’s school this morning the children were for¬ bidden to speak of the matter but said they would tell her out of school. Crowds of the proletariat drifting up and down the “Holy Land” today but the Emperor rode out as usual, and after him I saw the whole force of royal carriages fol¬ lowing—apparently all the royal women and all the chil¬ dren have turned out to show that they arc not afraid. He was still far from well, and was commanded by his doctor either to remain in his room or go to a warmer climate. He chose the latter and with Mrs. Clemens went to Mentone, in the south of France, then to Italy. Pisa, March 25 & 26. Echo in Baptistery is the noblest and sweetest and richest and most resonant and long- sustained musical strain in the world. It is nearest like a chord of flutes, perhaps, or one of those orchestral com¬ binations in Wagner with silver horns in it—but nothing 1 For a fuller account of what happened at this dinner see Mark Twain—a Biography^ Chapter CLXXIX. 224 NOTEBOOK can do more than merely approach it remotely, no com¬ bination of voices or instruments can reproduce or adequately imitate it—for there is no building but this one where the strain would not have a noticeable flat¬ ness about it as compared with this noble roundness and fullness. Saturday, April 30, 1892. Came from Rome to Florence yesterday. This is the Hotel Grande Bretagne and Arno- called the best in Florence. It is a vast confusion of halls and sleeping-holes, a huge congerie of rats’ nests, fur¬ nished with rubbish, probably bought at pauper auctions. The cook is the best in Florence, no doubt. He is first class; the rest of the hotel is fortieth class. In Rome two weeks ago young Corbett told me of his adventure in Campagna with his friend Martin, when two terrific dogs came for them, and their peasant guide put up a prayer to the Virgin and she vouchsafed a miracle which saved them. To Tmchell , in America Dear Joe: ... The dogs of the Campagna (they watch sheep with¬ out human assistance) are big and warlike, and are ter¬ rible creatures to meet in those lonely expanses. Two young Englishmen—one of them a friend of mine—were away out there yesterday, with a peasant guide of the region who is a simple-hearted and very devout Roman Catholic. At one point the guide stopped, and said they were now approaching a spot where two especially ferocious dogs were accustomed to herd sheep: that it would be well to go cautiously and be prepared to retreat if they saw the dogs. So then they started on, but pres¬ ently came suddenly upon the dogs. The immense brutes came straight for them, with death in their eyes. The guide said in a voice of horror, “Turn your backs, but for 225 MARK TWAIN God's sake don't stir--I will pray—I will pray the Virgin to do a miracle ami save us; she will hear me, oh, my God she surely will." And stiaightway he began to pray. The Knplishmrn stood quaking with fright, and wholly with¬ out faith in the man’s player. But all at once the furious snarling of the dogs ceased--at three steps distant—and there was dead silence. After a moment my friend, who could no longer cnduie the awful suspense, turned—and there was the miracle, sure enough: the gentleman dog had mounted the lady dog and both had forgotten their solemn duty in the ecstasy of a higher interest! The strangers were saved, and they retired from that place with thankful heaits. The guide was in a frenzy of pious gratitude ami exultation, and praised and glorified the Virgin without stint; and finally wound up with “But you--you are Protestants; she would not have done it for you; she did it for me—-only me—praised be she for evermore! and I will hang a picture of it in the church and it shall be another proof that her loving care is still with her children who humbly believe and adore” By the time the dogs got unattached the men were five miles from there. Sunday, May 22, 1H92. Tried to make the Johnsons, Browns, Sarah Orne Jewett, Mrs. James T. Field, and Mrs. Washington, understand (with Clara’s help) the old puzzle of Whitmore taking me around the loop in his buggy. Of course they all laughed and laughed, at my stupidity at first, but it was a puzzle before they got done with it. It was a problem that from time to time puzzled him all his life. The driveway in Hart¬ ford led past the house to a loop. Driving in one day with F. G. Whitmore, Clemens said: “Whit¬ more, go around to the left when we reach the 226 NOTEBOOK loop, then when we come back to the house I shall be on the side next the step.” “No,” said Whitmore, “it won’t make any difference which way we go around the loop, the result will be the same—you will be on the outside. “Try it,” said Clemens, and Whitmore did so, with the result as he had prophesied. Clemens, however, was still unconvinced and made him try it again, going around the loop first one way and then the other, insisting that there must be a difference in the result. He confessed his mistake at last, but all his life it troubled him, and in almost every one of his notebooks there is a diagram of the loop and an attempt to show that his first con¬ clusion was correct. June 29 (on a trip back to America). Lake Shore and Michigan Southern and N. Y. Central. Today a man timed the train and said we were making 65 miles an hour. The porter said we sometimes make 70, and that over a distance of 400 miles we average 62. Over there the fastest train goes from Frankfort to Nauheim in forty minutes—25 miles. It takes the express nine hours to go from Berlin to Frankfort. Slow, He was back in the typesetter tangle again and the entanglement of his business affairs. His life could have been so simple, so unharrassed, but for these things. Union League Club, noon. I breakfasted here yesterday about ten. Sat around till 2 P.M. should say. Loafed down to Glenhem Hotel and in my room enjoyed the prodigious downpour of rain awhile; then went to bed—three or four P.M., and was soon absorbed in The Little Minister with shutters closed and gas lit. Hours and hours afterwards— 227 MARK TWAIN’ im idea how many, for m> docks were in hearing, but my in.stim-t and the diminished street voices assured me it was about 3 A.M.—I suddenly thought “My watch has run down of course” and I hopped out of bed, got the thing from my vest on a wall hook and put it to my ear. Yes, it was silent. Opened it, took a careless glance—ap¬ parently t t:.?o I\M. Reen stopped more than two hours, I said:—listened -no tick hearable; wound it up, closed it; after a moment unclosed it and listened to make sure it had staited up again; it hadn’t; shook it, listened, shook it again, then it started tip and I put it back in the vest pocket and returned to bed. I finished my book as quickly as possible---say in half an hour—then rushed myself to sleep, to capture what was left of the night (morning). When 1 woke 1 felt well rested up. Rose and looked at my watch--6 A.M. True time is about 8:30, I said, and ordered breakfast and the paper brought to my room. Ate the breakfast, read the World through, wrote a letter or two, began A Window in Thrums', by and by dressed and went up Fifth Avenue—-noticed the dock in front of Fifth Avenue Hotel—took out my watch to set it. By C.eorge, it and the chick were precisely together!—10:14. What was it that called me out of bed the very instant that my watch had run dmvn and stopped the night before? This is the very counterpart of Mr. Child’s adventure with his watch, in Florence. The family were at the Villa Viviani, near Florence, and he presently returned to them. Settignano, Marclt 4, 1893: 9:30 P.M. Mr. Cleveland has been President now two or three hours, no doubt. Driving from Prato this afternoon, a child darted across the road under the noses of the horses, was knocked 228 NOTEBOOK down, and disappeared. Vitorio pulled the horses to a dead standstill, suddenly, and men ran out to gather up the remains. The child was actually not hurt. The men pulled it out from under the carriage and stood it on its feet. A singular escape. The family were well frightened. I was not along. March 22. Sailed in the Kaiser William II, at 11 A.M. His business worries kept him ferrying back and forth between Europe and America. Tuesday, March 28. The usual brilliant sunshine, the usual soft summer weather. Sea polished and nearly flat— almost a dead calm. We have never had a sea that dis¬ turbed the dishes on the table to speak of. Wednesday, March 29. Nice ball on deck, with colored electric lights. I opened it with Capt. Stormer—waltzed with overcoat. Danced a Virginia reel, with. Longfellow for a partner. Good Friday, March 31. Exceedingly rough—a deal of rain. A very sturdy ship, but of course this sort of sea makes her roll heavily—as it would any ship. April 1. A wild wind and a wild sea yesterday after¬ noon. Several falls but nobody hurt. Went to bed at eight and slept till 8. Still a heavy sea this morning. April 3 Monday. Arrived 6 P.M. Tuesday, Mr. Hall, evening. Howells came for couple hours. Thursday, 6th. Dined with Andrew Carnegie, Prof. Goldwin Smith, John Cameron, Mr. Glen. Creation of League for absorbing Canada into our union. The paper read and discussed. Carnegie also wants to add Great Britain and Ireland. 229 MARK TWAIN \pii! 7. Dined with Rudy,-in! Kiplinp and wife. Charles \\ .il ir?i SOuid.nd lime. The unfrs which fulluw sntind dream material, and they wrir: Monday April 10. At tin* Paige compositor—Con¬ necticut O*,. IKth .uul Hinadwav till 2:30 P.M, Fifty machine well alone in building. One will he finished July I. Picscut capacity of factmy one machine a day. Factory to he huilt when location divided upon, five machines a day. Considering proposition of fifteen million company one liout fiom Chicago. 'They offeied to give the Conn. Co. tw«> million dnllais of their bond;., all the land they need, and five million cash, if they will build a factory on their land. This ptoporition is in writing. The company intend to market 10,000 machines (rented) with all possible dispatch. All the printers are hurrying the company. The above machines are for this country alone. 'The company tells me that my royalty will be col¬ lectible on all futeign machines manufactured by them. By the end of this year the company will be making one machine a day, next year two—the year after, five. The fifty now in the works will be completed one after the other soon. What a child he was: the company and the factory were no more than the airy fabric of Paige's vision. There was no real manufacturing plant, no machines under way, except in Paige's imagination. Paige must have been a hypnotist to impose so repeatedly on Mark Twain. But he imposed on others as well. At the end of this note Clemens adds that the Conn, Co, is paying him (Paige) #5000 a month until the first ma- 230 NOTEBOOK chine is sold or rented. But perhaps that was just a part of the vision, too. “Put all your eggs in one basket—and watch that basket.” Andrew Carnegie. Mark Twain now went to Chicago, taking young Hall along, as secretary. Paige was in Chi¬ cago by this time, possibly negotiating the matter of the “land” which had been offered. Sixteen days following the “dream” just related, Mark Twain wrote: April 23, 1893. Great Northern Hotel, Chicago. Paige called three days ago. He called again tonight. I asked him if his conscience troubled him any about the way he had treated me. He said he could almost forgive me for that word. He said it broke his heart when I left him and the machine to fight along the best way they could, etc. etc. I tried to bring him to book, and finally he said that he was considering a contract offered by his Land Co. and had carried it back today modified in this way. Instead of accepting one-half their capital stock of fifteen millions, he had amended the contract asking for one-half a million dollars cash and no stock. They will accept or reject this proposition tomorrow. They may accept and offer him less. Whatever they offer he will take in cash and send me one-half. When his European patent affairs are settled, he is going to put me in for a handsome royalty on every European machine. We parted immensely good friends. ... In the last contract he even got me to assign my 9/^® interest in the foreign patents, after I had all that they had cost up to that time. He is a very extraordinary man—the smoothest talker I ever saw. I tried to impress upon him that I would com¬ promise and square matters for two or three hundred ad¬ ditional royalties on the machine—and for less than that 231 MARK TWAIN indeed, as I did not care for the money involved, the 500 royalties producing much more than I shall ever need, but then I wanted some trifling evidence that I could exhibit to myself, in proof that I had not been dealt with in an absolutely shameless conscienceless way. In reply I got an abundance of gilt-edge promises but nothing more. Charles K. Davis was here two or three nights ago. He said he still holds the paper which Paige dictated to him one day, to cjuict him, in which he says that no matter what happened he and I would always share and share alike in the results of the machine, or words to that effect. Paige shed even more tears than usual. What a talker he is. lie could persuade a fish to come out and take a walk with him. When he is present I always believe him—I cannot help it. When he is gone away all the belief evap¬ orates. He is a most daring and majestic liar. He said he had put one million three hundred thousand dollars into that machine since he began it. Then as much as $800,000 must have gone into and out of his large pocket within the last two years. He is absolutely frank in his confes¬ sions of misconduct. He said he never intended to sign the Fairchild contract—he was only playing Fairchild. ^ lie meant to scoop some money out of him, and he did; that is not his exact expression. 1 cannot recall the words but they were still more conscienceless and atrocious than tins. He said he got several thousand dollars out of Fair- child. He said lie played Mallory for all he was worth. That he never intended to have any dealings with Mallory from the beginning, but that he got $16,000 out of him and made himself strong and able to go ahead without any help from Mallory or Fairchild. Up to this point the note was dictated to Hall. Clemens himself now adds: Said he paid those men back, afterwards. Seemed to 232 NOTEBOOK take considerable credit to himself for it. However, in Ward’s office he took credit to himself for granting $2,000,000 to North, the inventor of the Justifier, when (as he said) he hadn’t need to grant him a cent unless he chose; whereas, as I understand it, North took legal steps against him before he yielded. Clemens never seems to have been openly violent with Paige. Once he wrote: Paige and I always meet on effusively affectionate terms, and yet he knows, perfectly well, that if I had him in a steel trap I would shut out all human succor and watch that trap, until he died. May 13. Saturday. Room 268 (?) Kaiser Wilhelm II. Cast off at 10:15 A.M.; discharged pilot at 12:30. Only half a trip of passengers. Wednesday, May 24. Sailing along the Balearic Islands, this forenoon. Due at Genoa tomorrow night. A perfectly smooth voyage, but unspeakably tedious. I am older by ten years than I was when I left New York. The fact is, the voyage is too smooth. It was not the smooth voyage that had aged him; it was the gnawing uncertainty of his busi¬ ness future. The publishing firm, now conducted by a Mr. Hall, had undertaken to issue a large set of books entitled Library of American Litera¬ ture, edited by Edmund Clarence Stedman and to be sold by subscription. Agents were already taking orders for it, but money for its manu¬ facture was required faster than could be pro¬ vided for by the initial payments received from subscribers. Large sums of money were needed and the notes at the bank were growing. 233 MARK TWAIN When a cackling hen is far away and is saying K-k-k-k-k-k kwacko! you hear nothing but the first syllable of her last word—just a single strenuous note, pitched on a high key, all the rest is lost in the interven¬ ing distance. At a distance this fiend-owl’s note sounds like that. Close by it is soft and dovelike and it is not so very unlike a flute note. It is quadruple time—one utter¬ ance to the bar, followed by three quarter-note rests, thus h-o-o-o h-o-o-o h-o-o-o-o _ h-o-o-o-o The monotony of it is maddening. You beat time to it, and count the hoots and the rests—you cannot help it. You count till your reason reels. Low and soft as the note is, it is marvelously penetrating; it bores into the skull like an auger. It can distress you when it is 150 yards away; at a third of that distance it is unendurable. When you have counted fifty hoots and 150 rests you have reached the limit of human endurance. You must turn and drive the creature away or your mind will go to ruin. To Hall July 26. Will come over mid-October with idea for new magazine, if L.A.L. [Library of Amer. Lit.] is then out of the way. Then presently we find him again on the way to America. That demon, the machine, had called. He was never able to resist that summons. August 29, 1893. Sailed from Breman, with Clara, in the Spree, Capt. Meissel. Lunched with Mr. Platte, Presi¬ dent of the North German Lloyd. Spree table admirable—Kaiser Wilhelm II table de¬ testable. Took room at Players, Sept. 29th (1.50). 234 NOTEBOOK In the first place God made idiots. This was for prac¬ tice. Then he made proofreaders. Proofreaders could stir Mark Twain to very high flights of wrath. Once to his business part¬ ner, Webster (his nephew' by marriage) he wrote: Charley, your proofreader is an idiot; net only an idiot, but blind, and not only blind, but partly dead. Some of the spacing —most of it, in fact—is absolutely disgraceful, but this goddamned ass never sees it. By Gcd he can’t see anything ; he is blind and dead and rotten, and ought to be thrown into the sewer. Jan. 15, 1S94. This is a great date in my history—a date which I said on the 5th would see Paige strike his colors. A telegram from Stone says he has dene it. Yes¬ terday we were paupers with but three months’ rations of cash left and $160,oco in debt, my wife and I, but this telegram makes us wealthy. In all the 40 notebooks there is net a more tragic entry than that. There are people who can do all fine and heroic things but one—keep from telling their happiness to the un¬ happy. Love seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows w'hat perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century. Today, Jan. 19, sent cable at noon to Livy—“Nearing success.” 2 P.M. Jan. 31—Mr. Rogers’ office. The great Paige Compositor scheme consummated. At 2 P.M. I cabled MARK TWAIN Libby, Paris, “A ship visible on the horizon, coining down under a cloud of canvas. 3 ’ Friday, Feb. 2, 1894. Sent this cablegram to Livy in Paris last night, to be put on her breakfast plate this morning (our 24th anniversary), “Wedding news: Our ship is safe in port. I sail the moment Rogers can spare me.” Livy’s answer this morning is—“We rejoice with you and congratulate you on your well-earned success.” He had fallen in with the great oil financier, the elder H. H. Rogers, who had taken a hand in his affairs. His dream seemed to be coming true. A thing long expected takes the shape of the unexpected when at last it comes. We can secure other people’s approval if we do right and try hard. But our own is worth a hundred of it and no way has been found out of securing that. Ships that Pass in the Night . Get two—send one to Paris. Drill —that is the valuable thing. Drill—drill— drill — that is the precious thing. For, from drill comes the auto¬ matic, and few things in this world are well done until they can do themselves . If teachers would but drill— drill—drill in the language! But God never made a language-teacher out of a sane person yet. When he can’t get an idiot He won’t play. Oh Death where is thy sting! It has none. But life has. It is more trouble to make a maxim than it is to do right. Write Ambassador Wayne MacVeigh—how to stop bomb-throwing. Of all God’s creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man 236 NOTEBOOK could be crossed with the cat it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat. A good many of his maxims were used in Pudd’nhead Wilson, then in course of publica¬ tion. An occasional compliment is necessary, to keep up one’s self-respect. The plan of the newspaper is good and wise: When you cannot get a compliment in any other way pay yourself one. As shy as a newspaper when referring to its own merits. Familiarity breeds contempt—and children. Like the mendicant who passes the hat for gratuitous literary contribution and yet would be ashamed to be caught passing it for coppers. A man should not be without morals; it is better to have bad morals than none at all. God pours out love upon all with a lavish hand—but he reserves vengeance for his very own. There are those who scoff at the schoolboy, calling him frivolous and shallow. Yet it was a schoolboy who said: “Faith is believing what you know ain’t so.” When in doubt, tell the truth. Some of his maxims required a good deal of reconstruction, but this last one—perhaps the greatest he ever uttered, appears to have under¬ gone no change. 237 MARK TWAIN In spite of fair outlook at the beginning of the year, the one definite thing that happened that spring was the failure of Charles L. Webster & Company, Mark Twain’s publishing-house. The business which had begun so prosperously ten years earlier had dwindled to bankruptcy. Yet it was not all sorrow: Mark Twain was free. Loaded with debt (for he refused to settle at less than the face value of his obligations), but free from haunting uncertainties. His friend, H. H. Rogers of the Standard Oil Company, took his affairs in hand, and Mark Twain hurried back once more to Europe, to finish his story of Joan of Arc , begun at Florence, two years before. He still had faith in the machine, and his spirits were high. From Rouen, where he went to visit Joan landmarks, he wrote Rogers—with glee, we may be sure—his most recent adventure. Dear Mr. Rogers: Yours of the 24th Sept, has arrived filled with pleasant¬ ness and peace. I would God I were in my room in the new house in Fairhaven, so’st I could have one good solid night’s sleep. I might have had one last night if I hadn’t lost my temper, for I was loaded up high with fatigue; but at two this morning I had a W.C. call and jumped up in the dark and ran in my night-shirt and without a candle—for I believed I knew my way. This hotel d’Angleterre must be a congeries of old dwellings—if it isn’t, it is built up in a series of water-tight compartments, like the American liners, that go clear to the top. You can’t get out of your own compartment. There is only your one hall; it has four rooms on each side of it and a staircase in the midst; would you think a person could get lost in such a place? I assure you it is possible; for a person of talent. 238 NOTEBOOK We are on the second floor from the ground. There’s a W.C. on the floor above us and one on the floor below us. Halls pitch dark. I groped my way and found the upper W.C. Starting to return, I went up stairs instead of down, and went to what I supposed was my room, but I could not make out the number in the dark and was afraid to enter it. Then I remembered that I—no, my mind lost confidence and began to wander. I was no longer sure as to what floor I was on, and the minute I realized that, the rest of my mind went. One cannot stand still in a dark hall at two in the morning, lost, and be content. One must move and go on moving, even at the risk of getting worse lost. I groped up and down a couple of those flights, over and over again, cursing to myself. And every time I thought I heard somebody coming, I shrank together like one of those toy balloons when it collapses. You see, I was between two fires; I could not grope to the top floor and start fresh and count down to my own, for it was all occupied by young ladies and a dangerous place to get caught in, clothed as I was clothed, and not in my right mind. I could not grope down to the ground floor and count up, for there was a ball down there. A ball, and young ladies likely to be starting up to bed about this time. And so they were. I saw the glow of their distant candle, I felt the chill of their distant cackle. I did not know whether I was on a W.C. floor or not, but I had to take a risk. I groped to the door that ought to be it— right where you turn down the stairs; and it was it. I entered it grateful, and stood in its dark shelter with a beating heart and thought how happy I should be to live there always, in that humble cot, and go out no more among life’s troubles and dangers. Several of the young ladies applied for admission, but I was not receiving. Thursdays being my day. I meant to freeze out the ball if it took a week. And I did. When the drone and burr of its music had ceased for twenty minutes and the house 239 MARK TWAIN was solidly dead and dark, I groped down to the ground floor, then turned and counted my way up home, all right. Then straightway my temper went up to 180 in the shade and I began to put it into form. Presently an admir¬ ing voice said—“When you are through with your pray¬ ers, I would like to ask where you have been, all night.” Truth is stranger than fiction—to some people, but I am measurably familiar with it. If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember any¬ thing. Now that our second-hand opinions, inherited from our fathers, are fading, perhaps it may be forgivable to write a really honest review of the Vicar of Wakefield and try to find out what our fathers found to admire and what not to scoff at. Now what was the accident that brought Shakespeare into notice after two centuries of neglect and oblivion— was it a chance remark of a monarch? An idea there; make kings read all the new (native) books; and once every year proclaim the names—just the names—of the few that particularly pleased them. Truth is the most precious thing we have. Econ¬ omize it. It takes me a long time to lose my temper, but once lost I could not find it with a dog. He was perfectly frank about it and said he wanted to go to hell: said he had got used to reading the (Paris) N. Y. Herald and couldn’t do without it. 240 NOTEBOOK It would seem that France was not born to create civilizations; yet she has one glory which not all the eons left in the slow wasting magazine of time can dim or obliterate. Let her content herself with the reflection that it was across her firmament that those two prodigies swept, astonishing the world, Napoleon and Joan of Arc,—that wonderful man and that sublime girl who dwarf all the rest of the human race. Sailed from Southampton for America. “New York,” Feb. 23, 1895. Another wild rush to America; publishing matters, and to attend the machine’s funeral, the latter having finally come to an end in De¬ cember, failing completely to stand the test. 1 His only interest now was his Joan book, and a lecture tour which he proposed to make around the world, to pay his debts. Bob Ingersoll’s tale of the Presbyterian saint who went from heaven to hell on a cheap excursion ticket—and couldn’t sell his return ticket. Noise proves nothing, often a hen that has merely laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid. Paris. Clara left parasol in a cab. Susy left a couple of bundles in cab. Mrs. C. left porte-monnaie on a counter. I left some things in a cab—but said nothing about it. There are 26,244 cabs, each makes as many as thirty courses a day, moving about 45 persons. Two persons out of three leave something in the cab; thirty articles a day per cab; 10,000 a year per cab. 262,440,000 articles a year for the 26,244 cabs, if there are that many cabs and if my estimate is right. 1 See Mark Twain, a Biography, Chapter CL X X XI X. 241 MARK TWAIN Man has been called the laughing animal, to distinguish him from the others, but the monkey laughs and he has been called the animal that weeps—but several of the others do that. Man is merely and exclusively the Im¬ modest Animal, for he is the only one who covers his nakedness, the only one with a soiled mind, the only one under the dominion of a false shame. Sunday morning: Six or eight people who came over with me in the Paris—three or four of them went up to London with our multimillionaire, to be shown his glory. It was a month ago; but to this day these men can think of nothing else, talk of nothing else. They are as happy and stunned and blessed as if they had been to heaven and dined with God. Clara says it tires her to have to keep on deciding that she isn’t sick, so persistently and so watchfully. New York, May 18, 1895. Noon. Arrived at 9. Cable from London says that Tichborne Claimant has published an affidavit confessing that he is Arthur Orton, son of a Wapping Butcher. I was in London twenty or twenty-two years ago, during his trial for perjury, and spent an evening in his society with a number of his devoted ad¬ herents. He had a marvelous memory. He played his part well. He was sent up for fourteen years; served his term, then came over here and was a bartender in the Bowery. Jean’s comment on the Emperor of Germany’s dinner invitation: “Papa, the way things are going, pretty soon there won’t be anybody left for you to get acquainted with but God.” Master Mechanic on the L road who said: “You are enough like Mark Twain to be his brother.” Elmira, May 24, 1895. Terms offered to Pond: He to have one-fourth of the profits outside Frisco and one- fifth inside Frisco. He to lecture me there six consecutive nights and three matinees, all in the same week. 242 NOTEBOOK His reply by telegraph, May 25, “Terms accepted. See letter.” That is, for the lecture tour around the world. Mrs. Clemens and Clara would accompany him; Susy and Jean (aged 23 and 15) were to remain with their Aunt Sue (Mrs. Theodore Crane) at Quarry Farm, Elmira, New York. Accompanied by Major and Mrs. J. B. Pond, who would go with them as far as Vancouver, the lecture party left Elmira the night of July 14th (1895). Their last glimpse was of Susy, under the light at the end of the platform, wav¬ ing good-bye. They never forgot that picture. 243 CHAPTER XXII The Way to the Coast July 17, ’95. Sailed from Cleveland in the Northland. Fine and swift; her length must be as much as 350 feet. Spacious decks for promenading. Just as luxurious and comfortable as a great ocean liner or a Fall River boat. I have seen no boat in Europe that wasn’t a garbage barge by comparison. Think of those European tubs! Sunny, balmy, perfectly delicious voyage—I know nothing anywhere to compare with it. Been away four years and have dropped back into the dark ages in some—many— respects. Evening. It is an ideal summer trip. The long approach to Port Huron through narrow ways, with flat grass and wooded land on both sides, and on the left a continuous row of summer cottages with small-boat accommodations for visiting across the little canals from family to family, the groups of summer-dressed young people all along, waving flags and handkerchiefs, and firing cannon—our boat replying with four toots of the whistle and now and then a cannon and meeting steamers in the narrow way, and once the stately sister-ship of the line crowded with summer-dressed people waving—the rich browns and greens of the rush-grown far-reaching flat lands, with little glimpses of water away on the further edges, the sinking sun throwing a crinkled broad carpet of gold on the water—well, it is the perfection of voyaging. Boat is a split between Fall River and ocean liner. With this dif¬ ference—carried no freight—passengers only. 244 NOTEBOOK He does not mention it, but most of that eager greeting was for himself—it having been an¬ nounced that he was on that boat, setting out on a voyage around the world, to free himself from debt. July 18. Island of Mackinac. Masonry walls with tow¬ ers of Middle Ages pattern, an inheritance from French early days, no doubt. At St. Paul, July 24. Lectured both here and at Min¬ neapolis. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Read in Winnipeg second night. July 28, Sunday morning. An hour’s talk with a bright gi r l—part Indian, with French name—correspondent of Toronto Globe. Has been a factor}’’ girl. Was president of a combine of 500 working girls who appealed to the elec¬ tric car company for a Sunday car service; the year before that the pulpits had pulled in 5000 majority against it; the 500 girls reduced that to 750 majority two years ago. The pulpit got the next struggle put off three years. It occurs a year hence; then the thing will be carried the other way. Toronto is 12 miles long, one way, within the city limits; the poor live at one end and work at the other— and not a car on Sunday. These families are as exiled as if the Atlantic flowed between them, but as long as God and the clergy are gratified what of it. Standards. There are no standards—of taste in wine, cigars, poetry, prose, etc. Each man’s own taste is the standard and a majority vote cannot decide for him or in any slightest degree affect the supremacy of his own standard. Sunday on the Continent is a blessing. In England and America it is a curse and certainly ought to be abol- 245 MARK TWAIN ished—no—stripped of its power to oppress. Here on this sunny Sunday morning I heard the happy laughter of the only bird that does laugh by nature—the martin— for the first time in more than a generation. He was my favorite as a boy. Beautiful color—and is a kind of swal¬ low. Man his friend; provides him with a house and never harms him. In France they would hunt him. Must write up the pretty story where the 16 Yale boys got to treating the two Yale veterans and at 11:30 P.M. found they had used up 14 quarts of champagne and were aghast. What should they do to raise the money. Steward: “That’s all right; the two old gentlemen paid for it while you passed by escorting them to their room with a song of honor.” July 31. Drove with the Gibsons to the 49-foot fall (Rainbow?) and the wonderful fountain which Lewis and Clark, 1805, found to be blue and retained its blue color for half a mile down the Missouri. On the way a young cowboy, showing off, was tumbled over the horse’s head. The horse fell on him but fortu¬ nately did not kill him. Butte, Mont., Aug. 1. Beautiful audience. Compact, intellectual and dressed in perfect taste. It surprised me to find this London-Parisian-New York audience out in the mines. [He gives a list of the numbers read]: Dead Man. Christening. Frog. Old Ram. Smallpox. Watermelon. Crusade. Golden Arm. 246 NOTEBOOK One hour and 30 minutes. Just right. Left out the Duel. Splendid big negro soldiers; obedient, don’t desert, don’t get drunk; proud of their vocation, finest and pleasantest soldiers—and Pond says great in battle. Some of these have been in the service ten and fifteen years, and my escort 24 years. They all have the look and bearing of gentlemen. The earliest ones were not educated and could not perform clerical duties; but the later ones can; been in public school. As a rule the army can’t sing the “Star- spangled,” but Burt ordered these to be taught, and they can sing it. The band, all colored but leader, made beautiful music. Ceremony of fetching the colors. All uncovered when the colors passed by—I did, after first blunder. Another— was asked to throw away my cigar when the colors ap¬ proached. Chaplin (colored) is a commissioned officer, approved by the Senate. Is saluted like other officers. Goodwill. They take a pride in it. I think the negro has found his vocation at last. Clark’s Fork of the Columbia—green water and lovely. Never saw a green stream in America before. Following this perfectly lovely stream all of the afternoon. Portland, Ore., Aug. 9. Splendid house, full to the roof. Great compliment to have a lofty gallery packed with people at 25# as intelligent and responsive as the others. Floor and dress circle full too, many standing, and the sign up early: “Standing Room Only.” Everywhere he was welcomed, and had crowded houses, Olympia, Tacoma, Seattle—the returns rolled in. Aug. 15. Young boy came to interview me this morning. 247 MARK TWAIN Asked me in strict detail precisely the questions which I have answered so many million times already: “First visit? Pity about the smoke. Where do you go from here? Have you had good houses? Have you enjoyed the trip? Your family with you? Where do you go from Australia? How long will the trip take you? Are you going to write a book about the voyage? What will be the character of it?” (tempted to say hydrophobia, seamanship and agriculture.) A stretch of 18 miles in which there is not a single place named Victoria. En route to Vancouver, Aug. 15. This shows that we are not under the British flag. Letter sent to Rudyard Kipling: Vancouver, B. C., Aug. 16, 1895. Dear Kipling: It is reported that you are about to revisit India. This has moved me to journey to that far country in order that I may unload from my conscience a debt long due you. Years ago you came from India to Elmira to visit me, as you said at the time. It has always been my purpose to return that visit and that great com¬ pliment, some day. I shall arrive next January, and you must be ready. I shall come riding my Ayah, with his tusks adorned with silver bells and ribbons, and escorted by a troop of native Howdahs, richly clad and mounted upon a herd of wild bungalows, and you must be on hand with a few bottles of ghee, for I shall be thirsty. Victoria, B. C., Hotel Driard, Aug. 22. Lectured last night—house full. The Governor-General and Lady Aber¬ deen and their little son in Highland costume, present. Several bars of “God Save the Queen” played when they 248 NOTEBOOK entered, the audience standing. They came at 8:45, 15 minutes late. I wish they would always be present, for it isn’t permissible to begin till they come; and by that time the late comers are all in. Was conducted to their box, when I was done, by the Aide de Camp. It was in every way pleasant. A kitten walked across the stage behind me last night. The audience laughed in the wrong place. I did not know why till after the reading. Friday, Aug. 23. Sailed for Australia in the Warramoo. Strange how these great brown gulls (species of alba¬ tross) can scrape the tip of one wing along the surface of the water over all depressions and elevations and never touch it. Have watched them for hours. The recurrent dream. Mine is appearing before lecture audience in my shirt-tail, a most disagreeable dream. Honolulu Roadsted, Aug. 31. Reached here last night at ten. Not allowed to land. Required to cast anchor and unload our 700 tons of freight in lighters. Cholera. Malignant form. Eight deaths this morning, five deaths reported for yesterday. 500 seats booked for my lecture. Can’t get ashore to deliver it. Young Mrs. Corbett says her mother (then Miss Dia¬ mond) came here with me in the Ajax, 29 years ago. Oahu—Just as silky and velvety and lovely as ever. If I might I would go ashore and never leave. The moun¬ tains right and left clothed in rich splendors of melting color, fused together. Some of the near cliffs veiled in 249 MARK TWAIN slanting mists—beautiful luminous blue water; inshore brilliant green water. Two sharks playing around, laying for a Christian. By order, the blue uniforms changed for snow-white duck this morning. I bought a suit of it—coat and pants— for £3. Aug. 31. Five new cases today, five deaths. This town has 25,000 people now, one-third white. The Bennington came out and anchored a little to the windward flying the yellow flag at her foremast. There had been a death on board (cholera) and some of our passengers were worried. A protest was sent and the Commander said his ship had been thoroughly fumigated and all his people were healthy, but if any fell sick would go to sea at once. Sharks playing around our stern all day. Could not catch any. The most marvelous of sunsets. We have the snake liar and the fish liar always with us. Now I find we are getting toward the atmosphere breathed by the boomerang liar. The first officer has seen a man escape behind the trees but his pursuer sent his boom¬ erang high over and beyond the tree; then it turned, descended and killed the man. The Australian passenger has seen it done to two behind two trees, with one throw. Maturin Ballon heard of a case where the boomerang killed a bird and brought it back to the thrower. Passengers who had taken rooms in this ship were not allowed to come on board at Honolulu. One lady prisoner wrote our Captain an imploring letter. Sept. 1. Lying at anchor till midnight. And so they must sail away. For thirty years he had dreamed of going back to the Islands, only to meet this disappointment. One is re¬ minded of Moses and the Promised Land. 250 NOTEBOOK Sept. 6. Crossed the equator at 4 P.M. yesterday. Clara kodaked it. Sept. 8. Today is Sunday and tomorrow Tuesday. It is said that Monday has dropped out because the sailors don’t like to lose their Sunday holiday—as if they couldn't have it just as well on an ostensible Sunday as on a real one. At night. 50 miles from Sidney, very- dark. Schools of porpoises come streaking it to the ship from out the black distances like luminous sea serpents. A porpoise 8 ft. long would look like a glorified serpent 30 to 50 ft. long, every curve of the tapering long body perfect and the whole snake dazzlingly illuminated by the phosphorescent splen¬ dors in the waters. The color was that of the glow worm and wonderfully intense. The night was so dark that the actual surface of the sea was not distinguishable, and so it was a weird sight to see this spiral ghost come suddenly flashing along out of the solid gloom and stream past like a meteor. In Australia Oct. 3. Sent £437.13.6 to T, A. Dibbs, Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney. I asked him to send it to Mr. Rogers. He had set out to pay off the debts resulting from the failure of the Charles L. Webster Pub. Co. and had been steadily remitting to Mr. Rogers for this purpose. This was probably his first remittance from Australia. Oct. 4. Melbourne. Dr. Fitzgerald froze and then lanced this damned carbuncle; then gave me an opium hypodermic It is the loftiest of all human vocations— medicine and surgery. Relief from physical pain, physical 251 MARK TWAIN distress. Next comes the pulpit, which solaces mental distress; soothes the sorrows of the soul. These two are the great professions, the noble professions. The gap between them and the next is wide—an abyss. The most diligent industry in Victoria and New South Wales is apparently horse-racing. There does seem to be a perfectly amazing amount of it. The interest in it seems to be universal and intense. The Melbourne Cup comes off presently, and it is the event of the year. (Australian) Convicts rose to great worth and promi¬ nence and wealth. They left descendants who should not be ashamed of them and probably are not . A redeemed career is certainly a thing for the man himself to be proud of, and this just pride in it should extend to his posterity. Many of the convicts were mere boys, and were trans¬ ported for long terms of years for stealing a rabbit or a hatful of turnips, to stave off starvation. In fairness they should not be called criminals. The Sabbath is kept in Australia. They actually haven’t any Sunday edition of the dailies. It is said the pulpit fears it could not run in competition (in interest) with them. No Sunday cable car service in forenoon. When people get to be as good as this no amount of horse-racing can damn them. I have spent my entire stay in Melbourne in bed with a carbuncle. This visitation of carbuncles had begun in Elmira. In one place he wrote: “The dictionary says a carbuncle is a kind of jewel. I never cared much for jewelry.” Since the beginning of the world there have been 225,- 000,000,000 savages born and damned and 28,000 saved by missionary effort 252 NOTEBOOK Remember the Bishop from China who said—“4/5 of the human race know not God. God can*: do ail the work; we must help.” S 3 CHAPTER XXIII Australia and New Zealand Oct. A darling climate. Drove to Agricultural College, eight miles, open wagon, brilliant sunshine, ninety-two in shade, but perfectly comfortable (dry heat). Just like middle of June. Saw pupils shearing sheep. The fleece when spread out is as big as a bedquilt. Tarstick for wounds to heal them and keep off flies. The sheep are shorn dirty—buyer prefers it—and the shorn sheep looks as white as snow. The 40 students work at all farming, every other day. On alternate days study and hear lectures. They are taught the beginnings of sciences (like chemistry, etc.) that bear upon farming, and all practical farming. Can’t see that the British Govt, has any more authority here than she has over the constellations. She seems merely to furnish governors, and the colonies pay the salaries. She has a veto, but she doesn’t seem to venture to use it. She can’t even force a governor that the colonies object to. She furnishes seven worships and the colonies pay interest on their cost The railroad is the only thoroughly European thing here. That is, they build fine stations and then have all the idiotic European railway system in perfection—slow trains, no drinking-water, no sanitary arrangements, every conceivable inconvenience; an utterly insane system—the jackass system. 254 NOTEBOOK Xezv Zealand Sow 6. A lovely summer morning, brilliant blue sky. After a few miles from Innercargill passed through level green vast pastures filled with sheep—beautiful clean green expanses. In these sheep pastures all the cattle are jet black—a hardy breed brought from Scotland to withstand the rather severe winter. Idiots argue that Nature is kind and fair to us. if we are loyal and obey her laws, and we are responsible for our pains and diseases because we violate the laws—and that all this is judged. Good Godl Cholera comes cut of Asia and cuts me down when I have taken every pains to have myself and house in good sanitary’ conditions. Oh, in that case, my neighbors violated Nature's law—and Nature makes me responsible, takes it out of me—and that is called just! Very well, the caterpillar doesn't knew what the laws are—how then are these people going to excuse nature for afflicting that helpless and ignorant creature? It would save those people a world of uncom¬ fortable shuffling if they would recognize one plain fact— a fact which a man willing to see cannot be blind to, namely, that there is nothing kindly, nothing beneficent, nothing friendly in Nature toward any creature, except by capricious fits and starts; and that Nature's attitude toward all life is profoundly vicious, treacherous and 2 5 S MARK TWAIN malignant. This caterpillar two inches long and the thickness of a cedar pencil—when getting ready to turn into a great nice moth—partially buries his body in a little trench—and Nature has got him , the spores of a peculiar fungus are blown about by the wind, they lodge in a wrinkle of his neck and begin to sprout and grow; the roots force their way into the worm and along through the body, and the worm slowly dies and turns to wood, preserving all its details, like a petrifaction. We easily perceive that the peoples furtherest from civilization are the ones where equality between man and woman are furthest apart—and we consider this one of the signs of savagery. But we are so stupid that we can’t see that we thus plainly admit that no civilization can be perfect until exact equality between man and woman is included. That forgotten and discredited invention of the devil, the gong, still flourishes in Australia and the ringer of it is still merciless and bangs it like a demon gone mad. The peremptory, big, frowsy blond waitress in the sta¬ tion—and dressy. Made me homesick, she was so like our home-made article. It is the strangest thing that the world is not full of books that scoff at the pitiful world, and the useless uni¬ verse and violent, contemptible human race—books that laugh at the whole paltry scheme and deride it. Curious, for millions of men die every year with these feelings in their hearts. Why don’t I write such a book? Because I have a family. There is no other reason. Was this those other people’s reason? The Larrikins of Sydney and Melbourne used to hail me “Hello, Mark; good night, Mark” and of course I 256 -r/^+s*& . ^t. A-a-# ^ ->o - -- £*——/““ &TCuu>to ^/ctf-^r ^te* * ^ . 0 t-r I > jf- jg^ AXj'-^e^L fos ^°- * xj -Lj +^-. "^t*. 6w^c ^x>-« W^v44j ^—* ~ ^/ "^W* x?——^ *-*■—■.! • p ^~——- 7 --f^ s '<^ Sixz / * jj^-^yUU. __ _ i>-o~*—~ r \s^~Lstli^ ryu~3t_ /^Co /o « 5 ^ - / W~--A- ^ -^ A ^'. &~&-*-i--b^ A-lo £3-&r~i-*-<> m /h-A *-cj * '*" 77*1 a/ -w i v Llr. 'zG(_- ir £ S~L*a CsuL*4~'£-^ 0^-So Laj-ou^J^L^^^ y fap yVfc: lu^/v/fjr-te**^- cj/rrtJ - C^^L, tL+s / L<^ — S-erTr-x^st— Cj— " * • -cv^_/v /? - / e tf -f* r t - if* ^-SL 1,4 b- 39 2 Architecture, Spanish, 113 Aristophanes, 401 Arlington, breakfast room in Washington, 131 Aspinwall, 118 Athens, 69, 71, 73 Auction, 2 Austen, Jane, 266 Australia, sailed for, 249, 262, 308 Australian convicts, 252 Autobiography, Mark Twain’s, 3 X 5 Azores, 61 Baalbec, ruins of, 87 Badeau, Gen. (answer), 176, x 79 Baden, crazed, 7 Baden. Grand Duchess of 138,140 Baldwin, John D. (Mass.), 116 Bar, Mississippi, 3 Barak Judges V), 102 Baroda, Jewel House, 273 Barnegat, 52 Barry, Major, 64,109 Baton Rouge (Warning Indians), 162 Bay, Smyrna, 83 Beaumont, 151 Beau Rivage, 218 Bedouins, 91, 99 > I0 9 Beersheba, 105 Behm, Captain, S° Bengal, 277 Bengal, Bay of, 289 Bennington , ship, 250 Berlin (Wolfsbrunen), 138, x 4 ° Bethavan, house of idols, 107 Bethel, house of God, 106,107 Bethesda, pool of, 101,109 Betrothal Day, 354 Beyrut, 85 Bible, present one, 301 403 INDEX Biblical references, 62, 65, 69, 70, 72, 83, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 97 Bigelow, 296 Bill, Prince^ 18 Bingham, Conn., 115 Bingham, Ohio, 115 Biography of, 2,15,22, 55,78,390, 396 Birch, Dr., 109 Bismarck, 311, 364 Bixby, Horace, 3, 161 Black Forest, 150 Bless, Frank, 149 Bloemfontein, 297 “Blucher,” Innocents Abroad , 62 Bologna, Nov. 13, 1878,147 Bombay, India, 270 Bonaparte, 93, 101, 102, 218, 241 “Boo-hoo” fever, 20 Booklover’s Library, 375 Books, 2 Bosphorus Islands, 81 Boston Advertiser , 179 Boucicault, Dion (dramatist), 129 Bouillon, de Godfrey, 101 Brandenburg Parliament, Em¬ peror made speech to, 224 Brandt, Captain, 134 British, 28 “Broken Vow,” Mrs. Norton, 124 Brooks, Jas., 114 Brown, n, 14, 22, 33, 62, 96, 165 Browning, 297 Brussels Cathedral, 154 Buck Island, 4 Buckland, John (Ohio), 114 Budapest, speech at Jubilee of Emancipation, 370 Buffalo Express , 123 Bullard, Rev., lectured, 75 Bunson, George von, dying, 311 Bunyan's “Pilgrim’s Progress,” 192 Burials at Sea, 37, 43, 44, 48 Buried Treasure in Missouri village basis of story “Man Who Corrupted Hadleys- burg,” 342 Burke, Edmund, 258 Burlingame, Anson, 21, 25, 32 Burlingame, Ed. L., 21 Butte, Mont., readings, 246 Caccamesi, Madame Blanche, 314 Cadwalader, John, guest of, 37c 376 Caesar’s Commentaries, 187 Caiaphas, 100, 109 Cairo, 3 , in Calcutta theater, 276, 280, 280 California, 16, 40 Calvary, 98 Cameron, John, 229 Camp Angel’s, 6, 7 Campagna, young Corbett, ad¬ venture friend Martin, 225 Cape Horn, 17 Cape Spartel ; 66 Capital punishment, opinion of, 151 “Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven ? ” viii Carey of Ohio, 115 Carleton, publisher, 7, 55 Carmel, Mount, 102 Carnegie, Andrew, 229, 231 Carpet Making Industry, 358 Castillo, Town of, 39, 41 Catacombs, 146 Catholic and Lutheran, two sects, 223 Century Magazine , 152, 182, 188, 189 Cervantes, 401 Ceylon, Colombo, arrived at, 269 Channel, 5, 15 Charlemagne, 136 Charles, I, 304, 325 Cheiro, palmist, prediction, 374 Cheiro’s prophecy fulfilled, 380, 381 Cheops, pyramid of, in Chicago, Gt. North Hotel, 231 Chicago, World’s Fair Congress of Religions, 272 Cholera, deaths by, 38, 42, 44, 46, .47, 48* 89, 249 Christian forgiveness, 332 Christianity, 25 Church, Deacon Wm. F., 90 Church, Annunciation o£ 96 404 INDEX Church, Episcopalian, n Church, Holy Sepulcher, 77, 98 Church, Roman Catholic, 16 Chutter Munzil Palace, 278 Circassian girls sold, 78 Claims, 2 Clapp, Saturday Press , 7 Clarke, Marcus, 290 . Clemens, Olivia Langdon, vn, vm, 2 death of, 387 funeral of, 390 Clemens, Clara, 133, 243, 3 H, 3*8- 320, 328, 342, 35 2 , 3 6 3 > 388 Clemens, James Ross, 328 Clemens, Jean, 224, 243, 3 jo J , Clemens, Pamela (Moffat) death 0f ’ ^ X O Clemens, S. L., 84 “Letter to Gas Co.,” 212 Clemens, Mrs. Orion, 9 death of, 385 Clemens, Susie, 133, 243 death of, 304, 312, 3 H, 316-322 Clemens, Wm. M., repudiation of, 373 Cleveland , sailed from, July 17, 1895, 244 Closing years, 391 Club essay, 177 Club, Stomach, viii . Club subject, “The Insincerity of Man,” 181 Coleman, 7 Colombo, 282 a Columbia, Missouri, Degree LLD., 375 ,. Comet , ship, 24, 29 “Concert of Powers,” 305 Congregational graveyard, 131 Constantinople, 69, 7 *> 75 > 78 , 82, „ 9 * 109 1 Continent, on the, 330 Cooper Institute, lecture, 55 Coral Reefs, 19 Corday, Charlotte, 365 Countess Bardi, Royal Highness, Covenant, Ark of, 106 Cretan insurrection, 82 Crioni, Canadian nobleman, 143 Crowley, Lord, confession, 326 Crown of Thorns, 98 Crusaders, 9^., 97,101 Cryptographic^ 5 Cuba, coast of, 44 Custom House, 15 Cutter, Bloodgood H., poet, 59 Dake Laura, parted from, 183 Damascus, 80, 88,93,97,100,101, 107, 109 Dan, 107, 112 Dana, Chas. A., 191 Dana, R. H., 130 Danger in mid-ocean, 26, 33 Dardanelles, 74 Darjeeling, 277 Darwin, 155, 165 David, 101,109 Davis, Charles E., 232 Dead Sea, 99, 105,109 Deaths at Sea, 37, 43, 44, 48, 53 De Beers Consolidated Co., 320 Deborah (Judges V), 102 Denny, Col., 72, 84 Densford, 5 Depew, Chauncey M., 191 . DeWolfe, Mrs. E. R.,Mmd Cunst, 235 Diamond ? 5 Diary, vii, viii, 1 , 5 ?. 8.4 Dickinson, Emily Higginson, 218 Diell, Rev. John, 17 Dinner guests. Andrew Carnegie, Prof. Goldwin Smith, John Cameron, read. “Absorbing Canada into Union, 229 Discontent, 30 Ditturo Agostina, 144 Dives, 109 Divine Origin, 191 Divine Right, ix “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 348, 349 Doldrums, 31 Dolorosa, Via, 101, 109 Downing Street, 325 Drummond Castle , loss of ship, 300 Dream theory, 3S°-3S* Dubuque, 163 Due de Frias, 34 1 INDEX Duncan, Capt. C. C., 56, 58, 66,79 Dutschka, Madame, 342 Early, Gen. Jubal, 178 Eating of flesh, 31 Ebal. Samaria, 97, 103 Egypt, 112, 113 Egypt ? Viceroy of, 74 Egyptian notes, 111 Eldndge of Wis., 114 Eleazar, 104 El Genin, Palestine, 95 El Gib or Gibeon, 108 Elisha, 102, 109 Elmira, New York, 123, 158 Elmira Reformatory, 201,317,390 Elizabeth, 151 Emancipation Speech, Budapest, _ 370 Emergency boats, 33 Emerson, 165 Emperor, German, fired at, 140 Endor, visit to, 94 England, 304, 371 English,14, 20, 21, 157 English in Hawaii, 14 English, pure, Motley, Howells, Hawthorne, Holmes, 157 Enterprise , 5, 9 Ephesus, 69, 83 Episcopalian Church, 11 Epoch, literary, 55 Eruption, 18 Esdraelon, 102 Eulenberg, Count von, German _ Ambassador, 342 Evil Council, 100 Excelsior, 18 Fackler, Rev. J. G., 43, 45, 48 Facts, 4 Fairs City, 5 Fayal, Spain, 64 Ferguson, Henry, 27, 31 Ferguson, Samuel, 26, 27 Field, Mrs. Jame T., 226 Fireside Conversations in Time of Queen Elizabeth, 151 Flagellation, Pillar of, 98 Florence, 144, 146, 147 Florence, Hotel Arno; Grande Bretagne, 225 Flowers, garden of, 101 Following the Equator , 270, 272 294,306 * Food bills, enormous, 62, 67 Foreign Missions, Board of, 166 Form, 2 Fort Taylor, Key West, 49 "Forty-three Days in an Open Boat” article, 25 Foster, Col., 86 France, 16, 20, 21, 55 Frankfort (Ford of the Franks), French, 21, 28 Fiirst vom Stolberg-Wernigerode, 220 Gabrilowitsch, Ossip, 353 Galilee, 91, 93, 96, 104 Gallia^ steamer, 156 Gandhi, Mahatma, 272 Garden Region , 261 Garfield, Gen., 115 Genin, Jerusalem, 96 Gerhard t, 175,176, 179 German stove, the, 135 Germany, Christmas in. 148 Gethsemane, Garden of, 101 Gibeon, or El Gib, 108 Gibraltar, 67, 112, 385 Gibson, Dr., m Gihon, 100 Gilded Age, the, 123 Gilgal, 107 Gillette, William, 204 Gillis, James, 5, 6 Girizin, 103 Gizeh, pyramids of, in “ Gladstone Park,” 373 Glasscock, 5 Godfrey of Bouillon, 98 Golden Horn, anchored at, 82 Goodman, Joseph T., 5 Goodson, Miss, pianiste, pupil of Leschetizky’s, 307 Gothic windows, 40 Gothic colonnades, 40 Gottingen, students in, 136 Goule, Bayou, 5 406 INDEX J ameson raiders., 294 apan, bathing in public, 288 Jericho, Ancient, 99,109 Jeroboam, 104, 100 Jerusalem, 84, 97, 103, 107 Jesuits, 260 Jewett, Sarah Orne, 226 Jews, opinion of, 151 Jezreel, City of, 94 Jezreel, Fountain, 95 Joab, 108 Joan of Arc , 238, 241, 316, 340, 34 *, 584 , dedication of, 326 John, 102, 103 . Johns Hopkins University, 206 !! Johnson, Charles W., 192 Jonah, 101 ones, Capt. Hurricane, 33 onson, Ben, 151 oppa, 101 ordan, River, 99, 109 oseph, 102,103 osephus, 35 oshua, 99, 103 ubilee Singers, 336 udah, 108 . Judas Iscariot, Tree, 100, 101 ? udge, offer to edit, 373 umping Frog, , 7, 55 Kaiser Wilhelm II, sailed, 229,233, 234 Kaltenleutgeben, 360 Kamehamehas, 10, 14, 15, 20 Kanakas, 10, 13, 20, 22, 27, 36 Key West, Florida, 44, 49 Kilmansegge, Count, Gov., 342 Kimberley, crater diamond mine, 302 King of Jerusalem, 98 King, 10, 15, 18, 27 Kingman, 37, 41 Kinney, Col., 44 Kipling, Rudyard, 230, 248 (letter) Kleber, 102 Kleimberg, agreement with, 358 Konigstuhl, old Gretchen, 217 Korans, of Tangier, 64 Kruger, President (“Oom Paul”)* 294, 295 Kumar Shri, Prince of Pulitani, 27 3 Labor, 19 La Bordonnais, Marquis, 121 Lanai, 11 Langdon, Charles, 320 Langdon, Julia, marriage of, 378 Langdon, Olivia (Mrs. Clemens), 123 Lark, Chas. T., 2 Lavino, Wm., correspondent of London Times , 357 Law, 9, 28 Law of Distribution of Comfort and Pain, 363 Lazarus, 99, 109 Leary, 109, 319, 383, 391 Lebanon, Cedar of, 101 Lectures, 32, 55 Lee, General, 174 Leschetizky, 342, 352 Letters from the Earthy unfinished manuscript, 397 Lewis & Clark, 185, 246 Life on the Mississippi , 3, 161 Liquor, 13 Literary epoch, 55 Literary ventures, 32 Liverpool, 19 “Livy** (Olivia), 208, 220, 235, 236, 257, 260, 314, 319 , 322, 325 , 336 , 355 , 376 , 377 , 380, 392 , 395 Log of Ship, 27, 31 Logan, Gen., 115 London Days, 323 London, Turner, Mr. Spargeon, Windermere Lake, Darwin, 155 London, Chelsea, 307 London, Mansion House, 199 Lone Indian , 124 Longfellow, 229 Lot’s herdsmen, 105 Lotos, speech at, 372 Louis XlV, longest reign, 304 Lower House, 10 Lubbock, Sir John, book on ant life, 283 Lubia, Arab Village, 97 408 INDEX Lucknow, India, 278 Ludwig, Archduke, 354 Luz, 104 Macaulay, 288 Machpelah, cave of, 105 Mackenzie, Sir Alexander, Lieut.- Gov. of Bengal, 276 Mackinac, Island of, 245 Mac Veigh, Wayne, Ambassador, 236 Madras, 282 Mafeking, relief of, 372 Magdalena Bay, 34 Malaria, 21 Malta, 112 Mameluke Bey, 111 Mannheim, performance King Lear, 138 Manuscripts by Mark Twain “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” 123 “Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” “Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven,” viii “Following the Equator,” 270, 272, 294, 306 “Innocents Abroad,” 1, 56, 62, 67, 73 > 8 4, 92 , ?7 Jumping Frog, j >. 55 . „ Life on the Mississippi, 3,161 Man Who Corrupted Hadleys- burg,” 216 My Platonic Sweetheart,” 364 Mysterious Stranger, The,”viii, « « Rambling Notes of an Idle Ex¬ cursion,” 33, 127 Roughing It,” n, 17, 33 > I2 3 1601,” viii What Is Man?” viii Marchesi, Madame, 320 Marcus Aurelius, 307 Maria Theresa, 308 Marie, Grand Duchess of Odessa, Marine disaster, 2J Mark Twain, biography chap. LXVI, 117 false death report, 328 Marmora Sea, 82 Marquesas Islands, 16 Marseilles, France, landing of Quaker City , 6p, 121 Marshall, John, chief justice, 375 Marteau, Jean Pierre, 121 Mauritius, 282 Maxims in the rough, 12, 393, 394 Maynard, Horace (Tenn.), 116 McClure, 213 McFarlane, Mrs., 18, 20 McIntyre, 15 McMeth, Tangier consul, 66 Mecca, 324 Mediterranean, 67, 109 Melbourne, Dr. Fitzgerald, 2$2 Memphis, Hat Is., Goose Is.. Com¬ merce Grand Tower, 163 Mental telegraphy, 368, 369 Merrey, Capt., 41 Metropole Hotel, Vienna, 2 Mexico, 35 4 , Michael, Grand Duke of Odessa, 80 Mine, gold, quartz, 80 Minerva Temple, Acropolis, 72 Minister of Interior, 18 Minnehaha , steamer, 374 Missionaries, 10,11,13,16, 21, 23, 28 . Mississippi River, 3,161 Moffatt, Pamela, M. Twain s sister, death of, 392 Mohammed’s Lookout, 392 Monkey on board ship, 42, 5 1 Montana, 118 Montezuma, III., 4 Montmorency Falls, 160 Moors, 64-60 Morgue, 296 Morgan, John L., 119 Mormons, 11 Morning Post, London, 305 Morocco, 64, 65 Moses, 102 Mosque, 65, 97 Motley, 157 Mount Ida, 74 , . „ _ „ My Dehut as a Literary Person, 25 My Father, Mark Twam , by Clara Clemens, 3 1 4 > 399 409 INDEX Mumps, suffered with, 13 Munich, 147, 149 Murat, 102 Murders in the Rue Morgue , 296 Murray Hill Hotel, New York, dinner to Sir Henry Irving, 194 Nablus, Samaria, 96 Nain, village in Holy Land, 94 Napier, Inscription on Monument, 261 Naples, 70 Napoleon, 93, 101, 218, 241 Nature, Bible of, 362 Nature, Book of, 362 Nature's attitude, 255 Nazareth, Village of, 94, 102 New Guinea , Missionary Record, 286 New Orleans, Bob Toombs, story of, 165 New South Wales, horse racing, 252 New Willard Hotel, arrived at, Newark, 3 a, S3, SS, 5? New York Chamber of Commerce, 263 New York Harbor, 53, 58 New York passengers, 42 New York Times , 1930, “Memoirs of Leschetizky,” 353 New Zealand, 254 Newman, Rev. Dr., 180 Newspaper Correspondent, 5, 9, 55 , 79 , 87 Niagara, 300 Nicaragua, Isthmus of, 32, 37 Republic of, 38, 41 Noah’s Ark, 26 Nobles, House of, 10 Notes , lost, 2, 11, 69, 167 (1883) Nudd, Asa, 16 Oahu, 24 Oakley, Capt. Ned., 33 Odessa, 77 Oil, 9 “Old Admiral,” retired Whale¬ man, 11 Olives, Mount of, 101 Olivet, 101 Ornithorhynchus, poem of, 264 Orton, Arthur, 242 Otto, Archduke, 354 Pacific Ocean, 12, 19, 26 Paige, J. W., inventor typesetting machine, 205, 211, 230-235 Palestine, 55, 85, 92, 112 Palmists prediction, 320 Paris, viii Paris, Palais d’Industrie, St. Jerome and Skull, Bois de Boulogne, Place de la Con¬ corde, 152, 153 Parthenon Columns, 71 Passport, 22 Patents, 2 Patriotism, 332 Peking, 32 Penn, William, 210 Peter, 101, 102 Peter’s Prison in Rome, 70 Philadelphia, 164 Phineas, 104 Picturesque incidents in History, 184 Pickwick Papers, 185 Pierce, 130 Pietermaritzburg, Natal, 293 Pilate, 109 Pilatus, Mount, 334 Pilgrim's Progress ? New , 113 Pillar of Flagellation, 98 Piloting,. 3, 4 Piloto, river, 3 Poet Laureate, 59 Poetry, 29, 69 Politics, ix, 13, 14 Polk, 130 Polygamy, 11 Pond, terms offered, 242, 243, 328 Pontius Pilate, 149 Port, Horta, Azores, 61 Port, Hudson, 176 Portland, Ore., “standing room only,” 247 Portrait of Mark Twain, 386 Pratt & Whitney, 176 410 INDEX Pretoria, 293 Priests, treatment in Mexico, 16 Prince Bill, 18 Prince and the Pauper , 129, 207 Prince of Wales, 279 Princess Irene,, sailed in, 383 Princeton Review, 192 Prohibition, 257 Proofreaders, Twain’s opinion of, Proverfs, Pudd’nhead Wilson, 237, 320 Pyrotechnic Display, 18 Quaker City Holy Land Excur¬ sion, 55 Ship, 61, 69 Quarantine, escape, from, 72 Quarry Farm, Elmira, N. Y., 243 Queenstown, Cape Colony, 297 Rabelais, 151 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 151 Rambling Notes , Idle Excursion , 33, 127 (“Atlantic”) Ramleh, 101 Ran Bayou Goule, 5 Rats, procession of, 36 . “Recent Carnival of Crime in Con¬ necticut, the” (story), 348 Reception by Emperor, 79 Reicnstadt, Duke of, 368 Religion, ix, 9 Religious freedom, 21 Rembrandt’s School of Anatomy Hague, 154 Restaurant, French, 6 Rhodes, Cecil, premier, resigned, 270 captured plans, 294 Rhodes, Island of, 111 Rhone, Boat trip down, 217 Richards. Charley, 15 Rights of Women, 28 Rising, Reverend, 15 Ritchie, George, 161,162 Robinson, Henry C., copy of letter _ to, 317 Dr., 100 Brooklyn, 116 Rogers, H. H., 236,238,263,359 Rome, 146, 147 Roosevelt, President, 389 Rosencranz, Gen., 115 Roughing It ,n, 17, 33, 123 Rumsey, Col., 21 Russia, 76 Sacramento, 9, 17 Saint Louis, Mo., 9, 55 Saint Marks, treasure collection, 14 3 Saint Marks, Venice, 142 Saint Nicholai Church, Hamburg, J 34 Saint Paul, the Metropolitan, 164 Saint Stephen’s Gate, Jerusalem, 98 Salacious, ix Salt Lake, 19 Salvation Army, 257, 263 Samaria, 96 Sampson, Admiral, 343 Samson, Jews, 151 San Carlos, Fort, 39 Sandhurst, Lady, 272 Sandhurst, Lord, Governor of Bombay, 272 Sandwich Islands, 11, 13 San Francisco, 5, 8, 24, 29, 32, 34, San Francisco (ship), 41 Sanhedrin, Palestine, 93 San Juan, 32, 38 San Juan Bay, 38 San Juan River, 30, 41 Santa Croce, Half of Mars, Pitti Palace, 144 Santiago de Cuba, harbor of, 343 Sarah, 105 Sartoris, Mrs., 175, 176 Savage Club, speech, 371 Scribner's Magazine , 22 Seamen’s Friends Society, 17 Seas: Black, 82; Capurnium, 92; Dead, 99; Galilee, 91, 93 ; Marmora, 82; Med iterranean 67 Sebastopol, Russia, 76, 77, 81 Sepulchre, Holy, 101 411 INDEX Seraglio Gardens, Constantinople, 75, 82 Shakespeare, 240, 316, 401 Shechem, Samaria, 96, 103 Shellabauger, Judge, 115 Shepheard’s Hotel, 111 Sherman, General, 185 Sherman, Life of, proves unprofit¬ able, 203 Sherry, Miss Margaret, trained nurse, 383 Ships: Ajax , 9; America , 32; Ben¬ nington, 250; Comet , 24, 29; Greek , 74; Hornet , 25, 28, 30; Minnehaha , 37, 41; Quaker City , 61; Smyrniote , 23, 24; Saw Francisco , 41; Warramoo, 249, 262 Silver, 30 pieces, 101 Simon, the tanner, 101 “1601” viii Sketches, collected, 55 Smith, Roswell, 174 Smyrna Bay, 83 Smyrniote, ship, 23, 24 Smythe, Carlyle, 298, 300 Snowstorm, California, 8 Solomon, 100, 106 Solomon’s Temple, 100, 101 South Africa, 292 Spain, Tarifa, 63, 113 Spencer family, 24 Sphinx, hi, 112, 113 Staminato, 143 Standard Oil Co., 238 Stanley, 210 Statistics, 14 Steamboat, 5 Stedman, Edmund Clarence, Li¬ brary of American Literature, 233 Stevens, Thad., 114 Stewart, Consul, 154 Stewart, Senator, 114 Stockton, 18 Stoddard, Chas. Warren, 230 Stoker, Dick, 7 Stomach Club, viii Stormfield (Capt.), Visit to Heaven , vi >33 168 Storms at Sea, 26, 32, 44, 52, 62 Stories: The Californian’s Tale, 7; Jumping Frog, 7, 55 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 191 Stromboli sighted, 70 Suffrage, universal, 10, 28 Sumatra, Dutch settlement, 286 Sunday Closing Law, 258 Sweden, Queen Christina, 339 Swiss thoroughness, 331 Switzerland, 331 Swordfish, 31 Sydney, Commercial Banking Co., 251 Syria, 84, 86 Szczepanik’s designing machine, patents on, 357 Tabor, Mount, 102 Tangier, 63 Tarifa, town in Spain, 63 Taj Mahal, 279, 300 Taylor, Bayard, death of, 147 Taylor, Fort, Key West, 49 Television, prediction of, 193 Tempest at sea, 26, 32 Temples: Acropolis, 72; Hercules, 73; Minerva, 72 Tennessee, 9 Terra del Fuego, 43 Territorial Enterprise , Virginia Newspaper, 5, 9 Theme, 1 $ 30,000 Bequest, The, 336 Thomas of Md., 115 Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas, 151 Tiberius, 92, 93 Tilden, 130 Toahi, 18 Todtleben, General of Sebastopol, 81 Tomb, St. Agnes, 101 Tomb, Virgin Mary, 101 Towhead, infant island, 161 Tramp Abroad, A, 133, 150 Transvaal, South African Re¬ public, 294 Trappist monastery, 292 Trenton, Flagship, 154 Tribune , letters, 113 Trinity College, 26 Troy, 73 412 INDEX Tuolumne County, 7 Turkish Writings. 75 Tuttletown, Calif., 5, 7 Twain’s last will, 392 Twain’s publishing venture nears its end, 203 Twichell, Rev. Joseph, vi, 123, 125, 129, 150, 151, 208, 225, 318, 327, 356 Tyler, 130 Typesetting machine, 181, 187 Union, Sacramento , 9 Unter den Linden, 220 Uriah, 109 Vallecito, Calif., 5 Van Nostrand, Jack, 72, 84 Van Valkenbergh, Gen., 21 Vennor’s prediction, 159 Verne, Jules, 118 Vessels, Greek, 74 Via Dolorosa, 101, 109 Vicar of Wakefield, 240, 262, 266 Victoria, Queen, 304 Victoria Cross, 196 Vienna, Hotel Metrople, 339 Vienna, Hotel Metropole, 2 Villa Biihlegg Weggis, Lake Lu- TT . cerne^ 333, 336 Virginia City, Nevada, 5, 9 “Visit to Heaven” (Capt. Storm- field’s), viii, 33 Volcanoes, on Toahi, 18 Von Versen, General, 223 Vote, educational test, 65 Voyages, 9, ij, 24, 33 , 37 , 43 , 5 6 , 67,70 Waitukuran, 260 Wakeman, Capt. Ned ( Visit to Heaven ), 32, 33, 35, 130 Ward, Artemus, 7 Warner, Chas. Dudley, 123 Warranwo, ship, 249, 262 Washburn of Ill., 114 Washington, 114 Washoe, Nev., 16, 21, 24 “Was it Heaven or Hell?”, 378 Waterspout, 31 Waverly, la., 48 Wayland, Prof. Francis, 191 Weather, temperatures, 52 Webb, Chas. Henry, 55 Weber’s, 18 Webster, Charles L., 174, 238 Wedding Anniversary, 354 Wellington, New Zealand, sailed from, 262 Westminster Abbey, 129 Westminster, no sanctuary for Prince Henry, 184 “What Is Man?” (story) viii Whitmore, F. G., 226, 227 Williams, 11 Windsor Hotel, Mount Royal, Montreal, Canada, 159 Wit, definition of, 185 Wood, Fernando, 114 Woodward (Dem.) of Penna., 114 Woodyard, 41 Worcester Spy (John D. Baldwin, Prop.), 116 Writ of Replevin, 2. Writer of pure English, 94 Writing, 2 Wurtemberg, King and Queen of, 222 ^ - X-ray, 350 Yalta, Russia, 79 Yankee at Arthur’s Courts 171, 195,196, 222 ^ ' Zangwill’s “Master,” 267 Zeb Dana Valley, 87 Zion Hill, 100 Zola, Enule ; 342 Zulus, Livingstone River Canni¬ bals, i$o 413